Year 4 Science Week 1

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TOPIC: Particles, substances and





look around the classroom and find out different materials.

1. Which materials are solid?

2.Are there materials that are liquid and gas?
3. Mention them if any.
How did you decide each material was a solid, liquid or gas?
1. Material
2. Substance
3. Particle
4. particle model
5. Solid
6. Liquid

• Say the meaning of matter
• Explain meaning of particles, substances and materials.
• Describe the difference between them

• I can say the meaning of matter

• I can explain meaning of particles,
substances and materials.
• I can describe the difference between

What do you think these terms mean?

material and substance to the learners and ask them this
• What do you think each one means?
• matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.
Why are windows made of glass?
•In this lesson, you will
learn how properties
can be used to classify
and identify matter.
Describing Matter
•Describing Matter

Why do all samples of a substance have the same

intensive properties?
Describing Matter

•Look at the materials on the table. What you observe

when you look at a particular sample of matter is its

• Is a solid shiny or dull?

• Does a liquid flow quickly or slowly?
• Is a gas odorless, or does it have a smell?

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Describing Matter
Extensive Properties
•Recall that matter is anything that has mass and
takes up space.
• The mass of an object is a measure of the amount of matter the
object contains.

– The mass of a basketball is

greater than the mass of a golf

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Describing Matter
Extensive Properties
•The volume of an object is a measure of the space
occupied by the object.
• The volume of a basketball is greater than the volume of a golf ball.

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Describing Matter
Intensive Properties
•For example, leather balls are suitable for indoor play
but not outdoor play.
• Leather balls absorb water and dirt more than rubber balls do.
Describing Matter
Identifying a Substance
•Matter that has a uniform and definite composition
is called a substance.

• Aluminum and copper are examples of substances, which are also

referred to as pure substances.
Group 2 Group 3
Using a measuring Using a measuring
Find out if each item cylinder,
is a material or a substance
measure cylinder,(use
the internet if you please.)
the capacity of the capacity of
the containers the containers
placed in front of placed
Create a ‘materials set’ and a ‘substance set’. To sort in front of
the class in the class in
these centiliters and centiliters and
•Do any of the answers surprise
express it inyou? express it in
•Discuss with your partner andand
milliliters share with the class. and
litres. litres.
•Glass is often used to make windows, while copper
is often used in electrical wires. What properties
of glass make it a desirable material to use for
•Glass is often used to make windows, while copper
is often used in electrical wires. What properties
of glass make it a desirable material to use for
•Glass is transparent, so it can be seen through; hard, so it
stays in place within window frames; and heat resistant, so it
helps prevent the transfer of heat between outside and
•You want to compile a list of properties of a
substance, but you don’t have a way to measure
mass or volume. What kinds of properties can
you determine without knowing the amount of
matter in the sample?
•You want to compile a list of properties of a
substance, but you don’t have a way to measure
mass or volume. What kinds of properties can
you determine without knowing the amount of
matter in the sample?

•You can determine the sample’s intensive properties.

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Pace setters Goal getters Star takers

1. What is matter 1. What is matter 1. What is matter
2. Explain meaning of 2. Explain meaning of 2. Describe the
particles, particles, substances difference between
substances and and materials. them
3. Describe the
difference between
Topic: Particles, substances and materials
Say the meaning of matter
Explain meaning of particles, substances and materials.
Describe the difference between them
I can say the meaning of matter
I can explain meaning of particles, substances and materials.
I can describe the difference between them.

Matter is anything around us. All matters are made up of particles.

A particle is a very small parts or bit of something.

Materials are mixture of different substances. Objects are made from different types of materials.

Substances are pure types of solid, liquid or gas. It is not a mixture. For example, salt, water etc are examples of substances.

Enquiries questions
Is glass a material or a substance? Say why.
How are sand and water similar?
How are they different?

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