TPCC 7 Singly RC Beam

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NSCP 2015
(Reinforced for Tension only)
For flexure, design strength at all sections shall satisfy;

ɸMn ≥ Mu

ɸMn = ultimate moment capacity or the design strength of the
member at a particular section
Mu = ultimate moment capacity at section due to factored loads
Mn = nominal moment capacity
ɸ = strength reduction factor
Stress Diagram for Singly Reinforced Beam
a = depth of equivalent stress block
b = width of the beam
c = distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis
d = effective depth
h = total beam height, overall thickness of the member
As = area of tension reinforcement, steel area
C = total compressive force acting on the member
T = total tensile force acting on the member
Mn = nominal moment capacity
f’c = specified compressive stress of concrete
fy = specified yield stress of steel
fs = calculated stress in reinforcement at service loads
a = β1 c
Values of β1 for equivalent rectangular concrete stress distribution
f’c (MPa) β1
17 ≤ f’c ≤ 28 0.85
28 < f’c < 55 0.85 -
f’c ≥ 55 0.65
Steel Area and Steel Ratio

As = ρbd


As = steel area
ρ = actual ratio of steel reinforcement
b = width of the member
d = effective depth
Ru = coefficient of resistance
Nominal and Ultimate Moment
Mn = C
Mn = T

Mu = ɸ Mn
Mu = ɸRu bd2 s
Tension-Controlled Section
Ɛs ≥ 0.005 ; ɸ = 0.90
ct = d
a = β1 c t
ɸMnt = ɸC
Transition Zone Section
Ɛs = 0.0021 to 0.0049 ; ɸ = shall be computed

ɸ = 0.65 + (Ɛs – 0.002)

Compression-Controlled Section
Ɛs = 0.002; ɸ = 0.65

T = As fs

fs =
Balanced Condition
cb =
a = β1 c b
ɸ Mnb = ɸ C

ρb =
Maximum Condition
cmax = d
a = β1 cmax
ɸ Mnmax = ɸ C

ρmax =
Minimum Condition
The value of the steel ratio (ρmin) shall be equal to:

ρmin =

But shall not be less than to:

ρmin =
If: ɸ Mnmax ≥ Mu (Singly Reinforced)
If: ɸ Mnmax < Mu (Doubly Reinforced)

If: ɸMnt > Mu (Tension Controlled)

If: ɸMnt < Mu (Transition Zone)

If: ρ ≤ ρb ; check the value of fs:

if: fs ≥ 1000 MPa (Tension Controlled)
if: fs < 1000 MPa (Transition Zone)

If: ρ > ρb (Compression Controlled)

Sample Problem 1:
A reinforced concrete rectangular beam 300 mm wide has an effective
depth of 500 mm and is reinforced for tension only. Assuming f’c = 21
Mpa, fy = 345 Mpa.
1. Determine the balanced steel ratio. (Ans. 0.0279)
2. Determine the balanced steel area required. (Ans. 4188
Sample Problem 2:
A beam has a width of 300 mm and an effective depth of 500 mm. f’c =
30 Mpa, fy = 414 Mpa.
1. Determine the depth of compression block for a balanced
condition. (Ans. 248.52 mm)
2. Determine the balanced steel area required. (Ans. 4570.5
Sample Problem 3:
A reinforced concrete rectangular beam 300 mm wide has an effective
depth of 500 mm and is reinforced for tension only. Assming f’c = 21
Mpa, fy = 345 Mpa.
1. Determine the maximum steel ratio. (Ans. 0.0189)
2. Determine the maximum steel area required. (Ans. 2827.5 sq. mm)
3. Determine the maximum ultimate moment capacity of the beam.
(Ans. 328.66 kN-m)
Sample Problem 4:
A beam has a width of 300 mm and an effective depth of 500 mm. f’c =
28 Mpa, fy = 414 Mpa
1. Determine the maximum depth of rectangular stress block.
(Ans.182.15 mm)
2. Determine the maximum steel area required. (Ans. 3141
Sample Problem 5:
A rectangular beam has a b = 300 mm and an effective depth of 490
mm. f’c = 27.6 Mpa and steel yield strength fy = 276 Mpa. Calculate the
required tension steel area if the factored moment Mu is:
1. 20 kN-m (Ans. 745.29 sq. mm)
2. 140 kN-m (Ans. 1208.34 sq. mm)
3. 410 kN-m (Ans. 4108.15 sq. mm)
4. 500 KN-m (Ans. Doubly Reinforced)
Sample Problem 6:
A rectangular beam has b = 300 mm and an effective depth of 500 mm.
As = 3-25mmØ, f’c = 34.2 Mpa and fy = 414 Mpa. Calculate the design
Mu. (Ans. 255.17 kN-m)
Sample Problem 7:
Calculate the ultimate moment capacity of the rectangular beam with b
= 300 mm, d = 500, As = 9 – 28mmØ. Assume f’c = 34 Mpa, fy = 414
Mpa. (Ans. 522.46 kN-m)
Sample Problem 8:
A rectangular concrete beam has a width of 300 mm and an effective
depth of 550 mm. The beam is simply supported over a span of 6m and
is used to carry a uniform dead load of 20 kN/m and uniform live load
of 40 kN/m. Assume f’c = 21 Mpa and fy = 312 Mpa, compressive
reinforcement if necessary shall be placed at a depth of 80 mm from
the outermost compression concrete. Determine the required tension
steel area. (Ans. 3269.14 sq. mm)

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