Future of The Banking Union
Future of The Banking Union
Future of The Banking Union
The European banking sector in figures – selected countries
Stress tests: update 19.06.2012 - Assumptions
Stress tests: update 19.06.2012 - Assumptions
Stress tests: update 19.06.2012 - Results
Regulatory tsunami: what future for
Key regulatory initiatives
Transaction /
Activity Tax
SIFI Governance
Bank Basel III Revision of
Recovery and
MiFID and
Market Abuse
Guarantee and
Investor Consumer
Compensation Protection
Response to the crisis
AIM - strengthen the resilience of the banking sector → reduce
the probability and severity of future financial crises and remove
current regulation shortcomings
Adoption of measures that would not be taken in a more
stable period.
Adoption under time pressure raises doubts about the proper
calibration, timing and globally consistent implementation.
Limiting the banks ability to grant credits to individuals and/or
companies and/or governments → negative impact on real
Our (banks’) opinion
Not absolutely against new regulation initiatives - but
more regulation may not equal to better regulation.
(Even strong) regulation is ineffective without proper
Level playing field - to avoid regulatory arbitrage.
No complex impact study of all initiatives.
Regulatory changes will reduce the profitability of
both assets and capital; the consequences thereof will
fall upon not only shareholders but also clients, and
thus, in the broader context, upon the entire economy.
Our (banks’) opinion (ctd)
How many unions for the EU?
Banking Union
Single EU Common
Single EU deposit resolution Single
supervisor guarantee authority rule book
scheme and fund
ECB as the Single Supervisor: our doubts and
questions …
All banks in the Euro area – Is it manageable and practical?
Non-Euro Member States can opt-in
Fair balance between obligations and powers?
Perception of banks supervised by ECB and banks supervised by
national supervisors?
ECB to carry out the tasks in close cooperation with national
supervisors – Any bright line or overlaps, double requirements?
The group interest and view prevails: this is our key concern: when
action to support supranational groups is undertaken, the
stability of the group will get the priority (over and to the
detriment of stability of daughter companies (national markets)?
Single EU deposit guarantee scheme and
Common resolution authority and fund
• mutualisation of deposit guarantee schemes and future
resolution funds: money of national depositors can be used
across the boarder (possibly even without consent of national
• this is a matter of depositors´ confidence and political
consideration (taxpayers´ money moves across the boarder)
• The Common resolution authority can over-rule the
competencies (and responsibilities) of national authorities
(for example imposing intra-group transfers)
Decision authority and responsibility separated
The single rulebook
• This is fine, we believe in the level-playing
• National discretions lead to perverse
regulatory competition and incentives for
regulatory arbitrage
• Yet, the rules should allow for diversity of
national financial markets (which is a major
source of resilience and stability)
Liikanen group – next step of
banking sector regulation?
General background
• The Liikanen group has been established with the
mandate to review the need for structural reforms of
the banking industry in the EU
• Would such reforms increase the resilience, financial
stability of the sector, improve the efficiency of
business and strengthen the consumer protection?
• If yes, the group should make proposals as to the
content of necessary initiatives
• Final report was delivered at the beginning of
October 2012
Sources of inspiration and stated purpose
2. Structural changes
- retail ring-fencing (separation from „wholesale
banking): separation legal, economic and operational
- regulatory requirements apply to ring-fenced part of
business, links to the rest of group to be considered as third
party exposure
The (US) Volcker rule
of which: 10 larger
36 % 36 %
of which: 10 smaller
9% 75 %
There are in total cca 8000 banks in EU: the difference in the above indicator
would be even greater since even the 10 smaller banks belong to the 0,5 % of the
larger EU banks
Arguments of opponents
• So far, the approach to regulatory reforms (the Basel regulation in all its
stages) was aimed at improving the identification of risks and stimulating
the banks to better control (manage) risk
• The philosophy of Vickers, Volcker … and possibly Liikanen is different and
introduces a totally different regulatory paradigm)
– No more risk management, but risk elimination (pushing it out of parts of the
financial system)
– Achieved using administrative tools (no more stimulations)
• However, risk is inherent component (and driving force) of any business
activity (including the basic banking function: transformation of
maturities): we, coming from where we come, should say a word about
risks of administrative inrtervention into economy …