Provide Postpartum Care To Mother and Infant
Provide Postpartum Care To Mother and Infant
Provide Postpartum Care To Mother and Infant
Routine Care
• Wash hands before touching a new born baby
• Keeping the baby warm
• The baby must be kept warm at all time by wrapping him well keep
him in close with his mother all the time.
• The room temperature should be 24oC, to prevent neonatal
hypothermia which may be the cause of many deaths to newborn
• Feeding
• Exclusive breast feeding must be started at once after delivery
(within one hour) if there is no problem and mother and baby are
all doing fine.
• Early feeding is very important to prevent a fall in blood sugar
(hypoglycaemia) and it will make physiological jaundice less
• The more the breasts are emptied, the more milk increases, the
less they are emptied the less they produce
• Care of the umbilical cord
• Cord is left uncovered
• The umbilicus is examined every day for redness, discharge, and
bad smell, and moist it, moist will be cleaned
• Care of the skin
• If there is skin infection like septic spots the baby is treated by
gentile violet or bathed with antiseptic solution.
• Newborn have delicate skin, therefore do not mix the soap or
clothes of baby with others in order to prevent skin infections.
• In serious infection, give antibiotic – Amoxicillin syrup.
• Care of the eyes
• Discharge or puss form the eyes is due to conjunctivitis ophthalmic
neonatorum, if it is a milk infection eyes are cleaned with normal
saline and antibiotic eye drops is given.
• If conjunctivitis is very severe and is caused by gonococcal
infection through birth canal many times it may lead to blindness,
treat it with chloromphenical eye drop every 10 minutes for the
first hour, every hour for the next 6 hours, then every after 2-3
hours and amoxicillin syrup systemically until you complete the
• Immunization
• At birth BCG and Polio O is given.
• Health education in child care.
• Health education is given as routine to the mother about.
• Hygiene
• Cord care
• Warmth for the baby Feeding (breast feed her baby up to 2 years)
• Attending reproductive and child health clinic (RCHC) regularly
• Family planning
• Follow up after birth
• Weight
• A newborn baby may loose up to 10% of birth weight the first few days,
after that he/she should gain 150 – 200gm per week
• The causes of not gaining well are:-
Not getting enough milk
Cold (hypothermia neonatorum)
Infection of any kind e.g. pneumonia
• Congenital disease e.g. heart or kidney disease
• All babies should be followed up in reproductive and child health
• Mother should receive health education in child care attendance of
clinic regularly up to 5 years
Provide routine health promotion services to mother and infant