Marketing F 110

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IBM's Success in Institutional Markets

Focus on B-to-B partnerships

and customer-driven strategies

IBM derives most B-to-B focus on solving Transformed business

revenue from large complex info to offer IT, software,
businesses and analytics problems services, consulting
and institutions

Understanding Employees build close Examples: Vivek

customer needs relationships with Gupta's success
and implementing institutional in understanding pain
customer-driven customers points and finding
marketing solutions
IBM's Success in Government Markets

Understanding and Meeting

Government Customer Needs

IBM's primary IBM has transformed Importance

customers are large its business to offer of understanding
businesses, a comprehensive the specific needs
institutions, range of integrated and priorities
and government information of government
entities technology, software, customers
services, consulting,
and advice

Significance Example of an IBM Emphasis on

of partnering with employee a customer-centric
government developing approach in the
customers to solve relationships with government market
their complex government and IBM's ability
information decision-makers to provide end-to-
and analytics to successfully sell end
challenges IBM solutions solutions
IBM is the most valuable IBM has shifted into data analytics,
B-to-B brand in the cloud computing, cybersecurity,
world, valued at 94 social networking, and mobile
billion technology solutions

IBM's emphasis is IBM works closely with B-to-B

on partnering with large customers on assessing, planning,

IBM's Success
business designing, and implementing their
and institutional … data and analytics systems

in Institutional IBM has survived

and Government
IBM's marketing campaign positions
and thrived for over 100
the company as a leader in the
years, unlike other

new 'cognitive era'
Fortune top-25 …

IBM's focus on B-to-B IBM's mission

has transformed
IBM's success in B-to-B marketing
involves developing close day-in,
marketing to delivering insights day-out working relationships with

and customer solutions and solutions … customers

IBM now offers a full IBM's top salesperson, Vivek Gupta,

slate of integrated focuses on understanding customer
information technology, pain points and finding complete
software, and business … solutions

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