Operating Room Nursing - First Semester 2021-2022-1
Operating Room Nursing - First Semester 2021-2022-1
Operating Room Nursing - First Semester 2021-2022-1
Wear scrub suit, put on mask cover all hair with a cap.
Remove jewelries
Fingernails must be short and no nail polish.
Hands must be free from wounds.
Eyeglasses must be washed and secured.
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Scrub Room
– area wherein surgical scrubbing is done.
Scrub Room
for surgical scrubbing and must be provided adjacent
to each OR.
Equipments for Surgical Scrubbing
Antimicrobial Solution – contained in a liquid soap
dispenser near the sink often operated by foot pedal.
Deep sink with foot or knee controls for water
Nail cleaning tool-file or orange stick.
Surgical scrub brushes
Procedure: Time scrub method
Holding the folded gown, carefully locate the neck
Unfold the gown and be careful not to touch the
Removing gowns and gloves:
the gown is removed first before the gloves.
Sterile Field
– any area covered with a sterile drape.
Principle of Sterile Technique
Only sterile items are used within the sterile field.
If you are in doubt about the sterility of anything,
consider it unsterile.
During Operation
Step away from sterile field of contaminated.
Change gloves when pricked by needles.
Do not turn your back from sterile field.
Keep sterile field as dry as possible
Discard soiled sponges from a sterile field.
Keep talking to a minimum.
Principle of Sterile Technique