Ge7 Im1
Ge7 Im1
Ge7 Im1
Historical Developments
Historical Antecedents in which Social Considerations Changed the
course of Science and Technology
General Concepts and STS Historical
Historical Antecedents in which Social Considerations Changed the
Course of Science and Technology
Learning Outcomes
1. Discuss the interactions between S&T and society throughout history.
2. Discuss how scientific and technological developments affect society
and the environment.
3. Identify the paradigm shifts in history
4. Creatively present the importance and contributions of Science and
Technology to society
Introduction to Science and Technology
• The history of science and technology is long. In this history, science
and technology have a strong interaction with society. But before
discussing these interactions and its history, we need to first answer:
What is science?
What is technology?
Introduction to Science and Technology
• What is science?
1. ‘Science’ is a body of knowledge that seeks to understand the
natural world. In this sense, ‘science’ seeks to understand and
explain the natural things and phenomena such as pollination,
volcanic eruptions, and constellations.
Introduction to Science and Technology
• What is science?
2. Science as an idea
I includes ideas, theories, and all available systematic explanations and
observations about the natural world and physical world
3. Science is an intellectual activity
It refers to the process of systematic and objective investigation or
understanding of the natural world. This process includes observation, and
4. Science is a personal and social activity
This makes science a way for humans to understand themselves and their
world. It also means that science is connected with everyone’s life and the society.
Introduction to Science and Technology
• What is technology?
1. Technology is artifacts
In this definition, technology refers to products, inventions and
outputs such as the microscope, solar panel and light bulb.
Introduction to Science and Technology
• What is technology?
2. Technology is a technique
In this definition, technology refers to practices, methods or
steps such as genetic engineering, rice planting and welding.
3. Technology is a personal and social activity
This makes technology a tool for humans to improve themselves,
and their everyday life. It also means that technology is
connected with the society and everyone’s life.
Introduction to Science and Technology
Science and Technology
Science and Technology have a dual interaction which means
that they influence each other
Science Technology
Introduction to Science and Technology
• Science, Technology and Society
Given that both science and technology are social activities, they
also have dual interactions with society
Ancient World
History of Science No one exactly knows when science and technology began.
However, the earliest known technology are the stone tools (i.e.
and Technology scraper, hammer) used by humans during stone age
Ancient World
History of Science Later, early hunters, gatherers and foragers developed skills and
techniques to use tools and make weapons, to use fire, and to
and Technology identify edible plants and animals. The knowledge and practice
spread as they migrated across continents
History of Science and Technology
Ancient World
Nearly 10,000 years ago, as the
population grew and naturally
available food sources
declined, humans started to
domesticate plants and
animals. This preceded the
Agricultural Revolution which
started somewhere in the
Middle East.
History of Science and Technology
Ancient World
Agricultural Revolution lead to the
development of towns. New plants
and animals were being grown for
consumption. In this period,
humans started to develop sun-
dried bricks, ceramics, mortars and
even metal products. The first
known metal used by men is copper
(6500 BCE).
History of Science and Technology
Ancient World
By the end of the Agricultural Revolution, many products made from
copper, bronze and iron. Development of ceramics also prospered.
Wheels were developed for transportation. Writing was invented.
History of Science and Technology
Ancient World
After the Agricultural Revolution, scientific knowledge and
technological advancements led to the rise of civilizations. These
civilizations paved the way to more advancements in science and
technology. Evidences of these are the many infrastructure built such as
irrigations, roads and bridges.
In the ancient world, many technologies were developed to serve the
needs of humanity.
What were these technologies? What were their impact to society at
that time? Do we still see those technologies today? If not, what
technologies are similar or may have evolved from these ancient
History of Science and Technology
Classical Antiquity
The next period is called Classical Antiquity, which was
dominatedby the Greek and Roman civilization. It was during
this period when the current concept of science began.
Specifically, it started with the Ionian School of Philosophy,
which introduced the earliest form of scientific method, based
on reasoning and observation.
History of Science and Technology
Classical Antiquity
The most notable Greek philosophers of this period are Socrates, Plato
and Aristotle. They laid the foundation of modern-day science. They
initiated the discipline of understanding of the universe and the natural
world using the earliest form of scientific method.
• Socrates
Socrates is known for his method of
inquiry called elenchus. Using this
method, aproblem must be broken
down into a series of questions that
need to be answered. This is the
basic of the current concept of
making hypothesis for a specific
research problem.
Plato is a student of Socrates.
Plato believed that all substances
are made up of earth, air, water
and fire. He always emphasized the
concept of proof and insisted on
having concrete and clear
hypothesis in understanding
Aristotle is a student of Plato. He is
known for his deductive method of
scientific inquiry. He believed that
natural principles can be identified
through careful observation, which
is another foundational component
of the scientific method.
Classical Antiquity
In Egypt the city of Alexandria became a center of scientific knowledge.
One of the first important scientific text from Africa is the Edwin Smith
Papyrus. It is a medical text about ancient surgery methods. Also,
knowledge in Chemistry was applied in ancient cloth tanning,
indigenous distillation and fermentation.