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Ser vi ce Level


Service Level Management Contents

SLM Topic introduction – Aim and objectives of this topic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 .1
SLM Overview – An introduction to the process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
2 Implementation guide – How to implement the process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Operations
SLM guide – The ongoing operation of the process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Roles and
3 responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
SLM Review
4Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Summary
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .and
. . . . . . . . .19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
5Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .25

Glossary term: Glossary term
Cross reference: Cross reference
Service Level Management

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Publication date March 2004
Originally published online in September 2003 as part of the Becta website
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Service Level Management

SLM 1 Introduction to Service Level Management

Do you currently measure the performance of ICT at your school?
Service Level Management can help you to do this.

SLM 1.1 Aim

The aim of this section is to introduce the topic of Service Level Management and to
help you implement the process in your school with a minimum of preparation and

SLM 1.2 Objectives

The objectives of this section are to enable you to:
• understand the concept and benefits of Service Level Management
• understand what is involved in the process of Service Level Management
• understand the roles and responsibilities in Service Level Management
• implement a basic Service Level Management process in your school
• continue to operate this Service Level Management process
• identify useful measurements to gain benefit from the Service Level Management
process you have implemented
• review your implementation and summarise your progress.

SLM2 Overview
SLM 2.1 What is Service Level Management?
Service Level Management is the process of ensuring that ICT services are supported to an
acceptable level. It involves understanding the ICT requirements of the end- users and
working within the constraints of the resources available to agree a level of service that
end-users can expect consistently. This agreement is between those responsible for ICT and
the end-users, who are usually represented by one or more people from each unique area or
When the services themselves and the level of service to be provided have been agreed,
the Service Level Management process facilitates the creation of underpinning
agreements with other departments or third parties involved in the service provision.
It is important to understand the difference between services and levels of service:
Services are the ICT facilities themselves, such as printing, bookkeeping, word
Services processing, data storage, internet access, email and so on.

Levels of service are the availability and maintenance of those services and the speed of
response to incidents and requests. You could offer, for example, email availability from
Levels of service
0800 to 1800 Monday to Friday with a four-hour response time to resolve an incident and
a two-day response time for a new account set up.

SLM 2.2 Why use Service Level Management?

Service Level Management helps to ensure that ICT services delivered to the end-users
meet their needs. Some of the benefits of Service Level Management include that it:

• highlights what services are already in place

• helps to determine priority services
• indicates a clear remit for those providing technical support
• helps to allocate resources appropriately
• determines a minimum level of service that is acceptable
• helps to highlight shortcomings in service provision
• provides a basis for discussion and promotes communication
• provides targets to aim for
• helps to promote continuous improvement.

SLM 2.3 Who uses Service Level Management?

Service level management is the bridge between ICT technical support and end-
users. It is the mechanism that facilitates communication between the customer
and those responsible for the service.
Service level management is the responsibility of ICT management, but user
representatives and suppliers participate in it, too. You should retain control of the ICT
service even if a third-party provides it. You can do this by using service level
management to monitor and review the level of service your suppliers provide.

services Service


Agreed services

store in

Agreed service
levels 03 database
store in store in

Publish service
04 level

Define and
implement step
contracts Operational
: level
Review service 06

Service level Management process

SLM 2.4 How Service Level Management works

Service Level Management works by agreeing with end-users what services will be
supported and to what level of service each will be supported. You then monitor these
levels to give an indication of the suitability of the service provided and highlight any
issues so that they can be resolved.
The steps are:
• document and agree services
• agree and publish service levels
• define and implement underpinning contracts
• monitor and review service level.
The Service Level Management process flowchart (above) illustrates this.

SLM 2.4.1 Document and agree services

In order to provide a service the first thing to understand is what that service is. It may seem
an obvious statement but it is easy to assume that what is there is what needs to be supported
and this can lead to misunderstandings and time not spent effectively.
It is important to understand the distinction between a service and the equipment that
makes up that service. A service is a complete facility whereas the equipment is the
hardware, software, consumables and other components that are each only a part of a
facility. This concept is key to providing good customer-care as it is the service that is of
interest to the end-user, not the hardware or software that enables
it, which is why, in Service Level Management, we document services and not
hardware and software. Example services are shown at Appendix A.
It is a worthwhile exercise to identify and write down every ICT service that is used and
then agree with end-user representatives which of these services are relevant and worthy
of support. The document produced is called a service catalogue.
Of course this must be updated when new services are introduced but once this baseline
is in place it becomes easier to understand what the potential workload is, how it may
fluctuate and whether resources are becoming stretched.

SLM 2.4.2 Agree and publish service levels

When the services to be supported have been agreed they need to be placed in some
kind of order of importance to the school as a whole. This is so that, in the event of a
conflict, technical support staff know what must be attended to first.
This should be agreed with the end-users and a document published and circulated to
them. This is popularly known as a service level agreement (SLA), and is a compromise
between the level of service that the end-users require and the level that ICT/technical
support can undertake to provide based, on resources available and overall cost.

SLM 2.4.3 Define and implement underpinning contracts

Underpinning contracts are agreements with third parties who may have been procured
to contribute to the provision of the service(s). These contracts will be negotiated
between ICT/technical support and the third party or parties and will use the levels of
service agreed in the SLA as the input to the requirements.
Sometimes elements of the service may be dependent upon another internal
department or division outside the control of ICT/technical support. Similar
underpinning agreements may also be required here to ensure that the overall SLA
can be met. These are known as operational level agreements, or OLAs.
These underpinning contracts and agreements should be transparent to the end-user
and enable the appropriate parts of the SLA to be met.

SLM 2.4.4 Monitor and review service levels

It is important to monitor the service provided against the agreed levels to identify areas
for improvement or renegotiation. The point of service level agreements is not to
apportion blame or criticise targets not met. It is to identify weaknesses and work
together to identify a level of service that can be achieved within the budget
available and that supports the end-users’ requirements adequately. Communication and
negotiation are the watchwords.
Review meetings should take place on a scheduled, regular, basis so that representatives of
the SLA know they have a forum at which to raise and discuss issues. This also enables new
requirements to be highlighted up front and worked in to the service provision.

SLM 2.5 What does Service Level Management cost?

There are three elements of cost to consider: expenditure, people and time.
The financial outlay for service level management is restricted to any software packages
purchased to automate the reporting process. These can be expensive and it can take time
to set them up, define meaningful reports and train people to use them. We recommend
that you do not purchase software reporting tools at this stage, as we believe that it is
better to spend time developing the FITS processes and refining reporting requirements
first. You can only automate successfully what you have already defined manually.
In large organisations the role of service manager may be a full-time position or there may
even be more than one service manager. This is because it is a customer-facing role and is
often seen as a key aspect of customer service. The role is similar to that of an account manager.
In a small organisation or a school the service manager role is likely
to be a part-time function allocated to someone responsible for ICT or technical support.
Reporting tasks may also be assigned as a part-time function. We describe the roles and
responsibilities in service level management in the SLM 3 Implementation guide and you
can find additional information in SLM 5 Roles and responsibilities.
Remember to allow time also for the implementation and for integrating the process into
normal day-to-day activities. We have created a table of activities (see below) to help you
plan the amount of time required.

Activit Examples Further information

Discussions, planning SLM 3 Implementation guide
Preparing for

Training, pilot, actual implementation SLM 3 Implementation guide


Difficulties with process or roles SLM 3 Implementation guide

Review of

Producing reports on the service SLM 4 Operations guide

Monitoring provided and interpreting them
service levels

Meetings with end-users and third- SLM 4 Operations guide

Reviewing party suppliers, identifying and
service levels resolving service issues

SLM3 Implementation guide

SLM 3.1 Define what needs to be done
As described in the overall FITS
implementation approach, we
process recommend a phased approach to
tools implementing new processes.

FITS implementation
for continuous improvement.


Structured implementation of best practice processes

for continuous improvement.
FITS Service Level Management is for
people with little free time to spend on
process implementing processes and procedures and
tools whose day-to-day activities are
unpredictable and must take priority.
Our aim is to help you begin to remove
some of the unpredictability by
introducing best-practice processes in
Service Level Management
small steps and so start to realise the
benefits as quickly as possible.

Service Level Management

implementation approach

Long-term scope
In the long term, Service Level Management should be an iterative process to ensure that the
service provided is what is required. Technology and user requirements change and failure
to review service levels repeatedly may result in the service provided becoming outdated
and inappropriate.
Ultimately, FITS Service Level Management should enable a simple service level agreement
to be drawn up and maintained, which will help ICT/technical support staff to focus
their activities appropriately and ensure that suppliers do the same. This should also be
tied to a regular reporting process that enables you to monitor service levels provided by
internal technical support and third-party suppliers.
However, as with all of the FITS processes, benefit can be derived from starting small and
building on solid foundations. We also recognise that you have limited time to spend on
management tasks when operational tasks must come first. Initially, therefore, we will focus
on steps leading towards this longer-term aim.
Short-term scope
In the short term, it is good preparation for full service level management to begin by
gathering information about all of the ICT services currently in use and how they are
delivered, and listing them. This alone will have benefits, as it will make clear exactly what
hardware and software you have and what needs to be supported. Only once you know this is
it possible to understand what rationalisation may improve stability or reduce skill
requirements. It may also identify equipment that no longer needs
to be supported or that is inappropriate or unauthorised. All of these things help technical
support staff to see the bigger picture and prioritise their work to best effect. Add to this
some simple reporting on the levels of service currently being provided and you have a
foundation for review, discussion and agreement on what is possible and what is needed.
Service level management encompasses all aspects of service provision, which means
that you must implement all service management processes in order to achieve a full
set of data for reporting purposes. In the short term, therefore, you should implement
all of the other FITS processes before considering developing Service Level
Management further.
SLM 3.2 Prepare to implement
Thorough preparation can make the difference between a successful implementation of a
process and an unsuccessful one.

The first step is to identify the process participants and assign roles and responsibilities.
We recommend that, for initial implementation, you involve as few people as possible
in the process. This means that it can become familiar with
Roles and minimum impact on the day-to-day workload of the school. The people you select to
responsibilities fulfil the service level management roles will depend on how you currently provide
technical support and who is involved already. SLM 3.2.1 Assign roles and responsibilities
offers some suggestions and guidance. Further details can also be found in SLM 5 Roles
and responsibilities.

After you have assigned roles and responsibilities, it is important to ensure that those
Training participating in the implementation and subsequent operation of the process understand
what is required of them. Use this website as part of your training.

Set a start date. A ‘go-live’ date is important in any implementation. Make sure that you
Start date allow enough time for all the preparatory tasks to be carried out before your ‘go-live’

Of course, communication must take place within the implementation team, to

agree plans, scheduled dates and so on. However, it is also important to
communicate externally and inform the user community of the new process.
The implementation of a process can be seen as being a change just like the
upgrading of a server and the impact on the user community should be
communicated to them clearly in advance of the change.

Before you can go ahead with the implementation, prepare all the materials required
Materials for the process. Make sure that you have downloaded the templates you need (see
Appendices) and that everyone involved has access to them.

The first stage of service level management is information gathering and producing
basic reports, many of which are already defined and set up in other FITS processes, so
it is not strictly necessary to carry out a pilot.
Pilot Service level management is something that is refined over time. Details of services will
change and reports will evolve. At this stage we recommend that you produce reports for
internal ICT use only. However, if you do choose to issue them to end-users, we
recommend that you pilot them with a small group first to ensure that the information
is accurate and that users can interpret them.

All of the FITS processes contribute to ICT service management and therefore
all are relevant to the Service Level Management process. However, this does not
necessarily mean that they must all be in place before you embark on service level
management. If you have implemented some of the FITS processes already, you should be
able to produce some statistical information that can be included in early service level
Prerequisites management reporting. But if you have not, you can identify the reporting
requirements you need for service level management and implement the processes one by
one to produce the required information.
The implementation of FITS is an ongoing task that may be constantly reviewed and
refined, so it is perfectly appropriate for the development of service level agreements
and reports to be carried out by incorporating feedback from users.
Role Suggested representative(s) Comments

Person with overall responsibility for Although there may be many service
technical support or ICT in general, for managers assigned to separate groups
instance: of end-users, it is unlikely that more
than one would be needed or
• ICT manager appropriate in a school.
• ICT co-ordinator The service manager should be
Service manager • network manager someone with an overview of the
technical support provision, from within
• technician. the technical support or ICT area.
The service manager should not be a
user representative but a technical
support representative.

Person with good knowledge of end-user A single end-user representative is not

requirements of ICT, such as: expected to know the requirements of
• teacher all end-users but a team of end-user
representatives should together do this.
• teaching assistant
End-user representatives should be
• student willing and able to co-ordinate
End-user • service issues and attend service
representative review meetings.

There should be at least one end-user

representative in addition to the
service manager.

SLM 3.3 Implement

In the first instance we will not implement the full Service Level Management process flow.
Instead we will begin by introducing the first and last steps – that is, the gathering and
documenting of service information and the steps towards monitoring and reviewing the
service provided. This will enable you to create a service catalogue that you will use as the
basis for service level management and that you can issue
to end-users to outline what technical support is responsible for (and, by definition, what it
is not responsible for). The preparation of service level agreements, operational level
agreements and other underpinning contracts is not necessary at this stage.

services Service


Agreed services

store in
Agreed service
levels 03 database
store in store in

Publish service
04 level

Define and
contracts Operational
Review service 06

Service level Management process

SLM 3.3.1 Document services

Remember that there is a difference between services and the equipment that enables
the services – see Appendix A – Example services.
In FITS Configuration Management we identify and record all the component parts that
make up the infrastructure (the pieces of equipment – hardware, software, documentation
and so on). In Service Level Management we take a different view, determining what parts
of the infrastructure are required to fulfil each particular service. This is a key step in
improving communication between technical ICT staff and end-users. If you speak in terms
of services and ensure that services are in working order, the end-user is receiving working
ICT on their terms. To try to discuss end-user requirements in terms of the availability of
file servers, routers, network cabling and so on would be undesirable, as it is unreasonable
to expect end-users to understand the implications.
To document the services, you must then identify each service and the technical components
of each service. Gathering service information is harder than doing an audit of physical
equipment and is more likely to be in terms of what software is installed on computers and
file servers. You will need to investigate every computer and file server, and talk to at least
one representative of each department to make sure that you don’t miss anything – see SLM
3.2.1 Assign roles and responsibilities for further information on end-user representatives.
Don't assume that if you haven't installed something yourself it doesn’t exist!
To help you, we have prepared a service catalogue template (see Appendix B) outlining the
kind of information you should gather. Complete the section on service details with your
service information: our service details guidance (see below) will help you do this. The
section on service details in our service catalogue example (Appendix B) should also help
you understand what is required.
If you have implemented FITS Configuration Management, you should store your baseline
service catalogue in the configuration-management database. You should then ensure that the
list is controlled and maintained so that it is always accurate and up to date (or you will
have to do another audit). FITS Change Management can help you to do this. We have
created a service report template to help you get started.
See also our example service report (see Appendix D).

SLM Service details guidance

Enter every service in this column.


List all the pieces of equipment involved in providing this service.


Identify each component with its unique ID if it has been assigned – this is dealt with in
Component Configuration Management. If you have not assigned unique IDs yet, leave this blank
unique ID until you do. The information is to help you identify physical pieces of equipment when
trying to diagnose a service failure.

List the end-users of this service (not the components). List job titles, functions or
End-users departments. Avoid using people’s names – if someone leaves and the catalogue is not
updated with their replacement's name, you may not know in future to whom it refers.
Be explicit – don’t put ‘most users’ or ‘some users in Humanities’.

Enter the date of recording the service in the service catalogue.

Date recorded

SLM 3.3.2 Estimate service levels

The purpose of providing an estimate of the service levels currently being provided is to
identify what the perceived priorities are in ICT. This is often different from what is in the
overall interests of the school – which is what should determine the service levels required.
By estimating current service levels, you have a baseline from which to discuss actual
requirements and identify changes in priorities. This helps you to make step-changes to
move from current service levels to new ones without having to spend more time starting
from a blank sheet of paper.
Before you can estimate the level of service being provided, you must identify what the
services are. See SLM 3.3.1 Document services for details. Once you have done that, return to
the service catalogue you have started and complete the next section
– Service level details. For assistance in completing this section, see our service level details
guidance (below) and the service level details section of service catalogue example
(Appendix B).
Service level details guidance

Estimate the hours each component is available or is required to be available.


Estimate the speed of response to an incident relating to each component. Be honest. It

Response time may vary between services, depending on the perceived criticality of the service or for
other reasons.

Estimate the speed of resolution of an incident relating to each component. Of course,

Fix time it will vary depending upon the cause. This just needs to be a best-guess average to
start with, based on recent experience.

Record the function, department or third party responsible for supporting the
Supported by components of the service.

List the hours of availability of the support service for the components.
Hours of support

Date last updated Enter the date the service catalogue record was last updated. It is good practice to indicate
when records were changed.

SLM 3.4 Review the implementation

In keeping with the FITS approach, the service review at this implementation stage should
be confined to the technical support or ICT team. If you limit the participants, those
involved can become familiar with concepts of services and service levels and start to
measure their own performance before opening discussions with end-users.
Look at the first draft of the service catalogue you have created and consider the
following questions.
• Have you identified services you didn’t know existed?
• Can you spot any trends in how work is prioritised?
• Are there any clashes in priority or availability in a service that could restrict its
overall service level?
• Have you identified any third-party response or fix-time issues?
• Have you identified any other support issues?
The answers to these questions will help you and the team to start to identify the scale of
the service you are offering. You will also have some opening questions to ask when you
start to discuss levels of service with end-users.
Have a look at our service catalogue example (Appendix B) and review it using the above
questions. See if you can identify some issues, then look at our example review answers
(Appendix C) to check them against our findings.

SLM 3.5 Implementation resources

For creating a service catalogue, use the template we have prepared for you
(Appendix B).

SLM 4 Operations guide

SLM 4.1 What needs to be done?
The day-to-day tasks for FITS Service Level Management link directly into the
implementation of the other processes.
In order to build on the ‘guesstimate’ measurements you added to the service catalogue
when working through the Service Level Management implementation guide, you need
to capture some real data. A section on measurements is included in each of the other
processes to help you to do this.
You will use the data you gather to create a report on the overall service actually being
provided. This will form the basis for discussion and review by ICT/technical support
and, eventually, end-user representatives.

SLM 4.1.1 Implement FITS processes

If you have not already done so, you should implement the rest of the FITS processes.
• Service Desk
• Incident Management
• Problem Management
• Change Management
• Configuration Management
• Release Management
• Availability and Capacity Management
(includes Preventative Maintenance and Network Monitoring)
• Service Continuity Management
• Financial Management

SLM 4.1.2 Produce service report

Each FITS process has its own recommended measurements. By carrying out the full
implementation and operations instructions for each process, you will collect some relevant
measurements that you can use to create a service report. It is not necessary to wait until all
processes have been implemented to start producing a service report – all information is
helpful. The report should include the following types of information: period of report,
reactive statistics, proactive statistics and change statistics.
State the period of time the report covers. Reports should be regular rather than random
Period of report – this helps you to interpret trends and fluctuations more easily.

Include useful statistics on the handling of incidents and requests that indicate the level
Reactive statistics of service being provided.

Include measurements that indicate that preventative action is being taken.

Proactive statistics

Include an indication of the number of technical improvements and new services

Change statistics provided in the period.

We have created a service report template to help you get started. See also our
example service report (see Appendix D).

SLM 4.1.3 Review service levels

To start with, only those responsible for providing technical support should review the
service report. Formal review meetings with end-user representatives can come later, when
you have developed a greater awareness of the level of service being provided. It also
allows the process to become familiar to a small group before it is widened to include
more people.
Use the information in the service report to identify potential issues and areas requiring
further investigation. Monitor trends over a period of time and look for fluctuations.
Remember that it is dangerous to take statistics at face value, as there may be many possible
reasons behind them. Here are some examples of the variety of possible answers (the list is
not exhaustive).

Trend Some possible causes Action required

• A major incident occurred, affecting • Check incident logs for unusual

a number of users. occurrences or similarities.
• A newly introduced service was not • Check recent release and change
Increase in rolled out successfully. activities.
• All incidents were not previously See Incident Management, Change
being logged. Management and Release
Management for further guidance.

• More underlying problems had • Check problem records.

been identified, resulting in • Check requests for change.
Increase in improvements being made.
See Problem Management and Change
number of • Changes carried out were not Management for further guidance.
changes well planned and had to be re-
implemented implemented.
• Changes were not previously
SLM 4.2 When does it need doing?

Operational task Frequency

The implementation of each FITS process is a one-off activity that is subject to

SLM 4.1.1 individual review and re-implementation as necessary.
Implement FITS
Consider process enhancements only after each process has been introduced and operated
for a period of time.

Produce service reports regularly, not randomly. Random reports make it hard to
SLM 4.1.2 Produce identify trends. Choose a frequency and structure and stick to it for a while, then review
service report its suitability and adjust accordingly. Avoid introducing change with every report to
allow the ‘picture’ to build.

Review all service reports soon after they have been produced. Reports are of no
SLM 4.1.3 Review value if they are not acted on and they are hard to follow up if they are old.
service levels

SLM 4.3 Who does it?

Operational task Who does it?

SLM 4.1.1 The person responsible for ICT technical support, with the overt backing of the
Implement FITS headteacher, should direct the implementation of the FITS processes.

The service manager is responsible for producing service reports, but may delegate aspects
SLM 4.1.2 Produce of this task as appropriate.
service report

Service levels should be reviewed, in the first instance, by those responsible or

involved in ICT technical support, led by the person who is responsible for this
SLM 4.1.3 Review function overall.
service levels
It may be appropriate to involve the headteacher in the early stages to
demonstrate the importance of FITS.

SLM 4.4 Operational resources

• Service Desk
• Incident Management
• Problem Management
• Change Management
• Configuration Management
• Release Management
• Availability and Capacity Management
• Service Continuity Management
• Financial Management
• Example service report (Appendix D)
• Service report template (Appendix D)
SLM 5 Roles and responsibilities
SLM 5.1 Service manager
• Is responsible for service level management
• Is responsible for leading service and service level negotiations with end-users
• Is responsible for publishing a service catalogue
• Is responsible for publishing service level agreements
• Is responsible for all underpinning contracts with other departments or third
• Is responsible for producing service reports
• Is responsible for reviewing service reports, internally in ICT technical support and with
end-user representatives
• Convenes and chairs service review meetings
“I will be responsible for techical support or ICT”

SLM 5.2 End-user representative

• Represents a particular user group or department
• Is one of a number of end-user representatives ensuring full representation
• Is aware of all services used by the group or department they represent
• Has an understanding of the application and importance of the services used in their
• Receives service reports
• Attends service review meetings or user groups
• Is a point of escalation for ICT issues concerning other members of their group or

SLM 6 Review of Service Level Management

The purpose of this section is to help you review your implementation and ongoing operation of
service level management, check your understanding of the process, examine what a successful
implementation should look like and consider what you have achieved by introducing it into
your school. This will help you to assess how successful its introduction has been and point you
back to the relevant sections in the Service Level Management process that you should revisit to
make improvements, if these are necessary.
Start by reading the sections included in the recap of Service Level Management. When
you have refreshed your memory and considered your own implementation alongside
these descriptions, work through the checklist to identify any areas that you should
revisit and perhaps re-implement or reinforce.
SLM 6.1 Recap of Service Level Management
In service level management we described how service levels and performance could be
measured and these measurements used to ensure that service levels meet end-user needs. We
gave you an overview of the whole Service Level Management process and an
implementation guide giving step-by-step instructions to help you implement a service
level management process that we believe is appropriate for the needs of schools. An
operations guide gave you a list of ongoing activities required by the process in order for
you to keep it going and reap the benefits. We described roles and responsibilities and
offered guidance on how to assign roles. We removed anything non-essential to give you a
lean process requiring the minimum of effort and resource.
Check your understanding of the process by following SLM 6.1.1 to SLM 6.1.4 below.

SLM 6.1.1 Service Level Management summary

Step Tasks

Document existing services and agree them with Create a service catalogue listing all the ICT services
end-users. your school provides to end-users and that receive
technical support. These will be services rather than

Decide what service levels are required for Decide on what is the acceptable availability of
each service. services, including how quickly incidents and
problems should be resolved. Where possible, place
services in order of priority to help ensure that you
focus resources in the most appropriate way. This may
also include defining and publishing service level

Ensure that agreed services can be supported to Define support requirements and resource them. This
the level decided. may involve using internal technical support staff,
third-party suppliers or a mixture of the two. It is
important that any underpinning contracts with other
groups or suppliers make it possible for those
responsible for ICT technical support to meet the
agreed service levels.

Monitor the service levels actually provided and

Using the criteria agreed when defining service levels,
compare them to the requirement.
produce statistical reports to measure the service
provided. This may include, for example, the
percentage of incidents that were resolved on or
inside target, the number and duration of service
failures and so on. It will also involve monitoring the
performance of third-party suppliers if you use them.

Review the service. Hold regular meetings with end-users to discuss

service reports and identify areas for improvement or to
discuss new requirements. Those responsible for ICT
technical support should also meet regularly with
third-party suppliers to review their service to the
SLM 6.1.2 What you should expect now that you have implemented
Service Level Management
• Technical support staff know which services they should focus on and do not waste
time supporting unauthorised equipment.
• Technical support staff know what services to give priority to.
• The users are more aware of what the current level of service is.
• Technical support staff have a greater awareness of the impact of third parties on the
service they provide.

SLM 6.1.3 What you should have achieved through Service Level Management
• You have a catalogue of authorised ICT services, which you always keep up to date
with changes.
• A clearer picture is forming of the levels of service being provided to ICT users.
• Target service levels are emerging and being aimed at.
• You have implemented all of the other FITS processes.
• You regularly create and review service reports.
• Regular review meetings may take place with end-user representatives.
• Findings from reports and review meetings result in an improved level of service.

SLM 6.1.4 Benefits of having implemented Service Level Management

• The school does not waste time and money supporting unauthorised ICT equipment.
• You deal with incidents and problems in the order that is most appropriate for the
school as a whole.
• The level of service you provide meets the needs of the end-users.
• You can measure technical support activities and performance.
• You can identify shortcomings in service levels and make improvements.
• A culture of customer focus is developing – you deal with ICT needs based on the
seriousness of the impact rather than the complexity of the problem.
SLM 6.2 Checklist
Use this checklist to identify any areas of service level management that have not been
entirely successful. Then reinforce them by revisiting and re-implementing the relevant
section of the FITS process.

Characteristics of a successful implementation FITS section to revisit if implementation

has not yet been successful

You have assigned roles and responsibilities. SLM 3.2.1 Assign roles and responsibilities in
Service Level Management

Those involved in service level management SLM 2 Overview of Service Level Management
understand the process.

A service catalogue documents all services in use. SLM 3.3.1 Document services

You have estimated current service levels and SLM 3.3.2 Estimate service levels
included your findings in the service catalogue.

You produce regular service reports that include SLM 4.1.2 Produce service report
consistent and relevant information on all FITS SLM 4.2 When does it need doing?
SLM 4.3 Who does it?
SLM 4.1.1 Implement FITS processes

You review service levels regularly. SLM 4.1.3 Review service levels
SLM 4.2 When does it need doing?
SLM 4.3 Who does it?

If the checklist of characteristics are all true of your school, congratulations on

implementing a successful service level management process! The next steps for you are to
continue operating the process as described in the Service Level Management operations
guide (SLM 4) and establish the process firmly. Work through this checklist at regular
intervals to help you check that everyone concerned continues to carry out all aspects of
the process. You can then refer to the relevant sections to address any shortfalls as they arise.
SLM Appendix A Example services

Service Equipment required to enable service

Printer, computer, cable, ink cartridge, paper, printer driver, electrical power

Computer, operating system, word processing software, electrical power

Word processing

Computer, operating system, internet-browser software, communications link,

Internet access internet service provider (ISP), electrical power

File server, computer, network operating system, computer operating system, routers,
Shared data switches, hubs, network cabling, communication links, electrical power
SLM Appendix
Framework for ICT Technical Support (FITS)
Service Level Management example service catalogue
Service Details Service level details
Services Components Component End-users Component Response Fix time Supported by Hours of Date Date last
unique ID availability time support recorded updated
Email Email server (hardware) 12 All departments 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Email server (software) 15 0800 - 1800 M-F 4 hours 8 hours Email software Ltd 1400-2200 M-F 11-Jul-03 12-Jul-03
File server O/S 91 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 1 hour Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03

Service catalogue – example and template

Router 3 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 4 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 5 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
LAN N/A 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 1 hour Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
ISDN 22 0800 - 1800 M-F 15 minutes 4 hours Telecoms Co 0900-1700 M-F 11-Jul-03 12-Jul-03
ISP 23 0800 - 1800 M-F 15 minutes 30 minutes ISP Co 24x7 S-S 11-Jul-03 12-Jul-03
Internet Firewall 11 All departments 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 4 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0800-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
O/S 91 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 1 hour Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 3 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 4 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 5 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
LAN N/A 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 1 hour Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
ISDN 21 0800 - 1800 M-F 15 minutes 4 hours Telecoms Co 0900-1700 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
ISP 23 0800 - 1800 M-F 15 minutes 30 minutes ISP Co 24x7 S-S 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Word processing Applications file server 1 All departments 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
File server O/S 91 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 1 hour Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
WP server software 30 0800 - 1800 M-F 4 hours 8 hours WP Software Ltd 0900-1700 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 3 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 4 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 5 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
LAN N/A 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 1 hour Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Interactive Whiteboard Whiteboard 25 Classroom 1 0800 - 1600 M-F 4 hours 8 hours Whiteboard Supplier
Ltd 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Applications file server 1 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03

Router 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
0800 - 1800 M-F Hardware Maintenance 30 minutes 1 hour 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
4 Internal ICT technical support
School Administration Applications file server 1 Head Teacher 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03

SAS Department Heads 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 2 hours LEA 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Admin Assistant 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
35 0800 - 1800 M-F Hardware Maintenance 1 hour 2 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 0800 - 1800 M-F hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
3 Hardware Maintenance 30 minutes 1 hour
Router Internal ICT technical support


Printing mono Printer server 15 All departments 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
File server O/S 91 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 1 hour Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Laserjet 40 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Laserjet 41 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Inkjet 42 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
SCM Appendix
Framework for ICT Technical Support (FITS) Becta | ICT Advice
Service Level Management example service catalogue
Consumables N/A 0800 - 1800 M-F 15 minutes 30 minutes Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 3 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 4 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 5 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
LAN N/A 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 1 hour Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Printing colour Printer server 15 All departments 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03

Service catalogue – example and template

Laserjet 42 0800 - 1800 M-F 15 minutes 30 minutes XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
File server O/S 91 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 1 hour Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Consumables N/A 0800 - 1800 M-F 15 minutes 30 minutes Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 3 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 4 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Router 5 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
LAN N/A 0800 - 1800 M-F 30 minutes 1 hour Internal ICT technical support 0800-1800 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
French GCSE Desktop Computer 50 Classroom 2 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Desktop Computer 51 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
Laptop 50 0800 - 1800 M-F 1 hour 2 hours XYZ Hardware Maintenance 0830-1730 M-F 10-Jul-03 11-Jul-03
French GCSE 37 0800 - 1800 M-F 10-Jul-03
French GCSE 38 0800 - 1800 M-F 10-Jul-03
French GCSE 39 0800 - 1800 M-F 10-Jul-03
SLM Appendix C Example review answers

Questions Findings Actions

French GCSE software has been • Identify who has installed this.
installed locally on two computers and a • Locate licences or remove software.
Have you laptop in Classroom 2. There is no
support for this at the moment. We • Identify supplier.
identified services
you didn't didn’t do this so we don't know where • Identify support terms and costs.
the licences are.
know existed? • Review costs with headteacher and
head of languages.

A colour printer has a very fast • Find colour printer users.

response and fix time from technical • Identify cost of fast response and fix.
support and XYZ Maintenance, but we
can’t find out who uses it. • Review actual response and
Can you spot fix needs.
any trends in We suspect this is because of the initial
high cost of the equipment and the need • Agree way forward with
how work is
prioritised? for benefit to be realised, but that the headteacher.
level of service may not be required (or • Market service or reduce service
awareness of availability of service levels.
needs to be raised).

Response times for standard off-the- • Assess risk and impact.

shelf software (email and word • Assess cost of faster response.
Are there any processing) is slower than for hardware
clashes in priority resolution so could potentially extend • Review suitability of response times.
or availability downtime.
within a service
that could restrict
its overall
service level?

Support hours of third-party suppliers • Review requirement.

do not match availability requirements • Identify cost of extension.
(with the exception of ISP Co and
Have you LEA). • Identify potential savings with ISP Co.
identified any ISP hours are excessive and response • Discuss implications and way
third-party times are fast. This may not be required forward with headteacher.
response or fix and may be costing us more money than • Reapportion funds to service
time issues? we need to pay. providers as agreed.

Hours of support for interactive • Contact Whiteboard Supplier Ltd

whiteboard are not known. for details.
Have you • Review hours for suitability.
identified any • Update service catalogue.
support issues?
SLM Appendix D Service report – example and template

Framework for ICT Technical Support (FITS) Becta ict advice

Service Level Management example service report

Enter Monthly figures in the columns below v

Enter months > March April May June Totals
Number of incidents logged > 20 36 30 45 131
Average time to incident resolution > 2 3 3 2
Number of problem > 4 12 9 17 42
Average time to problem resolution > 4 7 6 3
Number of incidents resolved by Service Desk >
4 8 11 15 38
Number of incidents referred by Service Desk >
16 28 19 30 93
Number of incidents fixed remotely >
2 4 5 8 19
Number of incidents fixed by visit >
16 30 25 24 95
Number of incidents closed in period >
Number of problems closed in period > 18 34 30 32 114
Number of incidents still open > Number 3 8 11 15 37
of problems still open > Number of 2 4 4 17 27
computers installed > 1 5 3 5 14
Number of software applications installed > 3 6 2 1 12
Number of printers installed > 3 4 12 10 29
Number of requests for change processed > 0 1 4 0 5
Number of successfful changes > 3 2 0 4 15
Used server disk space (gigabytes) > 2 1 5 4 12
Available server disk space (gigabytes) >
25 26 27 28
5 4 3 32

Save and print

SLM Appendix D Service report – example and template

Framework for ICT Technical Support (FITS) Becta ict advice

Service Level Management example service report

Report period:

Incidents and problems logged this period March Average time to resolution of
incidents and problems
50 to
Number of 8 Average time
40 June
incidents to incident
logged 6 resolution


Number of 4 Average time
20 problems to problem
logged 2 resolution
Date Date

Allocation of incidents Incidents fixed remotely and by visit

50 40
Number of Number of
40 30
incidents referred incidents fixed by
30 by Service Desk

20 Number of Number of
incidents resolved 10 incidents fixed
10 by Service Desk remotely
0 0
Month Month

Outstanding incidents and problems New installations

20 14 Number of
12 computers
Number of installed
15 10
incidents still
Number of

open 8
10 software
Number of 6
5 problems still 4 installed
open 2 Number of
0 0 printers
1 1 installed
Month Date

Changes in period Server disk-space utilisation

7 70
6 60 Available server
Number of
5 requests for 50 disk space


4 change processed 40 (gigabytes)

3 Number of 30 Used server disk
2 successful changes 20 space (gigabytes)
1 10
0 0

1 1
Date Date

A networking standard that supports data transfer rates up to 100 Mbps (100 megabits per
second). 10Base-T is based on the older Ethernet standard but is 10 times faster than
10Base-T Ethernet; it is often referred to as Fast Ethernet. Officially, the 10Base-T standard is IEEE
802.3u. Like Ethernet, 10Base-T is based on the CSMA/CD LAN access method.

Inexpensive LAN (local area network) architecture built into all Apple Macintosh
computers and laser printers. AppleTalk supports Apple’s LocalTalk cabling scheme, as well
AppleTalk as Ethernet and IBM Token Ring. It can connect Macintosh computers and printers, and
even PCs if they are equipped with special AppleTalk hardware and software.

Component of a business process. Assets can include people, accommodation,

computer systems, networks, paper records, fax machines, etc.

Ability of a component or service to perform its required function at a stated instant or

Availability over a stated period of time. It is usually expressed as the availability ratio: the proportion
of time that the service is actually available for use by customers within the agreed service

Availability To ensure that ICT services are available for use consistently as agreed.

The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital
devices, the bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second (bps).

A snapshot or a position which is recorded. Although the position may be updated

Baseline later, the baseline remains unchanged and available as a reference of the original state and
as a comparison against the current position.

A device that connects two LANs (local area networks), or two segments of the same LAN
that use the same protocol, such as Ethernet or Token Ring.

A temporary storage area, usually in RAM. The purpose of most buffers is to act as a
holding area, enabling the CPU to manipulate data before transferring it to a device.

The final stage in producing a usable configuration. The process involves taking one or
Build more input configuration items and processing (building) them to create one or more
output configuration items (eg software compile and load).

Ability of available supply of processing power to match the demands made on it by the
business, both now and in the future.

Capacity To ensure that all ICT processing and storage capacity provision match present and
Management evolving needs.

Classification of a group of configuration items, change documents, incidents or


The addition, modification or removal of approved, supported or baselined hardware,

Change network, software, application, environment, system, desktop build or associated
The managed and recorded introduction of changes to hardware, software, services or
Management documentation to minimise disruption to ICT operation and maintain accurate
configuration information.

The client part of a client/server architecture. Typically, a client is an application that runs
on a personal computer or workstation and relies on a server to perform some operations.
For example, an email client is an application that enables you to send and receive email.

A network architecture in which each computer or process on the network is either a

Client/server client or a server. Servers are powerful computers or processes dedicated to managing disk
architecture drives (file servers), printers (print servers) or network traffic (network servers). Clients are
PCs or workstations on which users run applications. Clients rely on servers for resources
such as files, devices and even processing power.

Configuration A database which contains all relevant details of each ICT asset, otherwise known as a
management configuration item (CI), and details of the important relationships between CIs.
database (CMDB)

Configuration Implementing and maintaining up-to-date records of ICT hardware, software,

Management services and documentation, and showing the relationships between them.

The library in which the definitive authorised versions of all software CIs are stored and
Definitive protected. It is a physical library or storage repository where master copies of software
software library versions are placed. This one logical storage area may in reality consist of one or more
(DSL) physical software libraries or filestores. They should be separate from development and test
filestore areas. The DSL may also include a physical store (fire- proof safe, for example) to
hold master copies of bought-in software. Only authorised software, strictly controlled by
Change Management and Release Management, should be accepted into the DSL.
The DSL exists not directly because of the needs of the Configuration Management process,
but as a common base for the Release Management and Configuration Management

Any computer or component that attaches to a network.


A signal informing a program that an event has occurred. When a program receives an
Error trap interrupt signal, it takes a specified action (which can be to ignore the signal).
Interrupt signals can cause a program to suspend itself temporarily to service the

A LAN (local area network) architecture developed in 1976 by Xerox Corporation in co-
operation with DEC and Intel. Ethernet uses a bus or star topology and supports data
Ethernet transfer rates of 10 Mbps. The Ethernet specification served as the basis for the IEEE 802.3
standard, which specifies the physical and lower software layers. Ethernet is one of the
most widely implemented LAN standards.

A set of ANSI protocols for sending digital data over fibre optic cable. FDDI networks
FDDI (Fibre
Distributed Data are token-passing networks, and support data rates of up to 100 Mbps (100 million
Interface) bits) per second. FDDI networks are typically used as backbones for wide area

Financial To ensure that the ICT and technical resources are implemented and managed in a cost-
Management effective way.
A system designed to prevent unauthorised access to or from a private network. Firewalls
can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both. Firewalls are
Firewall frequently used to prevent unauthorised internet users from accessing private networks
connected to the internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet
pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet
the specified security criteria.

A node on a network that serves as an entrance to another network. In schools, the

Gateway gateway is the computer that routes the traffic from a workstation to the outside network
that is serving web pages. In homes, the gateway is the ISP that connects the user to the

When used to describe data transfer rates, it refers to 10 to the 9th power
Gigabit (1,000,000,000) bits. Gigabit is abbreviated Gb, as opposed to gigabyte, which is
abbreviated GB.

The underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP defines how messages are
HTTP formatted and transmitted, and what actions web servers and browsers should take in
(hypertext response to various commands. For example, when you enter a URL in your browser,
transfer protocol) this actually sends an HTTP command to the web server directing it to fetch and transmit
the requested web page.

A connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are commonly used to connect
Hub segments of a LAN (local area network). A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet
arrives at one port, it is copied to the other ports so that all segments of the LAN can see
all packets.

The convergence of information technology, telecommunications and data

networking technologies into a single technology.

Any event which is not part of the standard operation of a service and which causes, or
may cause, an interruption to, or a reduction in, the quality of that service.

Incident To detect, diagnose and resolve ICT incidents as quickly as possible and minimise their
Management adverse impact on normal operation.

The OGC IT Infrastructure Library – a set of guides on the management and

provision of operational IT services.
A computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most local area networks
(LANs) are confined to a single building or group of buildings.
The cabling scheme supported by the AppleTalk network protocol for Macintosh
LocalTal computers. Most local area networks that use AppleTalk, such as TOPS, also conform to
k the LocalTalk cable system. Such networks are sometimes called LocalTalk networks.

The logical topology is the way that the signals act on the network media, or the way
Logical topology that the data passes through the network from one device to the next without regard to
the physical interconnection of the devices.

Each device on a network can be identified by its MAC address, a hardware address that
MAC (media uniquely identifies each node of a network. In IEEE 802 networks, the data link control
access control) (DLC) layer of the OSI reference model is divided into two sub-layers: the logical link
address control (LLC) layer and the MAC layer. The MAC layer interfaces directly with the
network media. Consequently, each different type of network media requires a different
MAC layer.
A management information base (MIB) is a database of objects that can be monitored
information base by a network management system. Both SNMP and RMON use standardised MIB
(MIB) formats that allow any SNMP and RMON tools to monitor any device defined by a

A group of two or more computer systems linked together. The two types of computer
Network networks of interest to schools are LANs (local area networks) and WANs (wide area

A network interface card (NIC) is an expansion board inserted or built into a

interface card computer so that the computer can be connected to a network. Most NICs are
(NIC) designed for a particular type of network, protocol, although some can serve
multiple networks.

The load on a communications device or system.

Network traffic

A processing location. A node can be a workstation or some other device, such as a printer.
Node Every node has a unique network address, sometimes called a data link control (DLC)
address or media access control (MAC) address.

The OSI (open system interconnection) model defines a networking framework for
OSI reference implementing protocols in seven layers. Control is passed from one layer to the next,
model starting at the application layer in one station, and proceeding to the bottom layer, over
the channel to the next station, and back up the hierarchy.

A piece of a message transmitted over a packet-switching network. One of the key features
of a packet is that it contains the destination address in addition to the data.

Refers to protocols in which messages are divided into packets before they are sent. Each
Packet packet is then transmitted individually and can even follow different routes to its
switching destination. Once all the packets forming a message arrive at the destination, they are
recompiled into the original message.

A type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and

network responsibilities. This differs from client/server architectures, in which some
computers are dedicated to serving the others.

The physical layout of devices on a network. Every LAN (local area network) has a
topology topology – the way the devices on a network are arranged and how they
communicate with each other.

In TCP/IP and UDP networks, an endpoint to a logical connection. The port number
identifies what type of port it is. For example, port 80 is used for HTTP traffic.

The underlying cause of an incident or incidents.


Problem The detection of the underlying causes of incidents and their resolution and
Management prevention.

An agreed format for transmitting data between two devices.


A set of network protocol layers that work together. The OSI reference model that defines
Protocol stack seven protocol layers is often called a stack, as is the set of TCP/IP protocols that define
communication over the internet.
A server that sits between a client application, such as a web browser, and a real server. It
Proxy server intercepts all requests to the real server to see if it can fulfil the requests itself. If not, it
forwards the request to the real server.

To plan, test and manage the successful implementation of software and hardware. To
Management define release policy and to ensure that master copies of all software are secured centrally.

Remote Remote monitoring (RMON) is a network management protocol that allows network
monitoring information to be gathered at a single workstation. For RMON to work, network devices
(RMON) such as hubs and switches must be designed to support it.

Request for Form or screen used to record details of a request for a change to any CI within an
change infrastructure, or to procedures and items associated with the infrastructure.

A device that forwards data packets along networks. A router is connected to at least two
Router networks, commonly two LANs (local area networks) or WANs (wide area networks) or a
LAN and its ISP’s network. Routers are located at gateways, the places where two or more
networks connect.

A section of a network that is bounded by bridges, routers or switches. Dividing an

Segment Ethernet into multiple segments is one of the most common ways of increasing available
bandwidth on the LAN.

A workstation or device on a network that manages network resources. For example, a file
server is a computer and storage device dedicated to storing files. Any user on the network
Server can store files on the server. A print server is a computer that manages one or more printers,
and a network server is a computer that manages network traffic. A database server is a
computer system that processes database queries.

Service Continuity To minimise the impact on ICT service of an environmental disaster and put in place and
Management communicate a plan for recovery.

The single point of contact within the school for all users of ICT and the services
Service Desk
provided by Technical Support.

Service level Written agreement between a service provider and the customer(s) that documents agreed
agreement service levels for a service.

Service Level The process of defining, agreeing and documenting required service levels and
Management ensuring that these levels are met.

A set of protocols for managing complex networks. SNMP works by sending messages,
Simple network
management called protocol data units (PDUs), to different parts of a network. SNMP- compliant
protocol (SNMP) devices, called agents, store data about themselves in management information bases
(MIBs) and return this data to the SNMP requesters.

A LAN (local area network) that uses a star topology in which all nodes are connected to
Star topology a central computer. The main advantages of a star network are that one malfunctioning
node does not affect the rest of the network and that it is easy to add and remove nodes.

A device that filters and forwards packets between segments of a LAN (local area network).
Switch Switches operate at the data link layer (layer 2) and sometimes the network layer (layer 3)
of the OSI reference model and therefore support any packet protocol.
TCP/IP The suite of communications protocols used to connect hosts on the internet.
(Transmission TCP/IP uses several protocols, the two main ones being TCP and IP.

A type of computer network in which all the computers are arranged (schematically) in a
Token ring circle. A token, which is a special bit pattern, travels around the circle. To send a message, a
computer catches the token, attaches a message to it, and then lets it continue to travel
around the network.

The shape of a LAN (local area network) or other communications system.

Topologies are either physical or logical.

A connectionless protocol that, like TCP, runs on top of IP networks. Unlike TCP/IP, UDP/IP
User datagram provides very few error recovery services, offering instead a direct way to send and receive
protocol (UDP) datagrams over an IP network. It is used primarily for broadcasting messages over a

A computer network that spans a relatively large geographical area. Typically, a wide area
network (WAN) consists of two or more LANs (local area networks). Computers connected
WA to a wide area network are often connected through public networks, such as the telephone
N system. They can also be connected through leased lines or satellites. The largest WAN in
existence is the internet.

Any computer connected to a LAN (local area network).


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