OS Process
OS Process
OS Process
User Views: -The user’s view of the operating system depends on the type of user.
If the user is using standalone system, then OS is designed for ease of use and
high performances.
If the users are at different terminals connected to a mainframe or
minicomputers, by sharing information and resources, then the OS is designed
to maximize resource utilization .
If the users are in workstations, connected to networks and servers, then the
user have a system unit of their own the OS is designed for both ease of use
and resource availability (files).
Users of hand-held systems, expects the OS to be designed for ease of use and
performance per amount of battery life
System Views: - Operating system can be viewed as a resource
allocator and control program
OS is a resource allocator
Manages all resources
Decides between conflicting requests for efficient and fair resource
OS is a control program
Controls execution of programs to prevent errors and improper use
of the computer
Computer System Organization
Computer-system operation
One or more CPUs, device controllers connect through
common bus providing access to shared memory.
Each device controller is in-charge of a specific type of
The CPU and other devices execute concurrently
competing for memory cycles.
When system is switched on, ‘Bootstrap’ program is executed. It is the
initial program to run in the system. This program is stored in read-only
memory (ROM) or in electrically erasable programmable read-only
memory (EEPROM).
Switch on ‘Bootstrap’ program
Main memory is the large memory that the processor can access
2. Useful for sending large block of data Useful for sending small data.
3. System call is used only to create System call is used during every
shared memory read and write operation.
• Graphical user interface (GUI), allows users to interface with the operating
system using pointer device and menu system
System Programs
“A collection of programs that provide a convenient
environment for program development and execution are called
system programs or system utilities.”
System programs may be divided into five categories
1. File management - programs to create, delete, copy, rename, print, list, and
generally manipulate files and directories.
2. Status information - Utilities to check on the date, time, number of users,
processes running, data logging,
File modification - e.g. text editors and other tools which can change file contents.
Programming-language support - E.g. Compilers, linkers, debuggers, profilers,
assemblers, library archive management, interpreters for common languages, and
support for make.
Program loading and execution - loaders, dynamic loaders, overlay loaders, etc., as
Simple Structure
Many operating systems do not have well-defined structures. They started as
small, simple, and limited systems and then grew beyond their original scope.
In MS-DOS, the interfaces and levels of functionality are not well separated
UNIX OS consists of two separable parts: the kernel and the system programs. The
kernel is further separated into a series of interfaces and device drivers