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Topic 9 Moral

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Topic 9:

Moral Development in Society Affecting

The Development of Children.
Definition of Moral
Development in Society in
Development Children

Morality is ability to learn the difference between

right or wrong and to understand how to make the
right choices. As with other facets of development,
morality doesn't form the previous areas we have
been discussing. Children's experience at home, the
environment around them, and their physical,
cognitive, emotional and social skills influence their
developing sense of right or wrong.
Social Development in Early Childhood

– Children will learn necessary skills, attitudes, and values as they live.
– Social development in early childhood designed to support and foster the skills and knowledge children need
not only to participate in democracy but to continue to work to change and improve that democracy in the
– Value and respected within the democracy of an early childhood program, children, in turn, are able to
respect others and both those who are similar to themselves and those who differ.
– Through the social studies, children from the foundation oof a healthy self-concept, developing the skills of
communicating, sharing, cooperating and participating in a social group.
Social Skills Develop

Differences in the ability to relate with others depend in part on

children’s maturity. Although most 3until 4 years old are moving from
parallel play to beginning associative play and can manage one
playmate at a time, others prefer solitary play and are not ready to
relate to others. By age 5, children generally have developed a special
friend and will be able to visit this friend on their own. By the time
children are 6 until 7, most can take turns, negotiate, and cooperate to
keep play and they begin to from peer groups.
Theories of Socialization :
Behavioral Theories

– Who believed that children arrived in the world as blank slates.

– In educating a child through a series of rewards and punishments, adults write on the slate.
– Historically, behaviorists have believed that learning comes about a person receives a reward or
reinforcement for an action or a correct response.
– Children are conditioned by a series of stimuli and responses and learning result from conditioning
provided by adults and the environment.
– When a child’s behavior is followed by something pleasant or some type of reward or reinforcement, the
child will repeat the behavior.
– Using the idea that reinforced social behaviors will increase, teachers make certain that children’s
interactions with other children are positive and rewarding.
– Inappropriate or undesirable social behaviors can eliminated simply by ignoring them, although
sometimes this is a difficult task.
Erik Erikson Theory
– Developed a theory based on psychoanalytic theory that focused on the ego and what it means for human
– Erikson believed that each stage of life is characterized by a central issue. He saw these crises as psychosocial
resulting from social interaction.
– Erikson theorized that there are eight psychosocial stages, each of which has a positive and a negative trait :
1. Basic trust versus basic mistrust
2. Autonomy versus shame and doubt
3. Initiative versus guilt
4. Industry versus inferiority
5. Identify versus role confusion
6. Intimacy versus isolation
7. Generativity versus stagnation
8. Ego integrity versus despair
Factors Affecting Social Development

– Children’s development of social skills is affected by nature of their family and early
educational experiences (National Research Council,2001).
– Children find love and security and form attachments with people who protect and care
for them.
– In the family, children become socialized through interactions with parents, sibling,
relating and socialized.
– Children who have had a strong attachment to a nurturing figure and see themselves as
separate from nurturing figure are ready for a group situation.
Role of Parents

– Definition Role of Parents

 Parents are the first teacher and should remain their best teacher throughout life.
 Functioning as a coach, the parents exposes the child to age- appropriated challenges to encourage development
as well as to experiences that allow the child to explore on their own and learn from their environment.
 Children who experience the security of loving parents and have strong attachments to their parents are better
able to reach out to relate with others.
 Parent who are social themselves serve as models for their children. Children may be able to use the image of
their parents interacting with others in their own attempts to make and friends with other children or to
cooperate and share.
 The nature of parent and child interactions is also related to child’s development of social skills.
 On the other hand, parents who are more authoritarian, who demand obedient conforming, and dependent
offspring, may have children who are never really comfortable exploring the world for themselves.
Role of Parents

Act as model for Set the intellectual

children environment

Inform the rule of the Mark the behaviour

house of children
Role of Teachers

– Definition Role of Teachers

 Role of teacher are focus on physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development.

 A teacher is a person who delivers knowledge, assesses and facilitates children

participation in teaching and learning process. Teacher is someone who gives anything
which is good, positive, creative and developing human kind without expecting any

 They also being volunteer to help their students in any problems either in their learning
problem or others.
Cooperating with parents
Helping children in their

Solving children's learning

Role of Teacher problem

Giving awareness of the

importance of education.
Helping the children with their
learning routine
Role of Culture

– Definition Role of Culture

 This is particularly true of children who have been raised and socialized in a collectivist culture and who then
have to adapt to the mainstream individualist culture.
 Children who live in violet or unsafe communities may be fearful and with drawn when in the classroom.
 Children who experience violent in their community will need to find the following in the preschool-primary
 Affect of socially and emotionally by violence include :
1. Meaningful relationships with caring and knowledgeable adults
2. Schedules and environment that are as consistent as possible
3. Structure and very clear expectations and limit
4. Many opportunities to express themselves safely in play, art, and stories and storytelling.

Community development can have a positive impact on children by making

something that support healthy social and cognitive development. In turn,
when children grow up in supportive environments, they are more likely to
succeed in school and boost human capital, a key ingredient for building
strong communities

Right to help contribute to

Do not bring or they know the effort in Try to give or do
teach the instilling the activities with
children to the the value of other family.
wrong place. uniqueness solidarity among
of others races

Role Of School

 The Institutions are the establishment
teacher becomes in a society
and agent socialization thatchild’s
after makesfamily.
the society function. They
work as thechildren
 While backbone of a society.
leaving home, theyWithout theofsocial
unsure how institutions a society cannot
to manage interactions with achieve
fulfilment in and
socializer terms of economy,
with academy
other children, or relationships.
preschool When
student’s can findthere
schoolarea no rules and
experienceinata first.
society, people are more likely to indulge in crime and other harmful
 The schoolSocialrole,
institutions help in
during these taming
early yearssuch activities. They contribute in organizing a
is twofold.
1. and its people.
School Theremust
experience are different types of social the
focus on strengthening institutions which
child’s self comeand
concept with a
set of rules and of
feelings norms and ask the people to follow them. The violation of such rules
2. Aided the child’soften development
results in condemnation and the
of self esteem, prosecution
school then uses this strong
sense of self as the basis for guiding children into positive group experiences
where they can learn the skills necessary for living a society.

 The teacher becomes and agent socialization after child’s family.

 While children leaving home, they unsure of how to manage interactions with new
socializer and with other children, preschool student’s can find school a miserable
experience at first.
 The school role, during these early years is twofold.
1. School experience must focus on strengthening the child’s self concept and
feelings of individuality.
2. Aided the child’s development of self esteem, the school then uses this strong
sense of self as the basis for guiding children into positive group experiences
where they can learn the skills necessary for living a society.

 In the school, the focus on social sill development is threefold, revolving, around the
development of the following :
1. Self concept – children’s feelings about themselves are the foundation from
which they learn to relate to and communicate with others.
2. Prosocial skills- being able to cooperate and share are necessary for formatting
solid relationships with others.
3. Making and keeping friends – children who relate to and communicate with
others, sharing and cooperating, are those who are accepted by their peers and
can make and keep friends.

Economy state can

help development.

Children have
opportunities to learn in
spacious, well-equipped

Health and
Children are respected,
nurtured, and challenged.

Child protection

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