and early 20th century . Psychoanalysis was the child of Sigmund Freuds genius. Some of the basic tenets of Freuds psychoanalysis are : unconscious mental activity , role of childhood experiences in shaping the adult personality , the notion of psychic determination.
Beginnings of psychoanalysis:
In the decade from 1887 to 1897, Freud turned his attention to the serious study of the disturbances of his hysterical patients and in this period the beginnings of psychoanalysis took place. One of his patient was Anna O. who was before treated by Breuer , was then treated by Freud through the use of hypnosis as a routine part of his clinical practice. In 1889 Freud turned to Catharsis method , which he used in conjunction with hypnosis. Then he was not satisfied with this method and he switched to Free Association Inviting his patients to say whatever came in to there mind without censoring there thought.
During this period Freud was convinced that Childhood Sexual seductions played an important role in neurosis. Many of his patients reported such seductions by nursemaid , fathers and caretakers and according To Freud repressed memory of such sexual trauma caused Neurosis. Freuds self analysis also was instrumental in his deciphering of dreams and lead to the appearance in 1990 of perhaps the most monumental work , THE Interpretation Of Dreams
Interpretation of Dreams :
Freud became aware of the significance of the dreams when his patients frequently reported there dreams in the process of free association. He learned that dreams were definitely meaningful , even though meanings were sometimes hidden or disguised. Freud was struck by the intimate connection between dream content and unconscious memories or fantasies that were long repressed . This observation led Freud to declare that the interpretation of dreams was the loyal road to understanding the unconscious. Freud said that dreams is the disguised fulfillment of an unconscious childhood wish that is not readily accessible to conscious awareness in waking life. The analysis of dreams elicits material that has been repressed.
AGE Range
Birth 1 year
1- 3 years
3-6 Years