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 Introduction
 Local & Remote Applets
 How Applets differ from Applications
 When to use applets
 Applet Life Cycle
 Applet Restrictions
 Applet Programming
Types of Java Programs

 There are three kinds of Java programs:

 Applications
 Applets
 Libraries

 An application is a Java program that is run by

using a Java interpreter program.

 An applet is a Java program that is run by a Java-

enabled web browser.

 A library is a set of Java classes that can be used

by another Java program.
 Applets are small Java programs that are
primarily used in Internet computing.
 Applets can be transported over the Internet
from one computer to another and run using the
Applet Viewer or any Web browser that
supports Java.
 Applets can perform arithmetic operations,
display graphics, play sounds, accepts user input,
create animation and play interactive games.
 A web page can now contain not only a simple
text or a static image but also a Java Applet,
which when run can produce graphics, sounds
and moving images.
 Therefore. Java applets have begun to make a
significant impact on World Wide Web.
Local & Remote Applets
We can embed applets into Web pages in 2 ways :

1. We can write our own applets & embed them into

Web pages.

2. We can download an applet from a remote computer

system and then embed it into a Web page.
Local Applet

 An applet developed locally and stored in a

local system is known as a local applet.

 When a Web page is trying to find a local

applet, it does not need to use the Internet &
therefore the local system does not require
the Internet connection.

 It simply searches the directories in the local

system and locates and loads the specified
Remote Applet
 A remote applet is that which is developed
by someone else and stored on a remote
computer connected to the Internet.

 We can download the remote applet onto our

system via the Internet & run it by
connecting the system to Internet.

 In order to locate and load a remote applet,

we must know the applet’s address on the
Web. This address is known as URL and must
be specified in the applet’s HTML document
as follows:
CODEBASE = http: //
How Applets differ from

 Applets do not use the main() method for initiating the

execution of the code. Applets, when loaded, automatically call
certain methods of Applet class to start and execute the applet
 Unlike stand-alone applications, applets cannot be run
independently.They are run from inside a Web page using a
special feature known as HTML tag.
 Applets cannot read from or write to the files in the local
 Applets cannot communicate with other servers on the
 Applets cannot run any program from the local computer.
 Applets are restricted from using libraries from other
languages such as C or C++.
When to use applets
 When we need something dynamic to be
included in the display of a Web page.

 When we require some “flash” outputs.

 When we want to create a program and

make it available on the Internet for us
by others on their computers.
Steps involved in developing and testing
are :
 Building an applet code (.java file)
 Creating an executable applet (.class file)
 Designing a Web page using HTML tags.
 Preparing <APPLET> tag.
 Incorporating <APPLET> tag into the Web
 Creating HTML file.
 Testing the applet code.
Applet Life Cycle
Every Java applet inherits a set of default behaviors from the Applet
As a result when an applet is loaded, it undergoes a series of changes
in its state.
The applet states include:
• Born or initialization state.
• Running state.
• Idle state.
• Dead or destroyed state.
• An Applet can be in an active or inactive state.

• When the applet is first loaded, it is in an inactive state.

• When the applet is first displayed on the screen, it becomes active

and inactive states until it is destroyed by the applet context.

• Exactly what causes the applet to become active or inactive is upto

the applet context.

• e.g. the applet context might decide to make the applet inactive if
the applet is scrolled out of view.

• Or, it might make the applet inactive if the user views another
document and leaves the document with the applet.
Begin Born
(Load Applet)

start() stop()

Running Idle Stopped


Dead End

An applet’s state transition diagram

Initialization State :
- Applet enters the initialization state when it is first loaded.
- Achieved by calling the init() method of Applet class.
- Applet is born.
- At this stage, we can
- Create objects needed by the applet
- set up initial values
- load images or fonts
- set up colors
- Occurs only once in the applet’s life cycle.
- To provide any of the above behavior, we must override the init() method:
public void init()
{ ------Action------- }
Running State :
- Applet enters the running state when the system calls the start()
method of Applet class.
- Occurs automatically after the applet is initialized. Starting can also
occur if the applet is already in Idle state.
- Unlike init() method, the start method may be called more than once.
- We may override the start() method to create a thread to control the
public void start()
------------- (Action)
Idle or Stopped State :
- An applet becomes idle when it is stopped from running.
- Occurs automatically when we leave the page containing the currently
running applet. We can also do so by calling the stop() method
- If we use a thread to run the applet, then we must use stop() method to
terminate the thread.
- We can achieve this by overriding the stop() method as:

public void stop()

------------- (Action)
Dead State :
- An applet is said to be dead when it is removed from memory.
- Occurs automatically by invoking the destroy() method when we quit
the browser.
- Like initialization, destroying stage occurs only once in the applet’s
life cycle.
- We may override the destroy() method as :

public void destroy()

------------- (Action)
Display State :
- Applet moves to the display state whenever it has to perform some
output operations on the screen.
- Happens immediately after the applet enters into the running state.
- The paint() method is called to accomplish this task. Almost every
applet will have a paint() method.
- Like other methods in the life cycle, the default version of paint()
method does absolutely nothing.
- We must override this method if we want anything to be displayed on
the screen.
public void paint(Graphics g)
------------- (Action)
Applet Restrictions
1. Applets can never run any local executable program.
2. Applets cannot communicate with any host other than the server
from which they were downloaded.
3. Applets cannot read or write to local computers file system.
4. Applets cannot find any information about local computer except
for Java Version used, name and version of operating system. In
particular applets cannot find out user’s name, email address etc.
All these restrictions & limitations are placed in the
interest of security of systems.These restrictions ensure that an
applet cannot do any damage to the local system.
Java Applet Template
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class AppletName extends Applet {

/* Applet description. */

public void paint(Graphics graphics) {

/* applet display statements go

here. */
put display statements here
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class WelcomeApplet extends Applet {

extends allows us to inherit the
capabilities of class Applet.
public void init() {

public void paint(Graphics g) {

g.drawString("Welcome to Java Programming!",
25, 25 );
Method paint is guaranteed to
} be called in all applets.
Creating an Executable Applet
Executable applet is nothing but the .class file of the applet,
which is obtained by compiling the source code of the applet.
Compiling an applet is exactly the same as compiling an
Steps required for compiling an applet :
1. Move to the directory containing the source code and type the
following command :
2. The compiled output file called HelloJava.class is placed in
the same directory as the source.
3. If any error message is received, then we must check for
errors, correct them and compile the applet again.
Designing a Web Page
A Web page is basically made up of text and HTML tags that can be
interpreted by a Web browser or an applet viewer.
Web pages should be stored in the same directory as the compiled code
of the applets.
Web page template:
<! Comment
…………………… Section
Title Tag Head
</HEAD> Section
<BODY> Body
Applet Tag
</BODY> Section

Adding Applet to HTML File
<! Web page displaying Title, Message and
specifying the applet to be loaded & executed.>
<TITLE> Welcome to Java Applets </TITLE>
<H1> Welcome to the World of Applets </H1>
CODE = HelloJava.class
WIDTH = 400
HEIGHT = 200>
Running the Applet

We must have the following files in our current directory :
To run an applet, we require one of the following tools:
1. Java-enabled Web browser (Such as HotJava or Netscape)
2. Java appletviewer

If we use a Java-enabled Web browser, we will be able to see the

entire Web page containing the applet.

If we use the appletviewer tool, we will only see the applet output.
The appletviewer is not a full-fledged Web browser.
We can use it to run our applet as follows :
appletviewer HelloJava.html
Applet Tag with all attributes
[ CODEBASE = codebase_URL ]
CODE = AppletFileName.class
[ ALT = alternate_text ]
[ NAME = applet_instance_name ]
WIDTH = pixels
HEIGHT = pixels
[ ALIGN = alignments ]
[ VSPACE = pixels ]
[ HSPACE = pixels ]
[ < PARAM NAME = name1 VALUE = value1> ]
[ < PARAM NAME = name2 VALUE = value2> ]
Passing Parameters to Applets

We can supply user-defined parameters to an applet using

<PARAM…> tags.
Each <PARAM> tag has a name attribute such as color,
and a value attribute such as red.
e.g. We can change the color of the text displayed to red by an
applet by using a <PARAM…> tag as follows:
<APPLET …..>
<PARAM NAME= color VALUE = “red”>
To set up and handle parameters, we need to do two things :
1. Include appropriate <PARAM…> tags in the HTML document.
2. Provide code in the applet to parse these parameters.

Parameters are passed to an applet when it is loaded.

We can define the init() method in the applet to get hold of the
parameters defined in the <PARAM> tags.

This is done using the getParameter() method, which takes one

string argument representing the name of the parameter and
returns a string containing the value of the parameter.
Displaying Numerical Values

In applets, we can display numerical values by first converting

them into strings and then using the drawString() method of
Graphics class.

We can do this easily by calling the ValueOf() method of

String class.
Getting Input From the User
Applets work in a graphical environments. Hence, applets treat
inputs as text strings.
• The TextField class of the applet package, is used to create
the area on the screen where the user can type the values & edit
them, if necessary.
t1 = new TextField(8);

• Next step is to retrieve the items from the fields for

s1 = t1.getText();
• Data in text field is in string form which need to be
converted to the right form, before using it in any computation.
x = Integer.parseInt(s1);
z = x * x;

• The results are then converted back to strings for display.

s = String.valueOf(z);
Applet class hierarchy
Class Applet
| +--java.awt.Component
| +--java.awt.Container
| +--java.awt.Panel
| +--java.applet.Applet

Java.applet package contains only one class & three Interfaces

The java.applet Package

 The java.applet package defines the Applet class

and the AppletContext, AppletStub and the
AudioClip interface.

 Applet class provides all necessary support for

applet execution, such as starting & stopping.
 It also provides methods that load & display
images, and methods that load & play audio clips.
 The Applet class defines the methods as follows :
 The Applet class defines the methods as
follows :
AppletContext getAppletContext() – Returns
the context associated with the applet.
String getAppletInfo() – Returns a string that
describes the applet.

URL getCodeBase() – Returns the URL associated

with the invoking applet.
URL getDocumentBase() – Returns the URL of the
HTML document that invokes the applet.

String getParameter(String paramName) –

Returns the parameter associated with paramName.
String[][] getParameterInfo() – Returns a
String table that describes the parameters recognized by
the applet.
AudioClip getAudioClip(URL url) - Returns an
AudioClip object that encapsulates the audio clip found at
the location specified by url.
AudioClip getAudioClip(URL url, String
clipName) – Returns an AudioClip object that
encapsulates the audio clip found at the location specified by
url and having the name specified by clipName.

Image getImage(URL url) - Returns an Image

object that encapsulates the image found at the location
specified by url.
Image getImage(URL url, String
imageName) - Returns an Image object that
encapsulates the image found at the location specified by url
and having the name specified by imageName.
boolean isActive() - Returns true if the applet has
been started & returns false if the applet has been stopped.
void resize(int width, int height) – Resizes the
applet according to the dimensions specified by width &

void play(URL url) – If an audio clip is found at the

location specified by url, the clip is played.
void play(URL url, String clipName) – If an
audio clip is found at the location specified by url with the
name specified by clipName, the clip is played.
Graphics Class
Graphics class is in java.awt package. This
class contains methods for drawing
strings,lines, basic shapes and images.
This class provides a coordinate scheme to
draw that thing on a particular position in your
A few methods are :
drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) ;
drawImage(img, int x, int y, int width, int height, ref);
Font Class
Font class is in java.awt package. This class provides
you the wide variety of font faces, styles and sizes.
You can make a object of Font class to make a font of
your choice.

Font f=new Font(String name,int style,int size);

*Name of the font may be any available font name.
*Style is a predefined int static values in Font class
like BOLD, ITALIC, PLAIN. You can use it like->
A combination is also possible->
*Size is simply the font size.
Using font g.setFont(f);
Color Class
Color class is in java.awt package. The
constructor of this class provides you the wide
variety of colors.
You can make a object of color class to make a
color of your choice.
Color c=new Color(;
Color c=new Color(int r,int g,int b);
Color c=new Color(int rgb);
There are static int values defined for common
Applet can use this colors like->
setForeground(new Color(30,50,255));
 Typical UI components
 Buttons (java.awt.Button)

 Checkboxes(java.awt.Checkbox)

 Simple Text (java.awt.TextField)

 Larger text, editing areas (java.awt.TextArea)

 Labels (java.awt.List)

 Popup lists (java.awt.Choice)

 Sliders, scrollbars (java.awt.Scrollbar)

 Drawing areas (java.awt.Canvas)

 Menus(java.awt.Menu,java.awt.MenuItem,java.awt

 Containers (java.awt.Panel, java.awt.Window)

 Adding GUI component methods (Applet extends

Ex public boolean action(Event evt, Object
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

/*<applet code=AppletAction.class if ( instanceof Button)

height=400 width=400> {
</applet>*/ if (arg == "red")
public class AppletAction extends
Applet c=new Color(255,0,0);
{ repaint();
Button b; }
Color c;
public void init() }
b=new Button("Red"); return true;
c=new Color(0,255,0);

public void paint(Graphics g) }

Layout Managers

 Java’s layout managers provide a

level of abstraction to automatically
map your user interface on all window
 The UI components are placed in
containers. Each container has a
layout manager to arrange the UI
components within the container.
Kinds of Layout Managers

 FlowLayout

 GridLayout

 BorderLayout

 CardLayout

 GridBagLayout
Example FlowLayout Manager

The components are

arranged in the
container from left
to right in the order
in which they were
added. When one
row becomes filled,
a new row is
FlowLayout Constructors

 public FlowLayout(int align, int hGap, int vGap)

Constructs a new FlowLayout with a specified alignment,
horizontal gap, and vertical gap. The gaps are the distances in
pixel between components.

 public FlowLayout(int alignment)

Constructs a new FlowLayout with a specified alignment and a
default gap of five pixels for both horizontal and vertical.

 public FlowLayout()
Constructs a new FlowLayout with a default
center alignment and a default gap of five pixels
for both horizontal and vertical.
GridLayout Manager
The GridLayout manager arranges components
in a grid (matrix) formation with the number of
rows and columns defined by the constructor. The
components are placed in the grid from left to
right starting with the first row, then the second,
and so on.
GridLayout Constructors

 public GridLayout(int rows,

int columns)
Constructs a new GridLayout with the
specified number of rows and columns.

 public GridLayout(int rows, int columns,

int hGap, int vGap)
Constructs a new GridLayout with the
specified number of rows and columns,
along with specified horizontal and
vertical gaps between components.
BorderLayout Manager

The BorderLayout add(Component, constraint),

manager divides the where constraint is
container into five areas:BorderLayout.EAST,
East, South, West, North,BorderLayout.SOUTH,
and Center. Components
BorderLayout.NORTH, or
are added to a
BorderLayout by using the
add method.
Ex. Border Layout

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