Week 2
Week 2
Week 2
BIT-6 S1-205
Distributed Systems Vs Centralised Systems
Distributed Systems Vs Centralised Systems
Distribution Transparency
• A distributed system should hide the fact that its processes
and resources are physically distributed across multiple
computers. A transparent distributed system is one that is
able to present itself to users and applications as if it were
only a single computer system
• Types of transparency:
Distribution Transparency
• With Access transparency we wish to hide differences in
machine architectures, like machines with different operating
systems, each having their own file-naming conventions.
These should all be hidden from users and applications.
• In summary:
o Open systems are characterized by the fact that their key
interfaces are published.
Geographical scalability
• It is currently hard to scale existing distributed
systems that were designed for LANs because they
are based on synchronous communication. A client
requesting service, blocks until a reply is sent back.
Building interactive applications using synchronous
communication in wide-area systems requires a
great deal of care.
Administrative Scalability
• A major problem here is conflicting policies with
respect to resource usage (and payment),
management, and security. Many components of a
distributed system that reside within a single
domain can often be trusted by users that operate
within that same domain. This trust however, does
not expand naturally across domain boundaries.