The point at which the inventory is ordered for replenishment is termed as Reorder
Point. The inventory quantity at Reorder Point is termed as Reorder Level and the
quantity of new inventory ordered is referred as Order Quantity.
2. Fixed Reorder Period System
• It is an Inventory Model of managing inventories, where an alarm is
raised after every fixed period of time and orders are raised to replenish
the inventory to an optimum level based on the demand. In this case
replenishment of inventory is a continuous process done after every
fixed interval of time.
• Regular Intervals (R): Regular Interval is the fixed time interval at the
end of which the inventories would be reviewed and orders would be
raised to replenish the inventory
• Inventory on Hand (It): Inventory on hand is the Inventory level
measured at any given point of time.
• Maximum Level (M): It is the maximum level of inventory allowed
as per the production guidelines. The maximum level is derived by
analysing historical data.
• Order Quantity: In this system, inventory is reviewed at regular
intervals (R), inventory on hand (It) is noted at the time of review and
order quantity is placed for a quantity of (M) – (It).
• Order Quantity (O) = (M) – (It).
Inventory Management
Bulk shipment
• This method banks on the notion that it is almost always cheaper to purchase and
ship goods in bulk. Bulk shipping is one of the predominant techniques in the
industry, which can be applied for goods with high customer demand.
• The downside to bulk shipping is that you will need to lay out extra money on
warehousing the inventory, which will most likely be offset by the amount of
money saved from purchasing products in huge volumes and selling them off fast.