TPCC 7 Singly RC Beam
TPCC 7 Singly RC Beam
TPCC 7 Singly RC Beam
ɸMn ≥ Mu
ɸMn = ultimate moment capacity or the design strength of the
member at a particular section
Mu = ultimate moment capacity at section due to factored loads
Mn = nominal moment capacity
ɸ = strength reduction factor
Stress Diagram for Singly Reinforced Beam
a = depth of equivalent stress block
b = width of the beam
c = distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis
d = effective depth
h = total beam height, overall thickness of the member
As = area of tension reinforcement, steel area
C = total compressive force acting on the member
T = total tensile force acting on the member
Mn = nominal moment capacity
f’c = specified compressive stress of concrete
fy = specified yield stress of steel
fs = calculated stress in reinforcement at service loads
a = β1 c
Values of β1 for equivalent rectangular concrete stress distribution
f’c (MPa) β1
17 ≤ f’c ≤ 28 0.85
28 < f’c < 55 0.85 -
f’c ≥ 55 0.65
Steel Area and Steel Ratio
As = ρbd
As = steel area
ρ = actual ratio of steel reinforcement
b = width of the member
d = effective depth
Ru = coefficient of resistance
Nominal and Ultimate Moment
Mn = C
Mn = T
Mu = ɸ Mn
Mu = ɸRu bd2 s
Tension-Controlled Section
Ɛs ≥ 0.005 ; ɸ = 0.90
ct = d
a = β1 c t
ɸMnt = ɸC
Transition Zone Section
Ɛs = 0.0021 to 0.0049 ; ɸ = shall be computed
T = As fs
fs =
Balanced Condition
cb =
a = β1 c b
ɸ Mnb = ɸ C
ρb =
Maximum Condition
cmax = d
a = β1 cmax
ɸ Mnmax = ɸ C
ρmax =
Minimum Condition
The value of the steel ratio (ρmin) shall be equal to:
ρmin =
ρmin =
If: ɸ Mnmax ≥ Mu (Singly Reinforced)
If: ɸ Mnmax < Mu (Doubly Reinforced)