Lec 4
Lec 4
Lec 4
يعتبر أي منتج صناعي على درجة عالية من الجودة إذا كان تصنيعه يؤدي إلى
تحقيق رغبات قطاع معين من المستهلكين و يلبي رغباتهم.
يمكن أن نعرف جودة المنتج بأنها درجة وفاء المنتج الحتياجات و رغبات
كما تعرف الجودة بأنها مدى مالئمة مواصفات المنتج مع رغبات و متطلبات
Dimensions of Product Quality
As prescribed by Garvin, the eight dimensions of quality are:
Performance (will the product do the intended job?)
Reliability (how often the product fails?)
Durability (how long the product lasts?)
Serviceability (how easy is to repair the product?)
Aesthetics (what does the product look like?)
Features (what does the product do?)
Perceived quality (what is the reputation of a company or its products?)
Dimensions of Service Quality
Three Aspects of Quality
The three aspects of quality and their linkages with each
other have been depicted in the figure below:
Quality of Design: Consumer's Perspective
The product must be designed to meet the requirement of
the customer. The product must be designed right first
time and every time and while designing all aspects of
customer expectations must be incorporated into the
product. The factors need to consider while designing the
product are:
• Cost
• Profit policy of the company
• Demand
• Availability of the parts
Quality of Conformance: Manufacturer's Perspective
The product must be manufactured exactly as designed. The activities
involved at this stage include: defect finding, defect prevention, defect
analysis, and rectification. The difficulties encountered at the manufacturing
stage must be conveyed to the designers for modification in design, if any.
The two-way communication between designer and manufacturing may help
to improve the quality of the product.
Quality of Performance
The product must function as per the expectations of the customer. The two
way communication between designers and customer is the key to have a
quality product.
Quality control :
Is the use of techniques and activities to achieve, sustain, and improve
The quality of product or service.
It involves integrating the following related techniques and activities:-
1- Specifications of what is needed
2- Design of the product or service to meet the specifications
3- Production or installation to meet the full intent of the specifications
4- inspection to determine conformance to specifications
5- Review of usage to provide information for revision of
specifications if need
ما هي نقاط التدخل لضبط جودة المنتج ؟
في كامل المراحل اإلنتاجية
المواصفات :Specificationsو هذا بتحديد الخواص .1
المهمة لجودة المنتج و الملبية لرغبات المستهلك ,أما
الباقي فأولويته ثانوية.
المستهلك التصميم : Designوهذا بتصميم المنتج حسب .2
المواصفات ,كل إضافات (تحسينات) قد تكون مضيعة
الت ودة
مي م
للوقت و المال.
Quality Management
التسويق Marketing
التغليف و التخزين
Packaging and Storage منتج جيد التصميم Design
الفحص و االختبار المشتريات
Inspection and Testing Procurement
التقنيات العملية لضبط الجودة
مع التطور الذي عرفته أنظمة الجودة مع الوقت انبثقت عنها تقنيات و طرق
عدة لضبط جودة المنتجات الصناعية .نذكر فيما يلي أهمها على المستوى
ضبط الجودة اإلحصائي
• ضمان الجودة عن طريق ضبط
Statistical Quality Control العمليات اإلنتاجية Process Control
-التوزيع التكراري Histograms