Re-Orientation and Re-Organization of Assignments in School-Based Management
Re-Orientation and Re-Organization of Assignments in School-Based Management
Re-Orientation and Re-Organization of Assignments in School-Based Management
assignments in School-Based
Management (SBM)
Dona Fe V. Managantan
School-based management (SBM) is a strategy to improve
education by transferring significant decision-making authority
from state and district offices to individual schools.
SCHOOL BOARD quality programs. Developing student and staff performance standards
and evaluating the schools are also the responsibility of the district staff.
The district office will generally continue to recruit potential employees,
SUPERINTENDENT screen job applicants, and maintain information on qualified applicants
AND DISTRICT from which the schools fill their vacancies. The district office may also
OFFICE? specify curricular goals, objectives, and expected outcomes while
leaving it up to the schools to determine the methods for producing the
desired results. Some districts leave the choice of instructional materials
to the schools, whereas others may require schools to use common texts.
In most SBM systems, each school is given a “lump sum” that
the school can spend as it sees fit. As outlined by JoAnn Spear
(1983), the district office determines the total funds needed by
the whole district, determines the districtwide costs (such as the
cost of central administration and transportation), and allocates
HOW ARE the remaining funds to the individual schools. The allocation to