Module 4 Conduction
Module 4 Conduction
Module 4 Conduction
Thermal Engineering
Derivation of general three dimensional
conduction equations in Cartesian coordinate
Special cases
3-D conduction in cylindrical and spherical
coordinate systems
• Cylindrical Coordinates.
Spherical Coordinates
One dimensional conduction equations in
rectangular coordinate
• Consider a thin element
of thickness x in a large plane
wall, as shown in Figure.
Assume the density of the wall
is , the specific heat is C,
and the area of the wall
normal to the direction of
heat transfer is A. An energy
balance on this thin element
during a small time interval t
can be expressed as
Heat Conduction Equation in a Long
The Thermal Resistance Concept
Overall heat transfer coefficient
Composite walls
• In practice we often encounter plane walls that consist
of several layers of different materials. The thermal
resistance concept can still be used to determine the
rate of steady heat transfer through such composite
• Consider a plane wall that consists of two layers (such
as a brick wall with a layer of insulation). The rate of
steady heat transfer through this two-layer composite
wall can be expressed as (Fig.)
• Then Fourier’s law of heat conduction for heat
transfer through the cylindrical layer can be
expressed as
• We can repeat the analysis above for a
spherical layer by taking A = 4 Pi r2
Composite cylinder
Thermal contact resistance
• In the analysis of heat conduction through multilayer
solids, we assumed “perfect contact” at the interface of
two layers, and thus no temperature drop at the interface.
This would be the case when the surfaces are perfectly
smooth and they produce a perfect contact at each point.
• In reality, however, even flat surfaces that appear smooth
to the eye turn out to be rather rough when examined
under a microscope, as shown in Fig., with numerous
peaks and valleys. That is, a surface is microscopically
rough no matter how smooth it appears to be.
• When two such surfaces are pressed against each other, the peaks
will form good material contact but the valleys will form voids filled
with air. As a result, an interface will contain numerous air gaps of
varying sizes that act as insulation because of the low thermal
conductivity of air.
• Thus, an interface offers some resistance to heat transfer, and this
resistance per unit interface area is called the thermal contact
resistance, Rc. The value of Rc is determined experimentally.
• Consider heat transfer through two metal rods of cross-sectional
area A that are pressed against each other. Heat transfer through
the interface of these two rods is the sum of the heat transfers
through the solid contact spots and the gaps in the noncontact
areas and can be expressed as
• It can also be expressed in an analogous
manner to Newton’s law of cooling as