Active and Passive Voice G9
Active and Passive Voice G9
Active and Passive Voice G9
Learning Objectives:
• classify whether a sentence is an active or passive voice of
the verbs;
• transform an active voice of the verb into its passive form
and vice versa; and
• value the importance of learning the rules and
construction behind active and passive voice sentences
The voice of a verb tells whether the subject of the
sentence performs or receives the action.
What subject does The focus is on the action
2. Place the active subject into a beginning with the preposition by.
ACTIVE---------------------------- PASSIVE
Hernan cooked the rice. -------------------------------------------- The rice… by Hernan.
3. Add a form of the auxillary verb be to the main verb and change the main verb’s form.
• Move the passive subject into the active direct object slot.
2. Remove the auxiliary verb be from the main verb and change the main verb's form if needed.
3. Place the passive sentence's object of the preposition 'by' into the subject slot.
Remember that not all sentences can be changed to the passive voice. Only an active
voice of the sentence with a direct object can be made passive.
For example: "She is dancing.", cannot be changed to passive voice because the
sentence does not have a direct object.
I. On your notebook draw the Venn Diagram and differentiate how statements are
formed for both active and passive voice. refer to the examples below for your easy