Types of Biofertilizers and their Description
Methods of Biofertilizer Inoculation (application)
Constraints in Biofertilizers
I) For Nitrogen
Rhizobium for legume crops.
Azotobacter l Azospirillum for non legume crops.
Acetobacter for sugarcane only.
Blue -Green Algae (BGA) and Azolla for low land paddy.
2) For Phosphorous
Phosphatika for all crops to be applied with Rhizobium,
~zos~irillu'amnd Acetobacter.
VAM(Vesicu1ar-arbuscular mycorrhiza).
The term mycorrhiza was taken from Greek language meaning 'fungus
root'.This term was coined by Frank in 1885
Actions of Mycorrhiza
1) Enhances the feeding areas of the plant root is as the hyphae
spreads around the roots.
2) Mobilizes the nutrients from distantance to root.
3) Stores the nutrients (sp. phosphorus).
4) Removes the toxic chemicals (example : phenolics) which
otherwise hinder nutrient availability.
5) Provide protection against other fungi and nematodes
Seed Inoculation
This is the most common practice of applying biofertilizers.
In this method, the biofertilizers are mixed with 10 per cent
solution of jaggary.
The slurry is then poured over the seeds spread on a
cemented floor and mixed properly in a way that a thin layer
is formed around the seeds.
The treated seeds should be dried in the shade overnight and
then they should be used.
Generally, 750 gram of biofertilizer is required to treat the
legume seeds for one hectare area.
Rao Subba, K.S.(1974). Prospects of Bacterial Fertilization in India. Fertilser
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RaoSubba, N.S. (2000). Soil Microbiology (Fourth Edition of Soil
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Kannaiyan, S.(2000). Biofertilizers-Key Factor in Organic Farming. The Hindu
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Verma, L.N. and Bhattacharya, P (1990). ~ertilizerNs ews, 35(12): 87-92.
Jordon, D.C.11984) in Bergey 's Manual of ~~stemaiBiacc teriology, Vol. 1 (eds)
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