The Importance of Good Nutrition
The Importance of Good Nutrition
The Importance of Good Nutrition
Good Nutrition
What is your food choice?
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Food choice
• Refers to how people decide on
what to buy and eat.
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Why it's important of having Good Nutrition?
Most people know good nutrition and physical
activity can help maintain a healthy weight. But
the benefits of good nutrition go beyond weight.
Good nutrition can help:
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2. What is good
6 Essential Nutrients
1. Carbohydrates
• any of a large group of organic compounds that includes sugars, starch,
and cellulose, containing hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water
(2:1) and used as structural materials and for energy storage within living
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6 Essential Nutrients
1. Carbohydrates
• any of a large group of organic compounds that includes sugars, starch,
and cellulose, containing hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water
(2:1) and used as structural materials and for energy storage within living
2. Protein
• Protein provides the building blocks of the body, and not just for muscle.
Every cell, from bone to skin to hair, contains protein.
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2. Mineral
• Minerals help support the body. They’re essential for many body
functions, including building strong bones and teeth, regulating your
metabolism, and staying properly hydrated. Some of the most common
minerals are calcium, iron, and zinc.
3. Vitamins
• Vitamins are organic substances that are generally classified as either fat
soluble or water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin D,
vitamin E, and vitamin K) dissolve in fat and tend to accumulate in the
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4. Water
• Water improves your brain function and mood. It acts a shock absorber
and a lubricant in the body. It also helps flush out toxins, carry nutrients
to cells, hydrate the body, and prevent constipation
5. Fat
• According to Harvard Medical School, fat supports many of your body’s
functions such as vitamin and mineral absorption, blood clotting, building
cells, and muscle movement.
• Yes, fat is high in calories, but those calories are an important energy
source for your body
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Good nutrition can help
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2. Reduce high blood pressure
3. Lower high cholesterol
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Tips for eating
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Tips for eating
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Tips for eating
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Tips for eating
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How to fix 5 common eating problems
• As you age, you may lose interest in eating and cooking. Small
changes can help you overcome some of the challenges to eating well.
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How to fix 5 common eating problems
2. Chewing difficulty.
Try softer foods like cooked vegetables, beans, eggs, applesauce, and
canned fruit. Talk to your doctor or dentist if there is a problem with
your teeth or gums.
3. Poor digestion.
Talk to your doctor or registered dietician to figure out which foods to
avoid while still maintaining a balanced diet.
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How to fix 5 common eating problems
4. Eating alone.
Try dining out with family, friends, or neighbors. See if your local
senior center hosts group meals.
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