PR1 Quarter 3 Module 2
PR1 Quarter 3 Module 2
PR1 Quarter 3 Module 2
Module 2
Qualitative Research
and Its Importance
in Daily Life
Lesson 1
The Value of Qualitative Research
Its Characteristics, Strengths,
Weaknesses and Kinds
Qualitative Research
is a scientific method of observation to
gather non-numerical data.
It refers to the meanings, concepts,
characteristics, metaphors, symbols and
description of phenomena, and not to
their counts or measures.
Purpose of Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research promotes a deep,
holistic understanding of a particular
Characteristics of
Qualitative Research
Characteristics of Qualitative Research
1. Human understanding and interpretation in data
2. Active, powerful and forceful in data gathering and
rephrasing interview questions
3. Multiple research approaches and methods that
allows you to plan your study and being multi-
method research
4. Specificity to generalization on specific ideas will
lead to generalizations or conclusions.
Characteristics of Qualitative Research
5. Contextualization - context or situation of individual’s
6. Diversified data in real-life situations on collecting
data in a natural setting
7. Abounds with words and visuals that presents
people’s view in a picture, video, drawing or graphs.
8. Internal analysis on examining the data yielded by
the internal traits of the subject persons.
Strengths of
Qualitative Research
Strengths of Qualitative Research
1. It adopts a naturalistic approach to its subject
2. It promotes a full understanding of human
behavior/personality traits in their natural
3. It is instrumental for positive societal changes.
4. It engenders respect for people’s individuality.
Strengths of Qualitative Research
5. It’s a way of understanding & interpreting
social interactions.
6. It increases researcher’s interests in the study.
7. It offers multiple ways of acquiring and
examining knowledge about something.
Weaknesses of
Qualitative Research
Weaknesses of Qualitative Research
1. It involves a lot of researcher’s subjectivity in data
2. It is hard to know the validity/reliability of the data.
3. It is open-ended questions yield “data overload” that
requires long-time analysis.
4. It is time-consuming.
5. It involves several processes, whose results greatly
depend on the researcher’s views or interpretations.
Kinds of Qualitative
Kinds of Qualitative Research
1. Case Study
Long time and in-depth study of a
person, group, organization or situation and
an empirical inquiry that investigates current
Example: “Teenage Pregnancy in the Public
High Schools”
Kinds of Qualitative Research
2. Ethnography
a study of a particular cultural group.
3. Phenomenology
“lived experience” of a phenomenon.
5. Historical Research
is a qualitative method where there is an
examining of past events to draw conclusions and
make predictions about the future.
6. Grounded Theory
takes place when there is a discovery of new
theory which underlies your study at the time of
data collection and analysis.
Triangulation/Mixed Method
Enhances accuracy of interpretation.
Has an opportunity to view every angle of
the research from different perspectives.
Main Methods of Data
Main Methods of Data Collection
1. Interactive interviewing – people are asked
to verbally describe their experiences of a
2. Written descriptions by the participant –
people are asked to write descriptions of their
experiences of a phenomenon.
3. Observation - descriptive observations of
verbal and non-verbal behavior.
In the field of Humanities, researchers
ought to focus not to man’s social life but
instead study its meanings, significance
and visualizations of man’s experiences in
the field of Fine Arts, Literature, Music, Drama,
Dance and other artistically inclined subjects.
Humanistic Categories
1. Literature and Art Criticism – focus on language
depends on interpretative and reflective thinking.
2. Philosophical Research – the focus of inquiry is
on knowledge and principles of being and on the
manner human beings conduct themselves on Earth.
3. Historical Research – investigation centers on
events and ideas that took place in man’s life at a
particular period.
Quantitative Research Qualitative Research
Hard Sciences Soft Sciences
Examples: Examples:
Biology, Chemistry, Sociology, Psychology,
Physics, Astronomy, Political Science,
Earth Science Economics,
Anthropology, History
Qualitative and Quantitative Research can go
together in a research approach.
There is a symbiotic relationship between these
two research methods, in which they reinforce or
strengthen each other.
Moreover, any form of knowledge, factual or
opinionated and any statistical or verbal expression
of this knowledge are deduced from human
experience that is subjective. (Hollway 2013;
Letherby 2013)