This document discusses ethical dilemmas, their impact on business, and how to resolve them. It describes how ethical dilemmas present difficult choices between two undesirable options that can affect shareholders, employees, and society. Maintaining ethics is important for businesses to build trust, protect stakeholders, and prevent legal and reputational issues. The document recommends a six-step approach to resolving dilemmas by identifying the key facts, affected parties, alternatives, consequences, and determining the appropriate course of action consistent with one's values.
This document discusses ethical dilemmas, their impact on business, and how to resolve them. It describes how ethical dilemmas present difficult choices between two undesirable options that can affect shareholders, employees, and society. Maintaining ethics is important for businesses to build trust, protect stakeholders, and prevent legal and reputational issues. The document recommends a six-step approach to resolving dilemmas by identifying the key facts, affected parties, alternatives, consequences, and determining the appropriate course of action consistent with one's values.
This document discusses ethical dilemmas, their impact on business, and how to resolve them. It describes how ethical dilemmas present difficult choices between two undesirable options that can affect shareholders, employees, and society. Maintaining ethics is important for businesses to build trust, protect stakeholders, and prevent legal and reputational issues. The document recommends a six-step approach to resolving dilemmas by identifying the key facts, affected parties, alternatives, consequences, and determining the appropriate course of action consistent with one's values.
This document discusses ethical dilemmas, their impact on business, and how to resolve them. It describes how ethical dilemmas present difficult choices between two undesirable options that can affect shareholders, employees, and society. Maintaining ethics is important for businesses to build trust, protect stakeholders, and prevent legal and reputational issues. The document recommends a six-step approach to resolving dilemmas by identifying the key facts, affected parties, alternatives, consequences, and determining the appropriate course of action consistent with one's values.
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A Presented by: Carulla, Erica Keith I. Magday, Kristine Mae G. CONTENT 01 ETHICAL DILEMMA
SIX STEP APPROACH THAT FOLLOWS IS 07 INTENDED TO E A RELATIVELY SIMPLE APPROACH TO RESOLVING ETHICAL DILEMMAS ETHICAL DILEMMA Eth ical Dilemma is a situation a person faces in which a decision must be mad e ab ou t the appro priate beh avior. A simple ex ample o f an ethical d ilemma is fin ding a diamond ring, wh ich n ecessitates d eciding whether to attempt to find the owner or to keep it.
> it is also known Moral Dilemma .
Ethic al Dilemmas is moral situation were a choice ha s to be made between two equally underisable alternatives. ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND Corporate management is in dilemmas to follow ethics in business or to favor stakeholders. The major ethical dilemmas those affect any ITS AFFECT ON BUSINESS business are;
01 02 03 04
The employee may feel torn SO CIETY They can create conflicts between following the company's An ethical dilemma occurs N EGATIV E IMA G E of interest, break trust, and instructions and maintaining when a person encounters damage relationships Lorem ipsum dolor sit their own personal values and conflicts among values, between the business and amet, consectetur beliefs around safety . False duties, rights, and its stakeholders . adipiscing elit. Duis accounting, sexual harassment, obligations . Moral vulputate nulla at ante data privacy, nepotism, philosophers and ethicists rhoncus, vel efficitur felis discrimination—these are just often refer to these condimentum. Proin odio some examples that happen in situations as hard cases. odio. today's workplace. IMPORTANCE OF ETHICAL ACT ON BUSINESS Maintain good reputation of Protect business the organization by meeting Build good organization from the expectation of relationship and gain dishonest and harmful shareholders. trust of the employees, public and shareholders of competitors organization.
Protect and prevent
general public from Protect employees of who are related to the organization. the organization. RESOLVING ETHICAL DILEMMA -In re c en t ye a rs, fo rm a l fra m e work h a v e be e n de ve lo pe d to the pe ople re so lve Ethica l Dile m m as. The purpose o f suc h a fra m e work is in ide ntifying th e e thic a l issue a nd de c iding on a n a p p ropria te c ourse o f a n a c tion using th e pe rson`s own va lu e s. i s i n t e n d e d to t h a t f o l l o w s t e p a p p r o a c h l v i n g Decide the appropriate Six- s r o a ch t o r e s o l y s im p l e a p p be a r e l a t i v e action l d i l e m m a s : ethica h e l i k e l y Identify t c h n c e s o f e a c o n s e q u e a l t e r n a t i v e Identify the alternatives Obtain relative facts available to the person who must resolve the dilemma
Determine who is affected by the
Identify the ethical outcome of the dilemma and how issues from the facts each person or group is affected THANK'S FOR LISTENING!