Draft Co. Profile
Draft Co. Profile
Draft Co. Profile
Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary
3 Team
4 Organizational Structure
5 Pilot Project
6 Contacts
Executive Summary
MGREC’s pilot project is a Proposed Waste-to-Energy Facility in the Province of Benguet that
will be capable of generating 10 MW of electricity while processing 500 tons of Municipal
Solid Waste every day and converting the waste into Refused Derived Fuel (RDF).
• We Build The Future
• Building A Sustainable Future
• The Unending Pursuit of Excellence
• Always Best, Exceeding All Others
• We are a leading investment firm in real estate, leisure, tourism, transportation, and technology.
• We place innovation at the core of our business.
• We are committed to excellence in our business and ethical practices to meet global standards of high quality,
integrity, and accountability.
• We provide intensive training and management support for our people and offer personal and financial growth
through progressive hiring and promotion practices.
• We delight in our role as global citizens and operate sustainable nation-building projects.
• Innovation
• Accountability and Integrity
• Commitment
• Teamwork
• Social Responsibility
Our Team
Filipino, age 63, is the Treasurer of the Company. He is the Chief Financial
Filipino, age 68, is the Chairman of the Board of the Company and is Officer of Metro Global Holdings Corporation and the Vice President -
one of the three founding members of the Fil-Estate Group of Comptroller of Fil-Estate Management, Inc. He also serves as a Director
Companies. Mr. Sobrepeña concurrently holds various positions in the in Metro Global Renewable Energy Corporation, Metro Renewable
Fil-Estate Group. He is the Chairman of the Board of several Transport Solutions, Inc., MGHC Royalty Holdings, Inc. Metro
companies such as Fil-Estate Management, Inc., MRT Development Countrywide Corporation, Metro Countrywide Holdings, Inc., CJH
Corporation, CJHDEVCO, Camp John Hay Hotel, Southwoods Development Corporation, CJH Leisure, Inc. Club Leisure Management
Ecocentrum Corporation, and Club Leisure Management, Inc. He Corporation, Fil-Estate Realty Corporation, Metro Rail Transit
graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Science major in Psychology Corporation, and MRT Development Corporation. He graduated with a
and Marketing from De La Salle University in 1978. degree in Bachelor of Science in Commerce, major in Accounting at the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines.
Chairman Treasurer
Filipino, 54 is the Vice-President for Business Development & Special
Projects of the Company. She is currently a member of the Board and
Vice-President for Business Development Division of Camp John Hay
Development Corporation. She is a business development and
Filipino, age 68, is also a Director of MRT Development Corporation, CJH corporate planner with more than 20 years of experience in the real
DEVCO, Camp John Hay Hotel and CAP General Insurance. He has a estate industry. She was Assistant Vice-President for Business
degree in Arts major in Economics from De La Salle University in 1976. Development of Fil-Estate Properties, Inc. from 1997 to 2007 before
she became Vice-President for the same department from 2007 to
2011. She was been seconded with affiliated companies such as Fil-
Estate Urban Development Corporation and Harbor town Development
Corporation from 1997 up to 2011. She did consultancy work and
lectured on corporate and project planning, market and financial
RAFAEL PEREZ DE TAGLE JR. SYLVIA M. HONDRADE feasibility studies for businesses, NGOs and local government clients.
She completed a Master’s Degree in Development Planning from the
Vice Chairman Business Development University of Queensland and a Master’s Degree in Corporate Planning
from the University of Asia and the Pacific. She has a BA Degree in
Economics and Management from the University of the Philippines in
Filipino, age 67, is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Metro the Visayas.
Global Renewable Energy Corporation, Metro Solar Power Solutions,
Inc., and Metro Countrywide Corporation. Mr. Cacho is a Director of Filipino, age 56 is the Vice President for Good Governance and Assistant
Metro Rail Transit Development Corporation. He is also the Chief Corporate Secretary of the Company. She is also a Director of Camp John
Operating Officer of Metro Renewable Transport Solutions, Inc. He Hay Leisure, Inc. She held various positions in the Fil-Estate Group of
graduated from De La Salle University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, Companies before joining the company. She took her Bachelor of Science
Major in Communication Arts. He has also completed the academic in Business Management major in Legal Management at Ateneo de
requirements for a Masters in Business Administration from the Ateneo Manila University and graduated Honorable mention and Departmental
Graduate School of Business. Awardee of the Department of Legal Management in 1987. She holds a
Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from Ateneo de Manila University School
of Law and graduated Second Honors-Silver Medal Awardee in 1992.
President & COO Chief Legal Officer &
Corporate Secretary
Organizational Structure
Board of Directors
• Audit Committee
• Remuneration Committee
• Vice-Chairman : RRPerez de Tagle
• President: JMCacho
• Chief Legal Officer: AOBondoc
CHAIRMAN • Treasurer : RGJimenez
• HR Head : KMBenitez
WtE Facility
10 MW
(+632) 8634 7112 local 301