Alumina, Al2O3 3-8 Setting, imparts quick setting, excess make weak
Iron oxide, Fe2O3 0.5-6 Grey colour, strength to cement & hardness
Sulphur trioxide, SO3 1-2 Reduce the setting time, combined with lime gives calcium
Soda(Na2O) and 0.5-1 react with agg. Cause disintegration of concrete, affect the rate of
Potash (K2O) gain of strength
Main use is in the fabrication of concrete and mortars
Modern uses
Building (floors, beams, columns, roofing, piles, bricks, mortar, panels, plaster)
Transport (roads, pathways, crossings, bridges, viaducts, tunnels, parking, etc.)
Water (pipes, drains, canals, dams, tanks, pools, etc.)
Civil (piers, docks, retaining walls, silos, warehousing, poles, pylons, fencing)
Agriculture (buildings, processing, housing, irrigation)
Increasingly large cement factories store the product in huge
silos before distributing it in bags or at retail. We had to adapt
to this need as cement is present throughout our environment,
manufacturers are building more and more. And if in 1870,
when the first cement factories were created, it took 40 hours to
produce a ton of cement, today, the same quantity is produced
in less than three minutes.