Three Phase Circuits
Three Phase Circuits
Three Phase Circuits
Three-phase Sinusoidal Balanced
Usage of three-phase voltage supply is very
common for generation, transmission and
distribution of bulk electrical power
Almost all industrial loads are supplied by three-
phase power supply.
Advantages over single phase systems such as
cost and efficiency for same amount of power
Balanced Three-phase Circuits
Three-phase balanced system is expressed using
following voltages and currents.
Balanced Three-phase Circuits-
Three Phase Instantaneous Active Power
Three phase instantaneous active power in three phase system is
Where pa(t), pb(t) and pc(t) are expressed similar to single phase system
Three-Phase Unbalance System
Three-phase unbalance system is not uncommon in power system
Symmetrical components
To understand unbalance three-phase systems,a concept of symmetrical
components introduced by C. L. Fortescue
An unbalanced system of n-related phasors can be resolved into n
system of balanced phasors, called the symmetrical components of the
original phasors.
Symmetrical components
Symmetrical components
This equivalence leads to the definition of effective line current Ie and effective line to
neutral voltage Ve.
The equivalent three-phase unbalanced and balanced circuits with same power
output and losses are shown in Fig
For the original circuit shown in Fig the effective current Ie is computed
To account same power output in circuits shown above, the following identity is used
with Re = R