Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (Otpf III)

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Lintle Kheleli 1876035
By the end of this PowerPoint, you
should know:

• The OTPF as a structural framework to

guide OT practice.

• Occupational therapy as a profession

that remediates illness and maintains
health through domain and process.

Outcomes • Aspects of the domain which include

occupations, client factors,
performance skills as well as context
and environment.

• The OT process of evaluation.

Intervention and targeting of outcomes.

• Basic concept of clinical reasoning and

therapeutic use of self.
The OTPF III is an official document of the
American Occupational Therapy Association
(AOTA). It is a framework meant to outline
and structure the occupational therapy practice.
It is a guide that is based the profession’s
philosophy that:
“ By virtue of our biological
endowment, people of all ages and
abilities require occupation to grow
and thrive; in pursuing occupation,
humans express the totality of their
being, a mind-body-spirit union.
Because human existence could not
otherwise be, humankind is, in the
essence, occupational by nature.”

It is a framework that is occupation based,

client centered, contextual and evidence based.
It is divided into:
• Domain: Area of scope of OT
• Process: Actions taken to provide OT

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The framework builds on the belief in
the therapeutic value of occupations
as a way to remediate illness and
maintain good health.

What is OT according to OTPF III?:

“ The therapeutic use of everyday life activities

(occupations) with individuals or groups for the purpose
of enhancing or enabling participation in roles, habits
and routines in home, school, workplace, community,
and other settings.
“Achieving health, well being
Occupational therapy practitioners use their knowledge and participation on life through
of the transactional relationship between the person, engagement in occupation.”
his/her engagement in valuable occupations, and the
context to design occupation based intervention plans
that facilitate change or growth in client factors and
performance skills needed for successful participation.

Occupational Therapy services are provided for

rehabilitation, habilitation and promotion of health and
wellness for clients with disability and non-disability
related needs.”
Something to think about?

• How does a paraplegic bath,

shower, dress?
• How does a blind child play and
interact with other children?

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“The profession’s purview and the areas in
which it’s members have an established
body of knowledge and expertise.”

The domain highlights the how the interaction of the client’s

occupations, client factors, performance skills, context and
environment affect their occupational identity, health, well-
being an participation in life.

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Aspects of the domain
• Activities of daily
living (ADLs
• Instrumental activities
• They are “goal directed pursuits that typically extend over of daily living (IADLs)
time, have meaning to the performance and involve Health management
multiples tasks.” • Rest and sleep
• The things that people do that occupy their time and • Work
• Play
attention in a meaningful purposeful way.” • Leisure
• “Cluster of purposeful activities that are unique to every • Social participation

individual and provide personal satisfaction from

engagement from them.”
• “Daily life activities in which people engage in.”

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Client Factors
They are particular capacities, characteristics and beliefs within
a person and influence performance in everyday life activities.
They include:
• Values, beliefs, spirituality-have influence on an individual’s
motivation, meaning of life and how they connect and express
• Body functions and structures-the anatomical structures and
physiological functions of the body

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Performance skills
“Goal directed actions that are observable as small units of
engagement in daily life. They are learned and developed over time in
specific contexts and environments.” they include:
• Motor skills- skills observed as individual interact with and moves
task objects and self around the task environment
• Process skills-skills observed when individual interacts with and
uses task tools and materials, how they carry out actions/steps and
modify actions if they come across challenges.
• Social interaction-skills observed when individual is having a
continuous social exchange with others

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Performance patterns
These are habits, routines, roles and rituals that can either
facilitate or impede occupational performance.
• Habits-automatic behaviors that occur repeatedly
• Routines-repetitive patterns of behaviour that provide structure
for everyday life
• Rituals-symbolic practices contributing to a client’s identity and
reinforcing values and beliefs
• Roles-set of behaviours that are expected by society and formed
by social context.

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Context and Environment
Context is the array of correlated conditions that are within and surrounding the
client. Environment refers to the external physical and social conditions around the
• Cultural- Customs, beliefs, activity, patterns, behavioural standards and
expectations expected by the client’s society
• Personal- Features of the individual that are not part of the client’s health status
• Temporal- The experience of tine shaped by occupations such as stages of life,
time of day, year, the duration of activity and history
• Virtual-environment where communication occurs in the absence of physical
• Physical –natural and built non-human surroundings and objects in them.
• Social-presence of relationships and expectations of people the client has contact
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• The occupational therapy process is the client centred delivery of OT
services. It is applied within the profession’s domain. It is a 3-part
process inclusive of evaluation, intervention and targeting of

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• Occupational profile : A summary of the client’s occupational status,
identifying why they require OT services, their needs and concerns with
regards to participation in their occupations. The client’s occupational
history, their values, interests and priorities. The client’s desired targeted
outcome. This will help the practitioner understand the client’s
background and perspective.
• Analysis of occupational performance: an analysis of the client’s assts
and problems through assessment tools designed to observe, measure
and inquire about factors that support or hinder occupational
performance. It enables identifying targeted outcomes.

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Intervention process consists of the skilled services provided by OT’s together
with clients o enable engagement in occupation to better health participation and
• Intervention plan-this is where objective and measurable occupation focused
goals are set, intervention approaches are chosen, methods of service delivery
curated and discharge needs and plans are considered. Referrals and
recommendations are made if necessary
• Intervention implementation-actions of the plan are put into effect through
therapeutic use of occupations, preparatory methods, education and training,
advocacy or group interventions.
• Intervention review- ongoing process of re-evaluating and revieing the
intervention plan and effectiveness and modifying and adjusting as necessary. It
also included determining of termination of therapy if outcomes are achieved.
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Targeting of outcomes
• Outcomes are the end result of the occupational therapy process, they
outline what can be achieved through OT intervention. Once these are
reached therapy can be terminated.
• Outcomes should be identified early in the intervention process, they
should be valid, client centred and realistic.
• They can be used to measure progress and applied to adjust goals and

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The OT process

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Clinical Reasoning
It is a process used by practitioners to plan, direct perform and reflect on client
care. It is used throughout the domain and process enabling practitioners to:

o Identify demands, skills and meanings of activities and occupation

o Develop broader understanding of the interrelationship of process and
domain that affect occupational performance.

Clinical reasoning ensures accurate selection and application of evaluation and

intervention methods as well as targeted outcomes.

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Therapeutic use of self
• The ability to develop a and manage a therapeutic relationship with
clients using narrative clinical reasoning ( acknowledging client’s
narrative of their situation), empathy and a client-centred collaborative
approach to service delivery.
• It is a very integral part of the OT process that can affect the outcome of
the intervention.
• OT practitioners need to connect with their clients and understand them
to assist them with their current life situation .

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Note that the domain and process
and interlinked and have a
transactional relationship, where
one cannot operate without the
other. It is from the OTPF III that
all central concepts around
occupational therapy practice are
derived and it is imperative to
understand and know it’s content.

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American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) (2014). Occupational Therapy Practice
Framework: Domain and Process (3rd Edition). American Journal of American Occupational
Therapy Association (AOTA) (2014). Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain
and Process (3rd Edition). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68, S1-S48.
https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2014.682006Occupational Therapy, 68, S1-S48.

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