Module 2-Intelligent Agents

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Lecture 2

Intelligent Agents

Russell and Norvig


Special thanks to Dr. Yaohang Li for contributing the slides

Artificial Intelligence
Review of Intelligent Agents
 Motivation
 Objectives
 Introduction
 Agents and Environments
 Rationality
 Agent Structure
 Agent Types
 Simple reflex agent
 Model-based reflex agent
 Goal-based agent
 Utility-based agent
 Learning agent

Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Intelligent
 Motivation
 Agents are used to provide a consistent viewpoint on various topics in AI
 Agents require essential skills to perform tasks that require intelligence
 Intelligent agents use methods and techniques from the field of AI
 What is an agent?
 In general, an entity that interacts with its environment
 Perception through sensors
 Actions through effectors or actuators
 Agent and its environment
 An agent perceives its environment through sensors
 The complete set of inputs at a given time is called a percept
 The current percept, or a sequence of percepts may influence the actions of an agent
 It can change the environment through actuators
 An operation involving an actuator is called an action
 Actions can be grouped into action sequences

Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent Agents

Artificial Intelligence
Example of Agents

 Human agent
 Eyes, ears, skin, taste buds, etc. for sensors
 Hands, fingers, legs, mouth, etc. for actuators
 Powered by muscles
 Robot
 Camera, infrared, bumper, etc. for sensors
 Grippers, wheels, lights, speakers, etc. for actuators
 Often powered by motors
 Software agent
 Functions as sensors
 Information provided as input to functions in the form of encoded bit
strings or symbols
 Functions as actuators
 Results deliver the output

Artificial Intelligence
Vacuum-Cleaner World

Artificial Intelligence
Agents and Their
 A rational agent does “the right thing”
 The action that leads to the best outcome under the given circumstances

 An agent function maps percept sequences to actions

 Abstract mathematical description

 An agent program is a concrete implementation of the respective

 It runs on a specific agent architecture (“platform”)

 Problems:
 What is “ the right thing”

 How do you measure the “best outcome”

Artificial Intelligence
The Concept of Rationality

 Concept of Rationality
 Rational  omniscient (knowing everything)
 Percepts may not supply all relevant information
 Rational  clairvoyant(beyond normal sensory contact)
 Action outcomes may not be as expected
 Rational  successful
 Rationality vs Perfection
 Rationality maximizes expected performance
 Perfection maximizes actual performance

 Rational  exploration, learning, autonomy

Artificial Intelligence
Performance Measure
 Performance of Agents
 Criteria for measuring the outcome and the expenses of the agent
 Often subjective, but should be objective
 Task dependent
 Time may be important
 Performance measure example
 Vacuum agent
 Performance Measure: number of tiles cleaned during a certain period
 Based on the agent’s report, or validated by an objective authority
 Doesn’t consider expenses of the agent, side effects
 Energy, noise, loss of useful objects, damaged furniture, scratched floor
 Might lead to unwanted activities
 Agent re-cleans clean tiles, covers only part of the room, drops dirt on tiles to have
more tiles to clean, etc.
 Alternative Performance Measure:
 One point per square cleaned up in time T?
 One point per clean square per time step, minus one per move
 Penalize for > k dirty squares?

Artificial Intelligence
Rational Agents
 Rationality: selects the action that is expected to maximize its performance
 Based on a performance measure
 Depends on the percept sequence, background knowledge, and feasible actions
 Performance measure for the successful completion of a task
 Complete perceptual history (percept sequence)
 Background knowledge
 Especially about the environment
 Dimensions, structure, basic “laws”
 Task, user, other agents
 Feasible actions
 Capabilities of the agent
 Definition of a Rational Agent
 For each possible percept sequence, a rational agent should select an action that is
expected to maximize its performance measure, given the evidence provided by the
percept sequence and whatever built-in knowledge the agent has.

Artificial Intelligence
The Nature of Environments

Determine to a large degree the interaction between the “outside world” and the agent
 The “outside world” is not necessarily the “real world” as we perceive it
In many cases, environments are implemented within computers
 They may or may not have a close correspondence to the “real world”
 No changes while the agent is “thinking”.

Task environment :The nature of the task environment directly affects the
appropriate design for the agent program.
Specifying the task environment :PEAS description :

Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors description

Artificial Intelligence
Specifying the Task
Environment (I)

PEAS Description
Performance Measures
Used to evaluate how well an agent solves the task
at hand
Surroundings beyond the control of the agent
Determine the actions the agent can perform
Provide information about the current state of the

Artificial Intelligence
PEAS Description

Performance Cleanliness of the floor

Measures Time needed
Energy consumed
Environment Grid of tiles
Dirt on tiles
Possibly obstacles, varying amounts of dirt

Actuators Movement (wheels, tracks, legs, ...)

Dirt removal (nozzle, gripper, ...)

Position (tile ID reader, camera, GPS, ...)

Sensors Dirtiness (camera, sniffer, touch, ...)
Possibly movement (camera, wheel movement)

Artificial Intelligence
SearchBot PEAS
PEAS Description
Performance Measures Number of “hits” (relevant retrieved items)
Recall (hits / all relevant items)
Precision (relevant items/retrieved items)
Quality of hits

Environment Document repository (data base, files, WWW, ...)

Computer system (hardware, OS, software, ...)
Network (protocol, interconnection, ...)

Actuators Query functions

Retrieval functions
Display functions

Sensors Input parameters

Artificial Intelligence
Chess Player
Player PEAS
PEAS Description
Performance Measures Winning the game
Time spent in the game

Environment Chessboard
Positions of every piece

Actuators Move a piece

Sensors Input from the keyboard

Artificial Intelligence
The Nature of Environments

Artificial Intelligence
Specifying the Environment
PAGE Description:
Used for high-level characterization of agents
Information acquired through the agent’s sensory system
Operations performed by the agent on the environment
through its actuators
Desired outcome of the task with a measurable
Surroundings beyond the control of the agent

Artificial Intelligence
PAGE Description

Percepts Tile properties like clean/dirty, empty/occupied

movement and orientation

Actions Pick up dirt, move

Keep the floor clean

Environment House, Apartment

Artificial Intelligence
StudentBot PAGE
PAGE Description

Percepts Images (text, pictures, instructor, classmates)

Sound (language)

Actions Comments, questions, gestures

Note-taking (?)

Goals Mastery of the material

Performance measure: grade

Environment Classroom

Artificial Intelligence
Environment Properties
 Fully observable vs. partially observable
 Sensors capture all relevant information from
the environment
 Deterministic vs. stochastic (non-deterministic)
 Changes in the environment are predictable
 Episodic vs. sequential (non-episodic)
 Independent perceiving-acting episodes
 Static vs. dynamic
 No changes while the agent is “thinking”
 Discrete vs. continuous
 Limited number of distinct percepts/actions
 Single vs. multiple agents
 Interaction and collaboration among agents
 Competitive, cooperative

Artificial Intelligence
Environment Properties

Artificial Intelligence
Structure Of Agents

agent = architecture + program .

The job of AI is to design an agent program that implements the

agent function—the mapping from percepts to actions.
If the program is going to recommend actions like Walk, the
architecture had better have legs.

Artificial Intelligence
Agent Programs
 Difference between the agent program, which takes the current percept
as input, and the agent function, which may depend on the entire percept
history. If the agent’s actions need to depend on the entire percept
sequence, the agent will have to remember the percepts.
 For example, Figure 2.7 shows a rather trivial agent program that keeps
track of the percept sequence and then uses it to index into a table of
actions to decide what to do.
 The table—an example of which is given for the vacuum world in Figure
2.3 — represents explicitly the agent function that the agent program

Artificial Intelligence
Agent Program Types

 Classification of Agent Programs

 Different ways of achieving the mapping from percepts to actions
 Different levels of complexity

 Agent Program Types

 Simple reflex agents
 Agents that keep track of the world
 Goal-based agents
 Utility-based agents
 Learning agents

Artificial Intelligence
Simple Reflex Agents
 Simple Reflex Agents
 These agents select actions based on the current percept, ignoring the rest of the
percept history.
 For example, the vacuum agent whose agent function is tabulated in Figure 2.3 is
a simple reflex agent, because its decision is based only on the current location
and on whether that location contains dirt.

Artificial Intelligence
condition–action rule
 Imagine yourself as the driver of the automated taxi. If the car
in front brakes and its brake lights come on, then you should
notice this and initiate braking.

 if car-in-front-is-braking then initiate-braking.

Artificial Intelligence
Simple Reflex Agent

Artificial Intelligence
Model-based Reflex Agents
 The agent should maintain some sort of internal state that
depends on the percept history and thereby reflects at
least some of the unobserved aspects of the current state.
 Updating this internal state information as time goes by
requires two kinds of knowledge to be encoded in the
agent program in some form.
 This knowledge about “how the world works”—whether
implemented in simple Boolean circuits or in complete
scientific theories—is called a transition model of the
 we need some information about how the state of the
world is reflected in the agent’s percepts. This kind of
knowledge is called a sensor model.
 Together, the transition model and sensor model
allow an agent to keep track of the state of the
world—to the extent possible given the
limitations of the agent’s sensors. An agent that
uses such models is called a model-based
Artificial Intelligence
Model-based Reflex Agents

Artificial Intelligence
Goal-based Agent
 The agent tries to reach a desirable state, the goal
 May be provided from the outside (user, designer,
environment), or inherent to the agent itself
 Results of possible actions are considered with respect to
the goal
 Easy when the results can be related to the goal after each
 In general, it can be difficult to attribute goal satisfaction
results to individual actions
 May require consideration of the future
 What-if scenarios
 Search, reasoning or planning
 Very flexible, but not very efficient

Artificial Intelligence
Goal-based Agent

Artificial Intelligence
A Utility-based Agent
 More sophisticated distinction between different world
 A utility function maps states onto a real number
 May be interpreted as “degree of happiness”
 Permits rational actions for more complex tasks
 Resolution of conflicts between goals (tradeoff)
 Multiple goals (likelihood of success, importance)
 A utility function is necessary for rational behavior, but
sometimes it is not made explicit

Artificial Intelligence
A Utility-based Agent

Artificial Intelligence
Learning Agent
 Performance element
 Selects actions based on percepts, internal state, background knowledge
 Can be one of the previously described agents
 Learning element
 Identifies improvements
 Critic
 Provides feedback about the performance of the agent
 Can be external; sometimes part of the environment

Artificial Intelligence
A Model of a Learning Agent

Artificial Intelligence
 Agents perceive and act in an environment
 Definition of Percept
 Description of the environment (PEAS)
 Ideal agents maximize their performance measure
 Rationality
 Performance Measure
 Rational Agent
 Basic agent types
 Simple reflex
 Reflex with state
 Goal-based
 Utility-based
 Learning
 Some environments may make life harder for agents
 Inaccessible, non-deterministic, non-episodic, dynamic, continuous

Artificial Intelligence
What I want you to do

 Review Chapter 2
 Review Class Notes

Artificial Intelligence

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