CSE320 Lecture0

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Software Engineering
Lecture #0
The kick start session
Course details
• LTP – 3 0 0 [Three lectures/week]

• Text Book
Course Assessment Model
• Marks break up*
• Attendance 5
• CA(Assignment(Case Based)+Test+Test) 25
• MTT (MCQ-Based) 20
• ETE (MCQ-Based) 50

• Total 100
Detail of Academic Tasks
• *** AT1: Assignment- Case based
• AT2: Class Test
• AT3: Class Test

(AT1 is compulsory and 1 best of AT2 and AT3 will be considered)

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Course Outcomes
• recall various software development life cycle models and write
software requirement specifications.

• construct software design from requirement specifications by

following a structured and organized process

• apply the constructs of unified modelling language for object

Course Outcomes
• analyze and explain fundamentals of testing, levels of testing and
various types of testing techniques

• assess project progress using project management techniques

• examine various software quality standards and the current trends in

the area of software engineering
Program Outcomes
• PO1
Engineering knowledge:Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an
engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

• PO2
Problem analysis::Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.

• PO3
Design/development of solutions::Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public
health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

• PO4
Conduct investigations of complex problems::Use research-based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
Program Outcomes
• PO5
Modern tool usage::Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering
and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of
the limitations.

• PO6
The engineer and society::Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.

• PO7
Environment and sustainability::Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable

• PO8
Ethics::Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
Program Outcomes
• PO9
Individual and team work::Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams,
and in multidisciplinary settings.

• PO10
Communication::Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community
and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

• PO11
Project management and finance::Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering, management
principles and apply the same to one’s own work, as a member or a leader in a team, manage projects efficiently
in respective disciplines and multidisciplinary environments after consideration of economic and financial

• PO12
Life-long learning::Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and
life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

• PO13
Competitive Skills::Ability to compete in national and international technical events and building the
competitive spirit alongwith having a good digital footprint.
The course contents
• Introduction to software engineering : Before MTE
Evolution and impact of software engineering, Software life cycle
models, Feasibility study, Functional and non-functional requirements,
Requirement gathering, Requirement analysis and specification
• Issues in software design : cohesion, coupling, DFDs
• Object modelling :
Object modelling using UML, Object oriented software
development, User interface design, Coding standards and code
review techniques
The course contents
• Testing : After MTE
Fundamentals of testing, White box and black box testing, Test coverage
analysis and test case design techniques, Mutation testing, Static and
dynamic analysis, Software reliability metrics, Reliability growth
• Software project management :
Project management, Project planning and control, Cost
estimation, Project scheduling using PERT and GANTT
charts, Software Configuration Management
• Quality management :
Quality management, ISO and SEI CMMI, PSP and Six sigma,
Software Maintenance, reuse, CBSD, CASE, Advance topics
of Software Engineering.
Online Education Resource (OER)
Pedagogical Initiatives as Star Course
Lecture Pedagogical Initiative Expected Outcomes References Quantification

13 Live Demonstration on Data Flow Student will learn the Self-Prepared 1

Diagrams using relevant tool. working on industry graded

16 Live Demonstration on UML diagrams Student will learn the Self-Prepared 1

using relevant tool working on industry graded
Evaluation strategy as Star Course
Type of Assessment (Add Type of Assessment e.g. Details of academic task Parameters/Rubric of
rows in case some other Test/Term Paper/project Evaluation
assessments are applicable) etc.

CA1 Assignment-Case Based Students will write SRS as per format-30%,

complete SRS, do system System design-30% , Test
design and write test cases-20% and viva-20 %
cases for the assigned
CA2 MCQ-Based Test MCQ based test of 30 Lifecycle models
marks to prepare & SRS:10 marks,
students for competitive Estimations:10 marks,
exams. DFDs:10 marks
CA3 MCQ-Based Test MCQ based test of 30 Testing:10 marks,
marks to prepare Estimations:10 marks,
students for competitive object modelling:10 marks
MOOCs Details
Course Name of Mapped (MooC/Certif CA Benefit
Course Title Weblink
code MOOC/Certification/Hackathon ication/Event Count

CSE320 ENGINEERING Software Engineering Essentials MOOC https://www.edx.org/course/softwar One AT
CSE320 ENGINEERING Software Engineering MOOC https://nptel.ac.in/courses/10610518 All ATs + MTE

One AT
Software Development Software Development Processes and
CSE320 Processes and Methodologies MOOC Methodologies | Coursera

Software Engineering: One AT
Software Engineering: Implementation and Testing |
CSE320 Implementation and Testing MOOC Coursera
The hitch…
The three BURNING questions in mind…

•What is software? Is it different from Program?

•What is Software Engineering?

•Why Software Engineering?

•What are learning outcomes?

What is software?

 Computer programs and associated documentation

 Software products may be developed for a particular customer or

may be developed for a general market.
 Software products may be
1. Generic - developed 2. Bespoke - developed
to be sold to a range for a single customer
of different according to their
customers specification
What is software
Software engineering is an engineering discipline which is
concerned with all aspects of software production

Software engineers should

• adopt a systematic and organised approach to their work
• use appropriate tools and techniques depending on
• the problem to be solved,
• the development constraints and
• the resources available
Phases of Development
The Role of Software Engineering-1
A bridge from customer needs to programming implementation


First law of software engineering

Software engineer must learn the problem domain (problem cannot be solved without understanding it first)
The Role of Software Engineering-2
Requires a computer system to achieve some business goals
by user interaction or interaction with the environment
in a specified manner



Software Engineer’s task:

To understand how the system-to-be needs to interact with
the user or the environment so that customer’s requirement is met
and design the software-to-be

May be the Programmer’s task:

same person To implement the software-to-be
designed by the software engineer
Example: ATM Machine
Understanding the money-machine problem:

Communication link

ATM machine
How ATM Machine Might Work
Domain model Domain Model
created with help of
domain expert
How may I record
help you? Cash

Speakerphone Safe
Safe keeper

Window clerk



CSE320 :: MohtCustomer
Assistant Professor : CSE
Cartoon Strip: How ATM Machine Works?
Software Engineering Blueprints

Specifying software problems and solutions is like cartoon strip

Unfortunately, most of us are not artists, so we will use something
less exciting:
Designing symbols
However …
Second Law of Software Engineering

• Software should be written for people first

• ( Computers run software, but hardware quickly becomes outdated )

• Useful + good software lives long

• To nurture software, people must be able to understand it

Software Development Methods

Method = work strategy

 The Feynman Problem-Solving Algorithm:
(i) Write down the problem (ii) think very hard, and (iii) write down the answer.
 Unidirectional, finish this step before moving to the next
Iterative + Incremental
 Develop increment of functionality, repeat in a feedback loop
 User feedback essential; feedback loops on several levels of granularity
Software Development
Waterfall Method

Unidirectional, no way back finish this step before moving to the next
Software myths
1. “If we get behind schedule, we can just add more people”
Fact: Adding people to a late project makes it even later.
Someone has to teach the new people.
2. “A general statement of objectives is enough to start programming”.
Fact: Incomplete requirements are a major cause for project failures.
3. “Changes in requirements are easy to deal with because software is
Fact: Changes are hard and expensive.
Especially during coding and after software deployment.
Software myths

4. “Once we get the program running, we are done”

Fact: Most effort comes after the software is delivered for the first
Bug fixes, feature enhancements, etc

5.“The only product is the running program”

Fact: Need the entire configuration
Documentation of system requirements, design, programming, and
Software crises

• The various software crises are:

1. Over-budget.
2. Not delivering product on time.
3. Product is of poor quality.
4. Software product is not meeting the customer
What are the attributes of good software?
The software should deliver the required functionality and
performance to the user and should be maintainable,
dependable and usable
• Maintainability
• Software must evolve to meet changing needs
• Dependability
• Software must be trustworthy
• Efficiency
• Software should not make wasteful use of system resources
• Usability
• Software must be usable by the users for which it was designed
Next Class: Software Life Cycle Models


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