Chapter - 6
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 6
System Threats
Authentication One Time passwords Program Threats System Threats
• Authentication • One-time • Operating system's • System threats
refers to passwords provide processes and refers to misuse of
identifying each additional security kernel do the system services
user of the system along with normal designated task as and network
and associating authentication. instructed. If a connections to put
the executing • In One-Time user program user in trouble.
programs with Password system, made these • System threats can
those users a unique password process do be used to launch
is required every malicious tasks, program threats
time user tries to then it is known as on a complete
login into the Program Threats. network called as
system. program attack.
Protection refers to a mechanism
which controls the access of programs,
processes, or users to the resources
defined by a computer system.
Need of Protection:
To ensure that each active
To prevent the access of programs or processes in To improve reliability by
unauthorized users the system uses resources detecting latent errors.
only as the stated policy,
Models of protection
Types of Encryption
Management either by returning the component to
normal operation, or taking alternative
actions to restore service