Stem Region 15 Conferenceppt

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Rethinking the 5E Model

Presented by
Dr. Christine Purkiss
Angelo State University
5E Model
Revised 5 E Model
Lets design something -
• Tinkering – using stuff, playful interaction,
taking things apart
– Learning about the properties of materials
– Developing fine motor skills
– Tends to lead to……
• Making – using stuff to make stuff (perhaps
more for the fun of it)
– Perhaps working with different tools
Engineering is:
using stuff to make stuff that does stuff
– Tinkering and making are the foundation of
– Collaboration
– Solving a problem
Let’s make a Prediction

Predict the correct order of the

Engineering Design Process.

Cut out the slips in the bottom left

and place them in the right box.
Floating and Sinking
Who Sank the Boat?

The mouse sank the boat – but why

did that happen?

Was it because he was the last one on?

What’s going on here?

Floating and Sinking
Challenge: Use a 10 inch square of aluminum foil to build a
boat that floats and holds the boats’ anchor and does not sink!
1.Explore – what are the properties of the materials?
2. Design – create a diagram of your boat.
3. Create - collect your materials, make your design.
4. Try it out – see if it works.
5. Make it better – evaluate your design and see if you can
make it better.
Floating and Sinking
Discussion Questions:
1.Why does something float in a liquid?
2.Did the size of the boat make a difference?
3.What would happen if you tried to float your boat in another type of liquid?
4.What other materials could you use to build your boat?
5.What size boat would you have to make to hold 2 anchors?
6.If the anchor is wet when you pull it back into the boat, would that make a
difference to the boat floating or sinking?
Design a filter
Many devices use filters. What is the meaning
of the word “filter”?

Prediction – Where’s the filter?

Question: Why do we need filters?

Design a Filter
Challenge: Create a filtering system that will take the most
amount of “dirt” out of your water.
1. Explore – what are the properties of the materials
2. Design – create a diagram of your filtering system.
3. Create - collect your materials, make your design.
4. Try it out – see if it works. Record clarity of the water,
compare to others. Hold a piece of white paper behind your
filtered example. Take a photograph so that you can compare
5. Make it better – evaluate your design and see if you can
make it better.
Design a Filter
Discussion Questions:
1.What filter materials seemed to remove the MOST soil?
2.Why did that happen?
3.Do you think, even in the clearest containers, that soil or
dirt particles might still remain?
4.What should we do to get rid of those particles left?
5.Why do we need to filter water?
6.Where is such filtering done in the community in which we
Tower Power
Rapunzel is fed up! Every time someone
wants to visit or bring her some “stuff”
she has to lower her hair over the side of
the tower and haul them (or whatever it
is) up using her hair! It hurts!

So here is the challenge – what could

Rapunzel create something to get objects
up into the tower so they won’t have to tie
everything to her hair?
Tower Power
Use the collaborative design process:

1.The problem - what could Rapunzel create to

get objects up into the tower so they won’t
have to tie everything to her hair? What
materials could you use?
2.Draw or diagram your ideas
3.Collect materials and build it
4.Test it
Tower Power
Discussion Questions:
1.Tell me how you made your pulley system?
2.When you pull your string, the container goes up.
Why does that happen?
3.How could you use two pulleys in your design?
Would it help?
4.Would the system you made be strong enough to
carry the prince to the top of the tower to visit
5.How could you use a small motor and batteries to
operate your design?
Catch me if you can!
• Discuss the story of The Gingerbread Man or
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.
• We have to catch the thief!
• What are ways we know of to catch someone?
Catch me if you can!
Use the collaborative design process:

1.The problem – we have to build a trap to catch the

thief – alive!
2.Draw or diagram your ideas
3.Collect materials and build it
4.Test it
Catch me if you can!
Discussion Questions:
1.Why do we need to make our trap look
2.Is there something else we could add to the
trap to make it more inviting?
3.What materials seem to work best in your trap?
4.How could you improve on your design?
Floating and Sinking
Every Grade TEK 2, 4
K.3A, 1.3A, 2.3A, 3.5A, 4.5A, 5.5A

Design a Filter
Every Grade TEK 2, 4
K.3A, K.7A,K.7B, 1.3A, 1.7, 2.3A, 2.7A-B, 3.7A, 4.7A

Tower Power - Rapunzel

Every Grade TEK 2, 4
Concepts: K.3A, 1.3A, 1.6D, 2.3A, 2.5D, 3.6B, 4.6D?, 5.6D?

Catch me if you can?

Every Grade TEK 2, 4
3.6A & B, 4.6A & D, 5.6A,D
Contact Information
• This Powerpoint can be found at

• Email me at [email protected]
• Call me at 325-486-6954

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