Homogenization implies mechanical treatment to break fat
globules into smaller size of 2 μm or less and uniformly
disperse them in milk.
Homogenization in the dairy industry is used principally
to prevent or delay the formation of a cream layer in full
cream milk by reducing the diameter of the fat globules.
After homogenization, size of fat globules becomes less
than 2 μm.
The average size of milk fat globule in milk is 2-12 μm.
The number of fat globules is 3-4 billion in a milliliter of
Process in which fat globules in milk are broken down to a size
small enough to prevent the formation of a cream layer.
2. Stage of Homogenization
For milk with more than 6% fat, two stage
homogenization is better.
The enzyme lipase should be inactivated prior to
The danger zone for lipase activity i.e.38-49 0C should be
Fat Content
Homogenization becomes less effective with
Whiter and more appetizing colour,
idling position.
Check availability of the product to the machine.
The homogenizer is run on water for about 5 min., then it is stopped and the
water drained off by slackening the inlet union, which is tightened subsequently.
The machine is checked for any leaks.
The homogenizer is provided with milk supply by adjusting the 3-way valve
As soon as the machine starts pumping at full capacity, the pressure adjusting
handle of the second stage valve is adjusted to the desired pressure, followed by
adjusting the first stage pressure. This can be observed in the single pressure
gauge provided.
The product discharge from the machine is diverted back till the desired
layer and increases the surface area of the fat above 6 times.
2. Whiter milk
Homogenization of milk increases its whitening power due to an
milk due to increase in the number and surface area of the fat
Effect of Homogenization on Physico-Chemical
Properties of Milk
4. Flavour of milk
Homogenized milk has a uniform flavour throughout.
an increase in the surface area of the fat globules which are uniformly
distributed in milk.
5. Sensitivity to lipase
Homogenized milk is more susceptible to enzymic activities, especially
7. Sediment on storage
Homogenized milk may develop dark sediment at the