AY 2023 Sem 1 A371 IS05 Lecture - Student
AY 2023 Sem 1 A371 IS05 Lecture - Student
AY 2023 Sem 1 A371 IS05 Lecture - Student
Definition of Terms
Nausea: An unpleasant sensation associate with vague epigastric and abdominal symptoms, and
usually comes before vomiting.
Regurgitation: Reverse transit of stomach contents into the pharynx that stops short of vomiting.
• Physiology
• Causes
• Complications
• When to refer to a doctor
• Pharmacological management
• Non-pharmacological management
Vomiting process
Control Centers:
• Vomiting Center(VC)
• Chemoreceptor
Trigger Zone (CTZ)
• Acetylcholine
• Serotonin
• Dopamine
• Histamine
• Substance P
causing Electrolyte
blood in imbalances
Malnutrition Aspiration
Motion sickness √ √
Chemotherapy √
Adult patients should be referred to a doctor if vomiting occurs for more than one day, if diarrhea
and vomiting last more than 24 hours, and if there are signs of moderate dehydration.
Patients should be referred to a doctor immediately if the following signs or symptoms occur:
An infant or a child under 6 years old should be referred to the doctor if:
• Vomiting lasts more than a few hours
• Diarrhea is also present
• Signs of dehydration occur
• There is a fever higher than 38.5oC
• The child has not urinated for six hours
Activity 2: Discussion
You are a pharmacy technician and the pharmacist is currently out for her lunch break.
A mother comes along to look for a medicine to help reduce her 18-month-old child’s
vomiting. Her child is vomiting after every feed. She looks lethargic and has sunken
eyes and cheeks.
How would you advise the mother?
Pharmacological Classes:
1. Dopamine receptor antagonist
2. Antihistamine (only specific antihistamines)
Relief of nausea Adult: PO 10mg 3 Dry mouth Hypersensitivity to Take 15 to 30 minutes before food.
and vomiting times a day; max domperidone, Heart
30mg/day failure Avoid taking grapefruit or grapefruit juice
during the therapy.
Child: PO 0.25mg/kg
3 times daily; max Do not exceed 30mg per day as it may
10mg/day cause irregular heartbeat leading to fainting
Relief of nausea and PO 5-10mg 3-4 times Constipation, dry mouth, Hypersensitivity to This medication may cause
vomiting daily; max 40mg/day drowsiness phenothiazines drowsiness. If affected, do
not drive or operate
Antihistamine - Cinnarizine
MOA: It acts by interfering with the signal transmission between vestibular apparatus of the inner
ear and the vomiting center of the hypothalamus.
Motion sickness PO 25mg at least half Drowsiness (children Hypersensitivity to This medicine may
an hour before and elderly are more cinnarizine make you sleepy. If
travelling; to be susceptible), GI this happens, do not
repeated every 6 discomfort drive or use tools or
hours. machines.
Antihistamine - Dimenhydrinate
MOA: It blocks chemoreceptor trigger zone, diminishes vestibular stimulation, and depresses
labyrinthine function through its central anticholinergic activity.
Indications Common range of dosing Side effects Contraindications Special counselling points
Antihistamine - Promethazine
Indications Common range of Side effects Contraindications Special counselling
dosing points
- nausea & vomiting Adult: Drowsiness, dizziness, Hypersensitivity Take with food, water, or
dry eyes, nausea/ promethazine, other milk to decrease GI
PO 12.5 to 25 mg
vomiting, dry mouth, phenothiazines, discomfort.
every 4 to 6 hours as
Other indications: urinary retention asthma; children <2
years of age
- allergy / urticaria
This medicine may
make you sleepy. If this
happens, do not drive or
0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg/dose use tools or machines.
every 4 to 6 hours as
Do not drink alcohol.
Treatment of nausea PO 8 mg taken 1 to 2 hours Constipation, fatigue, Hypersensitivity to If you vomit within 1
and vomiting induced by before chemotherapy or headache, malaise ondansetron hour of taking your first
chemotherapy or radiation treatment, followed by tablet, take the same
radiotherapy, 8 mg orally every 12 hours later dose again. If you
for a maximum of 5 days continue to vomit,
consult your doctor.
Prevention of PO 8 mg given as a single
postoperative nausea dose 30-60 mins before
and vomiting surgery
Activity 3
Scenario 1:
Pamela, 4 years old, is experiencing nausea and vomiting. She vomited twice with a body
temperature of 37.6oC. She has no other symptoms.
Pamela’s mother wants to purchase domperidone from the pharmacist.
Explain why it is inappropriate for the pharmacist to dispense domperidone syrup to her.
Activity 3 (continued)
Scenario 2:
Mr Tan comes to the pharmacy with a prescription for
Double check whether the dosing regimen is appropriate.
• Physiology
• Causes
• Complications
• When to refer to a doctor
• Pharmacological treatment
• Non-pharmacological management
Atypical symptoms:
Chest pain that may radiate into neck or arm (may be confused with angina or
heart attack)
Chronic cough
Non-allergic asthma (caused by aspiration of refluxed material into upper
airways and lungs)
Laryngitis, pharyngitis, hoarseness of voice
Activity 4
A lady is browsing the over-the-counter section and looking at the antacid products.
You approach her to ask whether she needs any help.
She tells you that she has a burning sensation in the chest even though she did not
eat any spicy food.
She often has regurgitation after her meals for the past 1 week.
1. Antacids
2. Alginate
MOA: “Anti-acid” - Neutralise the excess gastric acid that is already
produced in the stomach
Bases containing:
◦ Aluminium
◦ Magnesium
◦ Calcium
◦ Sodium (bicarbonates)
Aluminium hydroxide
Magnesium carbonate
Magnesium trisilicate
MOA: It is a mixture of silicon polymers and is used as a de-foaming agent which allows gas bubbles
in the stomach and intestines to come together more easily. This allows for easier passage of gas.
H2-receptor antagonist –
Indications Common range of Side effects Contraindications Special counselling points
GERD PO 20 mg up to twice Headache, Hypersensitivity to Administer without regard to
daily when needed constipation, famotidine meals. May administer with
(max 40 mg/day) diarrhoea, dizziness antacids.
Further reading:
Omeprazole vs Esomeprazole
Omeprazole Esomeprazole
Consists of racemic mixture of R- and S- Consists of S- isomer of Omeprazole
isomers of Omeprazole
Lower activity in inhibiting the proton pump Greater activity in inhibiting the proton pump
Cheaper More expensive
Activity 5
Refer back to scenario in Activity 4.
The lady tells you that she has a burning sensation in the chest even though she did not eat any
spicy food.
She often has regurgitation after her meals for the past week. And we have decided that it is safe
for her to self-medicate.
Out of the drugs that you have learnt so far, which one will you recommend to her?
Explain your choice(s).
What other advice would you give her?
Inflammation of the gastric lining
Adapted from Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs, Fourteenth edition, Chapter 5, page 322
NSAID-induced ulcers
Patients at high risk of developing gastrointestinal complications with a NSAID include:
• Age > 65 years old
• History of peptic ulcer disease or serious GI complication
• Taking other medicines that increase the risk of GI side effects
• With serious co-morbidity (e.g. cardiovascular disease, diabetes, renal or hepatic impairment)
The risk of serious upper GI side effects varies between individual NSAIDs.
In those with a history of upper GI bleeding or with 3 or more risk factors for GI ulceration, a
combination of cyclo-oxygenase-2 selective inhibitor (COX-2 inhibitor) with a PPI may be more
• Therefore, Helicobacter pylori infection must be treated with a combination of three drugs
(i.e. 2 antibiotics and 1 proton pump inhibitor)
PPI + Amoxcillin + Clarithromycin (most commonly used)
PPI + Clarithromycin + Metronidazole (for patients with penicillin allergy)
Omeprazole 20mg
Combo 1 1g BD 500mg BD -
Most commonly
BD prescribed combination
Omeprazole 20mg
Combo 2 500mg TDS - 400mg TDS
Omeprazole 20mg
Combo 3 - 500mg BD 400mg BD
Combo 4 1g BD 500mg BD -
20mg BD
Combo 5 - 500mg BD 400mg BD
20mg BD
• These are only prescribed for Helicobacter pylori-induced
Prescription Only
ulcers. Medicine
• Not to be prescribed for NSAID-induced ulcers.
Sucralfate GSL
In general, separate
administration of other oral
medications and sucralfate
by at least 2 hours.