Human Resource Development Ipmortant Notes
Human Resource Development Ipmortant Notes
Human Resource Development Ipmortant Notes
The term learning means changes in our behavior, attitude, knowledge and skills.
In other wards we can say that through learning we can feel permanently
changes in our self. If we are not feeling any changes in our above skills then it
will not be called as learning. The learning is a type of reinforcement, which may
learn a change in behavior enduring by strengthening and intensifying certain
aspect of an individual behavior.
Learning may be described at the process of acquiring the ability to respond
adequately to a situation, which may or may not have been previously an
countered. After analysis, the term learning consist of the following contents:-
L - At length
E - It should be affective A
- It should be apparent R -
N - Elimination of negative thoughts I
N - Elimination negative
G - Elimination of generalization
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
2. Behavior - Behavior is expected from the learner to show the audience has
learn something from the instructor.
3. Condition-Under what condition will the learner be expected to demonstrate
his/her knowledge. It is the responsibility of instructor to create an
atmosphere of learning for grasping the memory from the learning
Main characteristics of good learning objective
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3) Application objectives:
1. Creativity objectives:
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The creativity is the highest objective of the cognitive domain. This can
be achieved by satisfying the highest needs of a person and employing
internal motivation. The analysis, synthesis and evaluation or Judgment
abilities are developed for achieving this objective. The context is most
important and environment is least important. The ego environment and
self-motivation is essential for creativity. The level of aspiration, novelty
and attitude, techniques of motivation can be used for achieving
creativity objective.
The term domains of learning means classification, area and scope of learning.
The classification allows the teacher to be better able to organize instruction and
thereafter provides better structure and improved clarity. The main aim of
domains of learning that the students will be better able to achieve success if
they more clearly understand the structure of the instruction provided to them.
1. Cognitive domains
2. Affective domains
3. Psycho domains
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2. Affective domains – This domain is the area, which concern attitude, belief
and the entire spectrum of values and value system. The area is often
considered the more difficult domains in which we structure instruction.
The term values are show in embedded that they can be inferred from
people behavior and their expected attitude. What may ‘appear’ to be
strange behavior in an employee can make sense if managers understand
the value underlying that behavior? Value has an important influence on
the attitude, perception, needs and motives of people at work. Value
represents basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct is
permanently are socially preferable to an opposite mode of conduct. When
we rank individual values in terms of their intensity we obtain value
system of that person. All offers have a hierarchy of value that forms our
value system. This system is identified by the relative importance. We
assign to such value a freedom self respects, honesty, obedience, equity
and so on.
- Terminal value
- Instructional value
The person learns and develops values because of the following factors:
Family factors
Social factors
Personal factors
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class mate and the other staff member in the educational institution make
the child inoculate values important to the teaching learning process.
PERSONAL FACTORS – Personal attributes such as intelligence, ability,
appearance and educational level of the person determines the
development of values for example one’s higher levels of intelligence may
result in faster understanding of values.
3. PSYCHO DOMAINS- this domains attempt to classify the coordination
aspects that are associated with movement and to integrate the cognitive
and affective consequences with bodily performance. The psycho domains
can be classified in to following 3 movements:-
Generic movement
Ordinative movement
Creative movement
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Methods of Learning:
1) Autocratic Style
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d) Group Discussion
e) Role Playing
f) Brain Storming
g) Independent Study
1) Lectur e Style-
3) Tutorial:
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a) Supervision Tutorials:
The teacher should have the background of social psychology and group
dynamics so that he can deal with group tutorials effectively in solving
their problems.
c) Practical Tutorials :
These tutorials are commonly used for both and individual basis to
achieve psychomotor skills in laboratory, workshop,
2) Programmed Instructions:
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1) Question Answer:
a) Theory of enfoldment: All knowledge with in the learner, teacher can not
teach any new knowledge to students
b) The knowledge can be emitted by linking the question wit his answers
2) Heuristic:
3) Discovery:
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It is of two types:
a) By the teacher:
b) By the students:
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5) Role Playing:
6) Brain Storming:
It is based on assumption that a student can learn better in group rather than in
individual study. This strategy consists of a problem-solving situation in which
learners are assigning to a problem and they are asked to discuss any idea, which
come to their mind. The group is encouraged to provide even unusual
suggestions. They have to analyze and evaluate the workability of their own
suggestions of the problem.
7. Independent Study:
Independent study helps in developing student’s initiative, responsibility and
understanding for what they study. Its also known as “Project Work”. This study
more useful for a training program.
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either the teacher is delivering information or one of the students are silently
following him in their own textbooks. This probably is the concept of teaching
held by traditional teacher.
Teaching may consist of a description of those acts, teachers demonstrate that
reflect their commitments to a particular philosophy to education. We can
explain it from different angles.
Some explanations are as followed:
3) Conference Technique
4) Seminar Technique
5) Symposium Technique
6) Workshop Technique
7) Panel Discussion
Conference Technique
The conferences are organized to study the specific problems of nations, society,
religion, science and education. The objective of the conferences is usually broad
to develop cognitive and affective aspects. The objectives are determined
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
by the organization. For example: Teacher Education Association and all India
Educational Technology Association. The purposes of these organizations are
Seminar Technique
Symposium Technique
The word “Symposium” has several dictionary meanings. Firstly Plato has used
the term for “good dialogue” to present the views towards God. Another
meaning of the term is the intellectual recreation or enjoyment.
The recent meaning of the term is meeting of persons to discuss a problem or
theme. The symposium technique /forum serves as an excellent device for
informing an audience, crystallizing opinion and general preparing the listeners
for arriving at decision, policies, value, judgment or understanding.
The main purpose of the Symposium is to provide the understanding to the
students or listeners on theme or problem specifically to develop certain values
and feelings.
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Wor kshop
Workshop is defined as assembled group of ten to twenty five persons who share
a common interest or problem. They meet together to improve their individual
and skill of a subject through intensive study, research, practice and discussion.
Panel Discussion
This technique first time was used by Herry A Ober in 1929.He organized a
discussion from small group to definite period for the audience. At the end of the
discussion audience had also participated. The important question was put by the
audience on the topic. The experts tried and answered the questions and certain
points are clarified, which were not included in the discussion. Several other
persons had used this technique. Generally this type of panel discussion is
organized on television and radio.
Importance of Teaching
2) Causes to Learn:
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the interest, aptitudes, capacities, competencies, and need of the pupils and
guide them accordingly. From this point of view, the teaching should be so
much natural and interesting that the pupils get motivated for self-learning.
The good teaching is to provides assistance them for establishing the contact
with different subjects of curriculum and environment themselves.
The pupils cannot be taught everything all the time. Various stages are meant
for achieving the different aspects of knowledge. Also pupils have different
interests, attitudes competencies and needs on the basis of individual
differences. So there must be some useful planning of teaching in view of the
above things.
Selective Idea
The pupil remains active by nature. This activeness is based upon his basic
instincts. Hence, each people perform desirable and undesirable activities under
the influence of his instincts. The teacher should study the pupil’s basics instinct
and direct these activities for purposefulness and useful directions.
Sympathetic Program
Psychology has proved that when the pupils gets involved in the emotional
disturbance while struggling mentally, his all mental powers cease to function
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Teaching does not mean forceful imposition of knowledge in the pupil’s brain.
The teaching and learning process is an alive active process. Hence, the desirable
results can only be achieved when teaching is based on cooperation of the
teachers and the pupils.
Organization of Learning:
Marshall has written that the organization of learning means the unification of
all the component of teaching. Hence, the activities of teacher and pupils should
be unified. It is essential to include all task teaching methods and conditions in
these activities. In short good teaching is organization of learning.
Democratic environment
Modern ages are the age of democracy. Theses days, the real education is
considered to be that education which prepares the pupils for life by life. In the
light of this, we should’ prepare the pupils for democracy democratically. But to
achieve this objective, the teaching should be based on democratic ideals,
objectives, curriculum, and teaching methods. In short good teaching should be
The term technology implies the application of science to art. When we apply
the science of learning and communication to teaching we evolve a technology.
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J.K. Galbirath has given two main characteristics of every technology, these
Any subject who meets with these two norms of the characteristics is called
Instructional Technology.
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in the of all those who are constantly engaged in the pursuit of knowledge
otherwise it will remain an Orwell Ian nightmare.
Definitions of Instructional Technology:
a) To determine the goals and formulate the objectives in the behavioral terms.
b) To analyze the characteristics of learner.
c) To organize the content in logical or psychological sequence.
d) To media between content and resources of presentation.
e) To evaluate the learners’ performance in term of achieving educational
f) To provide the feedback among other component for the modification of
Behavioral Technology
Instructional Technology
Teaching Technology
Behavioral Technology
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The contents of Behavioral Technology for bringing about the changes in the
behavior of teacher are the following:
Meaning and definition of the teacher-behavior.
Principles of teacher-behavior.
Observation method of teacher-behavior.
Analysis and Nature of teacher-behavior.
Evaluation and Norms of teacher-behavior.
Models of teacher-behavior.
Various techniques of developing teacher behavior such as:
Programmed Instructions,
T-Group training,
Inter action Analysis Techniques,
Simulated Social Skill Teaching,
Assumptions of Behavioral
1. Teacher’s behavior is social
and psychological.
2. Teacher’s behavior is
3. Teacher’s behavior is
4. Teacher’s behavior is
5. Teachers are not in born only
they can be produced even.
Characteristics of Behavioral
teaching but still there is much difference between these two. Instructions mean
communication of information. Other persons and methods than teacher can do
this. For example different type of audio-visuals aids can guide the students. The
correspondence course and Open University may accomplish the task of
instructions successfully through press and television. Actually instructional
technology is based upon Hardware Approach. It includes teaching material
prepared on the basis of machine like tap recorder, record player, televisions and
projector etc. With the help of this, large groups of students may be provided
with the knowledge in minimum time and expenses.
Thus, the instructional technology motivates learning process. The instructional
material is selected keeping in view the objectives. Simultaneously, various
methods, techniques, strategies and audio-visual aids are used for presenting the
lesson so that the objectives may be achieved in the end, the achievement of the
objective is evaluated if the objective is not achieved owing to any reason, then
again the decision regarding any proposed change is taken so that the desired
change in the pupils’ behavior may be brought about.
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Teaching Technology
Teaching is an art. Teaching Technology makes this art easier, precise, Practical
and objective by using scientific principles. Teaching has two elements:
The functions of the teacher as a manager into the following four steps:
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1. Planning
2. Organization
3. Leading
4. Controlling
In this phase, the teacher analyses the content, determines, and defines the
learning objectives and writes these objectives in clear terms.
In the words of I.K.Davies, “In teaching, planning is the works, a teacher does
to establish learning objectives”.
In this phase, the teacher motivates pupils so much at each and every step they
start showing interest in teaching and the learning objectives are achieved. In this
connection, I.K.Davis has written, “leading is the work a teacher does to
motivate,-encourage and inspire these students, so that they will readily achieve
the learning objectives”.
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In this phase pre-determined and defined objectives of learning remain the same.
No change is brought about in these objectives. But the teacher observes the
context to which the organization and leading activities have achieved the pre-
determined objectives. To accomplish this great task, the teacher seeks the help
of various techniques of evaluation and measurement. He concludes that the
learning objectives have not been achieved, then he should bring necessary
changes in the activities of “organization” and “leading” phases.
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a) Teacher Behavior is
b) Teacher behavior is quantifiable.(classifiable, quantitatively,
c) Teacher behavior revealed through overdoes behavior.
5) Verbal Behavior
6) Non-Verbal Behavior
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Verbal Behavior
A teacher uses some bodily actions, facial expressions that encourage or restrict
the pupil – participation in class - room teaching. its known as non-verbal
behavior of teacher. The non – verbal behavior is more effective than verbal
Taxonomy of Teacher Behavior
Under this teaching the student – teacher simulated a particular activity or role
and they try to develop an identity with the actual classroom situations. The
whole simulated teaching programme becomes training in role perception and
role-playing. The handling behavioral problems and classroom are better
mastered through simulated teaching sessions.
Teacher Behavior includes four major dimensions:
1) A source dimension.
2) A direction dimension
3) A function direction.
4) A sign direction.
1) A source dimension – of teaching provide interaction of the relationship
of student and teacher at a basic level. Teaching is the interaction between
projector entity called teacher and receptor entities within a classroom
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Try to anticipate the main ideas of the coming lecture: Look over your
notes of the previous lecture and read the course material.
If you have questions about material from the previous class or text, ask
the instructor before class about them Prepare a few questions you expect
to be answered on new material if possible.
Resist distractions by sitting in front of the room away from disruptive
classmates and by focusing on the instructor through active listening and
note taking
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Put yourself in the "mood" with attentive expression and posture; do not
Shift position your seat every so often
Don't frozen in one positio
Shiftin on inoccasion
sit will keep the circulating,
gsend more help
oxygen to your brain, and helpblood
you remain alert.
Train yourself not to give in to distractions you can learn that. When
someone enters the room, or when a door slams, do not allow
yourself to participate. Rather, keep your concentration on what's in
front of you. Form a tunnel, between you and the lecturer
Light Concentration: Occurs when you first sit down. This level continues for
about the first 5 minutes.
You are just getting settled into your reading, listening, or studying. You are
easily distracted.
Moderate Concentration: Occurs during the next 5 minutes or so.
This is when you begin to pay attention. You are not as easily distracted,
although you may lose your Concentration if someone talks directly to you.
Deep Concentration: You aren’t thinking about anything except what you are
hearing or reading.
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You may not notice if someone comes into the room or the ticking of the clock.
You typically are not easily distracted by external or internal stimuli. You are
working most effectively.
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Keep a scorecard. Every time you notice yourself being distracted, give
yourself a checkmark. With every study session, your goal is to have
fewer checkmarks than during your last study session.
If you are distracted by the amount of material you have to study, chunk
the information into smaller, manageable units.
Be aware of physical issues/problems. If you are hungry, eat something.
A diet higher in protein will often improve concentration. Substances
such as prescription and nonprescription medications, alcohol, illegal
drugs, and caffeine can lower your ability to concentrate and shorten
your attention span. Get a check-up; problems with concentration can be
compounded if you aren’t feeling well or if you are struggling with
chronic pain.
Be an active learner:
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There is more passive kind of student involvement. In which there are a number
of activities that involves students in the class in a substantial and active way. We
can make the involvement as a teaching strategy on the following grounds.
Small group discussions
Case Studies
Role playing or Skill practice
Simulations or structured exercises
In-Class writing
Cooperative Learning
One excellent tool to build student involvement in a class to have them discusses
a topic or question with a partner or a few other students. The teacher can then
ask small groups to report their finding to the class.
We always monitor the group carefully to make sure they must spend time on
their tasks. Walk around the room and ask each group about their progress.
This method often used in psychology, and education curses relies on describing,
in some details, real-life situation. Student must consider the context of the
problem in order to make decision on how to solve it.
We should tell the student that you do not have single right answer in mind,
although there are better or worse answer to the dilemma. Remind them that
good answer will acknowledge all the complexities of the case, including the
values and emotions of those involved as well as the consequences of different
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When student need to learn a skill, have the a practice, have them practice it
through role playing, either in front of the class or in small group.
You should be model for your student how to role-play. Let them see you
participate in one of the groups, but remind them you don’t have “right” or
“wrong” scenario in the mind. To ensure that all students participate during role-
playing, have students who are not performing. Don’t Critique the performance
of those, who are not performing as well, Tell them to state their criteria for
Specially designed game, helps students understands particular theoretical
We make sure that we carefully think through the mechanics of games you
chose. Consider how long the exercise will last, what problem might arise how
we ensure that student is participating, etc. Practice the game with friends or
colleagues to work out the kinks before you use it in your classroom.
Most higher learning institution now encourages writing in all disciplines.
Writing during class is important because it can challenge students to use higher-
order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evolution. Some
possible in-class writing assignment includes brainstorming, journal writing,
summarizing the main points of discussion, responding to a particular issue and
writing mock essay exam answers.
In cooperative learning activity, this can span from any where from one class
period to an entire semester, student work in small group to solve a clearly
defined task. Each student in-group performs a clearly specified role, which is
essential for completing the entire project. When project are presented to their
classmates student will realize the value of pooling individual talents for the
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benefits of entire groups. Since jobs must require employees to work together to
complete task, the skills students use during cooperative learning activities in an
academic setting transfer to real-life situations.
When we assign cooperative learning task, be sure to give both oral and written
direction and to reiterate them frequently. In addition, check on the students
‘progress as often as possible. We either may allow students to elect the group
leaders, recorders, researchers, etc. or we may determine their roles for them,
depending upon how much autonomy we wish to allow them .if group members
do not seem to be communicating effectively, we may wish to suggest possible
role changes.
Depending upon such factors such as class size, student maturity level, available
time, and subject matter, teacher might use either formal debates where students
presents opposing sides and rebuttals or informal or conversational debates,
where student can interrupt with questions. Debates can be useful in helping
students recognize and overcome the basis they bring to certain topics and in
affording them opportunities to hone public speaking skills. In large class rooms
teachers can require students to prepare portion of the debate for homework and
form larger debates team.
To guarantee all that all students participate, you can require students in the
audience to critique debates and to vote both before and after them. If your
student will be debating controversial issues that may spark emotional relations,
discuss appropriate classroom behavior well before the debate begins. Remind
your student to challenge ideas, rather than the personal integrity or character
of their peers.
Teacher can utilize plays to communicate much of the information that lectures
typically cove. Groups of students might enjoy performing pay scripts their
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teacher have written for them or writing their own scripts. Most likely, student
will more opt to remember concepts that re coupled wit visual and auditory
images than word delivered solely by their teacher.
Asking the student to write and perform to play that teaches a certain concepts
allow them to see how challenging teaching can be. Be sure to have the students
evaluate their own and other’s performances. Discuss why certain section of the
play was more effective than others and create an environment of learning, peace
and prosperity.
1.What do you mean by the term learning? Explain its components and
characteristics features.
2.define the term Domains of learning? Please explain the different
types of
domains of learning.
3.What is the objective of learning methods? Explain different style of learning
4.What is the importance of teaching techniques? How you will plan effective
teaching techniques.
5.Please define instruction technology. Please explain objective and different
kinds of instruction technology.
6.Please explain the function a teacher in learning process. What is the different
approaches of instruction technology.
7.Write shorts notes on
- Objective of teacher behavior
- Taxonomy of teacher behavior
- Benefits of teacher behavior.
8 What are the different techniques of effective involvement?
9.How you will create an environment of attentation?
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10. Please explain different level of attentation process and how you will create
listening strategies during lecture session?
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Training by trail and error results in wastage of time, efforts and resources. Since
training is a form of education some of the principles that emerge from learning
theory can be logically applied to training. Learning is the human process by
which Skills, knowledge, habits and attitudes are acquired and utilised in such a
way that behavior is modified.
The following Principles of learning should be satisfied by a good training
1. Practice- Employees learn more fast when theory and practice go hand in
hand. Employees under training should be given an opportunity to
participate in actual work performance.
2. Active Process- the individual learn better when more of his senses are
utilised in the efforts and he become more involved in the process of
3. Guidance- Learning is more efficient if it is not by trail and error but by
guiendence from expert. Guidance can speed the learning process and
provide feedback as well.
4. Trainee Readiness- People who are not ready to learn will not learn.
Consequently an effective training program must comprise individuals
who are ready to learn the skill at hand. Determining trainee readiness
involves examining certain important issues.
5. Motivation- Trainee must be motivated to improve his skills or
knowledge by increased compensation, promotion, Recognition etc.
6. Relevance- Most trainees quickly develop perception about whether
training is relevant. If trainee perceives that the instruction will actually
help them on the job, they are much more likely to be receptive to the
training. If they do not perceive they are more likely to demonstrate
active or passive resistance in the training.
7. Reinforcement-Reinforcement is another critical principles of learning. It
involves the process of providing financial rewards or non-financial
incentives such as praise or recognition. Reinforcement can often
encourage trainees to become more interested and involved in the
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Any training and development program must contain inputs, which enable the
participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to
look into the distant future. The inputs in Training and developments are as
follows :-
SKILLS- A worker needs skills to operate machine and use other equipments
with least damage and scrape. This is a basic skill without which the employees
will not be able to function. Employees, particularly supervisors and executives
need interpersonal skills popularly known as the people skills. Interpersonal
skills are needed to understand one and others better, and act accordingly.
Interpersonal skills include Listing, persuading and showing an understanding of
others feelings.
EDUCATION:- The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and
develop a sense of reasoning and judgments. Any training and development
program must contain an elements of education is well understood by HR
DEVELOPMENT:-Development is an another components of training and
development which is less skill oriented but stresses on knowledge. Knowledge
about business environment, management principles and techniques, human
relation specific industry analysis is useful for better management of a company.
The managements of any organisation expects the following from its managers
when they are deputed to attend any training and development program:-
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If the company is serious about training to its workers it shows that it also cares
for them. Nothing binds the entire workforce to the company as effectively as
opportunity to be trained especially skills beyond their daily operations. A large
number of companies have their own in company training programs. A
prominent Companies running in company training program are Larsen and
Toubro.KRIBHCO, ONGC, VOLTAS, INDIAN OIL, GAIL Etc. In this present
Compititative environment the companies deputed various roles and
responsibilities to its Administrative officers, Consultants, designers and
instructors to achieve the pre-determined objective and to survive in this present
globalize economy.
The role of administrative officer s of any organisation in respect of
Training and Development for its employees is as follows.
The consultant shall provide all latest information regarding external / outside
training agencies for better conduct of training program on need basis.
The consultant shall give proper feedback regarding future training and
development programs.
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The consultant should ensure that training should be of global best practices.
The role of Designers and instructor s of any organisation in r espect of
Training and Development for its employees is as follows.
outside suppliers and contractors.
s Employee hiring, training and
o 43
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
Balancing work and life assumes relevance when both husband and
wife are employed. Travails of a working housewife are more than a
working husband, as the opening case to this chapter shows. Work-
life balance is becoming a major challenge to HR manager as more
women are taking up jobs to add to finances of their families or to
become careerists. In India, workingwomen now account for 15 per
cent of the total urban female population of 150 million.
number is likely to increase as more number of girls is coming out of
colleges and universities with degrees in their hands.
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Training Non-training
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new skills because of possible job transfers. Employees commonly require only
an orientation to new facilities and jobs.
Several methods are available for training needs assessment. Some useful
organizational level needs assessment and others for individual’s needs
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
How does the firm compete for individuals with the right skills, knowledge, and
abilities and attitudes?
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Person Analysis
After a needs analysis has been conducted and the staff is confident
that training is needed to address the performance problem or to
advance the firm’s mission, the training program is developed. This
can be done by an in-house training program is developed. This can
be done by an in-house training staff or by outside consultants.
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
Many firms now even design and manage their own corporate
training centers.
To develop the program, the trainer should design a training environment
conducive to learning. This can be done by setting up preconditions for learning
and arranging the training environment to ensure learning. Following this, the
trainer should examine various training methods and techniques to choose the
combination most beneficial for accomplishment of the instructional objectives
of the training program.
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
trainers should try to gain the support of trainees and their supervisors prior to
actually implementing the program. This is particularly important for training in
sensitive areas such as diversity and gender and race discrimination.
Tr ainability
Before the learner can benefit from any formal training, he or she
must be trainable or ready to learn. This means to learn. To have the
ability, the trainee must possess the skills and knowledge
prerequisite to master the material. One way to determine this is to
give trainees a work sample (i.e., an example of the types of skills to
be performed on the job) and measure how quickly they are able to
learn the material or how well they are able to perform the skills.
Assessing trainees’ ability to learn is of increasing concern to
corporate America. In view of the increasing technological
knowledge required in most jobs, many Americans are not being
educated at a level compatible with the requirements of most entry-
level jobs. This situation appears to be getting worse in the United
States since the entry-level jobs of the future are being “up-skilled”
while the pool of qualified workers is shrinking.
Gaining the support of trainees and others.
If tr ainees do not see the value of tr aining, they will be unlikely
to lear n new behavior s or use them on their jobs. Tr ainees
should be infor med in advance about the benefits that will r esult
fr om tr aining. If they see some incentives for tr aining, it may
str engthen their motivation to lear n the behavior s, pr actice
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Goal Setting
Goal setting can help employees impr ove their per for mance by
dir ecting their attention to specific behavior s that need to be
changed. If employees set specific, challenging goals, they can r
each higher levels of per for mance. For example, r esear ch has
shown that goal setting has led to an aver age incr ease of 19 per
cent. Goal setting impr oves per for mance because it affects four
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
Tr ainer s should tr y to design tr aining pr ogr ams and mater ials
to ensur e that tr ainees devote attention to them. They can do
this by choosing a tr aining envir onment that is comfor table to
tr ainees (e.g., that has good temper atur e, lighting, seats, plenty
of r oom, snacks) and fr ee fr om distr actions.
Transfer of Training
The ultimate goal of a tr aining pr ogr am is that the lear ning that
occur s dur ing tr aining be tr ansfer r ed back to the job. To
maximize tr ansfer , the following suggestions have been offer ed.
These include ideas for the tr aining session itself as well as for
the employee once he or she has r etur ned to the job:-
1. Maximize the similar ity between the tr aining context and the
job context. That is, the tr aining should r esemble the job as
closely as possible. At GE, for example, the “action-lear ning”
pr ocess focuses on r eal business pr oblems.
2. Requir e pr actice of the new behavior s and over -lear ning in
tr aining.
3. Encour age tr ainees to pr actice skills on their jobs in between
tr aining sessions.
4. Develop, and have available on the job, job aids to r emind
employees of the key action steps necessar y on the job.
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5. Make sur e that the gener al pr inciples under lying the specific
content ar e under stood in tr aining.
Training programs are designed to achieve specific goals that meet felt needs.
There is always the temptation to begin training without a thorough analysis of
these needs. Should this happen, the training programme becomes inappropriate
and its administration turns out to be perfunctory. There are other benefits of
needs assessment:
Trainers may be informed about the broader needs of the trainees.
Trainers are able to pitch their course inputs closer to the specific needs of the
Assessment makes training department more accountable and more clearly linked
to other human resource activities, which may make the training programme
easier to sell to line managers.
Consequences of absence of training need assessment.
The significance of needs assessments can be better understood by looking at the
consequences of inadequate or absence of needs assessments. Failure to conduct
needs assessments can contribute to:
Loss of business
Constraints on business developments
Higher labour turnover
Poorer –quality applicants
Increased overtime working
Higher rates of pay, overtime etc
Higher recruitments costs, including advertising and incentives
Greater pressure and stress on management and staff to provide cover
Pressure on job evaluation, grading structure payment system and career
Additional retention costs in the form of flexible working time.
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
Training objectives guide the training curriculum. The contents will very
according to the type of the training and the specific requirement of the trainees.
The type of employees training method best suited to a specific organisation
depends upon a number of factors, such as skills required for the job,
qualification of candidate to be trained, kinds of operating problems confronted
by the organisation and the support of the higher management to the training
Training Budget
Training budget involves out flow of funds from the organisation for which
budget should be available. Formulating a training budget will be an interactive
process with the other steps in developing skills training program. Budget
constraints may limit the human resources manager’s alternatives and must
therefore be considered during all phases of the development process.
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
Though they work together, they maintain their distinct identities, diverse
cultural moorings and separate lifestyles. HR managers must learn to live with
these diverse behaviors. Diversity, if properly managed, can increase creativity
and innovation in organizations as well as improve decision making by providing
different perspectives on problems.
Impact of Globalization- Our economy is gradually getting integrated with the
global economy. Globalization has considerable influence on Hr functions.
Employees hiring, training, motivation, compensation and retaining are to be
guided by the global perspective. By discharging these and other functions
effectively and by helping the best-qualified people execute the company s
strategy on a global scale, the department can become a source of competitive
advantage for the company.
Technological- J K Galbraith defines technology as a systemic application of
organized knowledge to practical tasks. During the last 150 years, technology
has developed beyond anybody’s comprehension. Science and technology enable
man to overcome distance, control birth rate, save life, generate, preserve and
distribute energy.
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
In the first place, culture creates the type of people who become
members of an organisation. Culture trains people along particular
lines, tending to put a personality stamp upon them. Thus, we have
Indians, Japanese, Americans, Britishers, Germans and so on. It is
not that all people are alike in a particular culture. There are sub-
cultures within a culture. For, people have their own idiosyncrasies
and are influenced by heredity, cultural experiences, sub-cultural
experiences, family experiences and unique personal experiences.
Secondly, the attitude of workers towards work is the result of their cultural
background. Our workers are known to have a deep-seated apathy towards
work. Work is dissociated from results in the belief that results are pre- ordained.
Tasks are performed (if ever performed) without any interest, dedication or
pride. Worse, there is indiscipline at all levels, nagging suspicion of fellow
workers, basic mistrust of authority, and poor man-management relationships.
Thirdly, time dimension, which influences HRM, has its roots in culture. Time
orientation refers to people’s orientation-past, present or future. In some
societies, people are oriented towards the past. In others, they tend to be more
focused on the present. Still others are futuristic in their outlook. HRM people in
societies that focus on the present, care more for employees on the rolls.
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
In addition to the external forces, there are factors internal to the organisation,
which influence HR activities. Unlike the external forces, where HRM has no
control, internal factors are within its influence. Prominent internal forces are:
(i) Strategy, (ii) Task, (iii) Leadership, (iv) Unions, (v) Organizational culture and
conflicts, and (vi) professional bodies.
Str ategy, Task and Leader ship
A strategy indicates the direction in which an organisation MOVES.
As a plan, a strategy takes the organisation into the area of
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knowledge about the tasks, the organisation and the HRM polices,
programs and goals.
Unionization as an external factor was examined earlier. The same has been
included here as an internal environment. This is justified because a firm’s
personnel activities will be influenced by its own union(s) as well as the unions
of other plants.
A trade union may be understood as an association of workers or management
formed to protect their own individual interests. The role of a union is too well
known, not needing any elaboration here. All HR activities-recruitment,
selection, training, compensation, IR and separation-are carried out in
consultation with union leaders. The role of unions becomes pronounced when a
new wage agreement needs to be signed. Generally, a wage agreement has a life
of three years. After the expiry of one agreement, a new one has to be reached.
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Pr ofessional Bodies
As was pointed out earlier, the impact of the apex body, National Institute of
Personnel Management (NIPM), on HR experts is minimal. The body has not
been able to prescribe its accreditation as a pre-requisite for HR practitioners. In
fact, it has not even prescribed a minimum academic qualification for an HR
professional. Its record of contribution to relevant policymaking, participation in
tripartite for a, and authority to morally bind its members to certain basic
professional values is disappointing.
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(Source: from M.J. Tessin, “Once Again, Why Training?” Training, Feb. 1978,
Many organisations are realizing the need of having people who can innovate,
think ahead, and provide new direction. This is a new area, which is gaining
significance because of need to move in different and newer areas of growth.
Organisation which have stagnated for long, need to identify certain individuals
who are creative and show potential for innovation for innovation and send them
to special training program designed to realise the new competencies. These
programs do not necessarily meet the job related requirement but are designed to
induce certain special talents. Programs on creativity, innovativeness and the like
are now offered by many agencies.
Most discussion on the subjects of training generally deliberates on its relevance
from the point of view of organisation. Little attempts are made to study what
the participants want from such training program. In one such attempt Mr Kalra
(1972) collected data on participant’s objective in attending training program.
His result shows that participants want the training program to help them to
develop technical skills, managerial skills and communication skills. In a similar
attempts, Srinivasan (1977) collected data on trainees, focusing on the individual
motivation for attending training program. The study highlighted two areas—
career development and continuous education.
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
Objectives of this lesson are to
i) have introduction about training and development
ii) specify different purposes of training
iii) explain on the job training with advantages and
iv) describe the merits and demerits of off the job training
v) study the procedure for choosing optimum method
vi) consider different factors for selection of suitable
The quality of employees and their development through training and education
are major factors, which provide long-term benefit to an organization. It is good
policy to invest in the development of the skills of employees, so they can
increase their productivity. Training often is considered for new employees only.
This is a mistake because ongoing training for existing employees helps them in
adjusting to rapidly changing job requirements. The difference between the
training methods lies mainly in terms of the personal involvement or
participation of trainees in the process of learning.
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1. Purpose of Training
Reasons for emphasizing the growth and development of personnel in an
organization are related to the following purposes.
Creating a pool of readily available and adequate replacements
personnel who may leave or move up in the organization.
Enhancing the company's ability to adopt and use advances in
technology because of a sufficiently knowledgeable staff.
Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated
team, which
enhances the company's competitive position and improves employee
Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new programs.
Increased productivity.
Reduced employee turnover.
Increased efficiency resulting in financial gains.
Decreased need for supervision.
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OJT is dependent upon the trainer having sufficient knowledge and expertise to
impart to the trainee. OJT is important and the quality of OJT can be
considerably improved through effective design. In this method the learning
process takes place as a result of interaction among the coworkers, superiors,
subordinates, and feedback available during the performance of work in an
organisation. This method has the following important advantages and
1. Advantages
On the job training method has the following important advantages for
Training can be delivered at the optimum time.
The trainee will have opportunities to practice.
The trainee will have immediate feedback.
Training is delivered by colleagues by integrating the trainee into the
Trainee develops confidence by working with own speed and
1.2.1 Disadvantages
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
Some important disadvantages of on the job method are stated below for
taking precautions.
There is a tendency to fit OJT in when it is convenient for office routine
rather than at the optimum time for learning.
The training may be given piecemeal and not properly planned, and the
trainee gains a fragmented picture of the organisation.
Too much training can be delivered in one session leading to
'information overload' and trainee fatigue.
The trainer may not have sufficient knowledge of the process or
expertise in instructional techniques.
If immediate practice is not accompanied by feedback the trainee can
feel abandoned after the initial experience.
1. Merits
Off the job training method has the following important merits to be considered.
Use of specialist trainers and accommodation
Employee can focus on the training - and not be distracted by work
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
1.3.2 Demerits
Off the job training method has the following important demerits.
Employee needs to be motivated to learn
May not be directly relevant to the employee's job
Costs (transport, course fees, fees, materials,
examination accommodation)
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
This lesson has some important objectives to be
consideration before adoption in an organization.
i) explain in-basket method
ii) describe team task method of training
iii) discuss about buzz group with benefits & activities
iv) state syndicate with function, advantages & trainer
There are many methods available relating to on the job for training of
employees. Some of the important on the job related methods are presented in the
following paragraphs.
In-Basket is a simulation exercise, which enables assessment of the capabilities
of potential employees to discharge the responsibility of the concerned position.
This method is related to simulation of the workload of a manager on a typical
day. The name is derived from the IN and OUT trays found on the table of an
In this method the participants is required to assume the role of a manager of an
organization. Then he is presented with some problems in the form of letters,
memos & memoranda put in the IN tray & take appropriate action within a
limited time.
2.1.1 Real Life Action
The limitation on time is the most important fact of the whole training exercise
as it stimulates the real life situation, where a manager is always expected to take
a timely action. In order to complete the assignment in time, the player is forced
to set priorities and delegate some of the work to subordinates. He has to take
action just like a manager in the real life and write notes to complete the
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exercise. Under this method there is a procedure, which allows the participants to
explain their actions.
2. Contents
This method consists of set of instructions, contents of the in-basket and notes
for the guidance of instructor conducting the program. It effectively enhances
skills in decision-making and problem solving activities. This training can be
designed to focus on the activities related to managerial positions. This can be
altered according to the training requirement. Sometimes this method is
expensive to conduct training programmes. There should be provision for
availability of two baskets for in and out activities involved in this training
programme for use of the participants.
3. Merits
In-basket method of training has the following merits
It is related to the real life situation
It focuses on the managerial activities
This method can be adjusted according to requirement
The method is helpful for assessing specific dimensions
2.1.4 Dmerits
The in basket method has the following important demerits.
The game is considered expensive for the management
It may be difficult to administer for the trainer
This is a timetaking process for the participants
It is essentially individual expertise related work
Differ ent teams can be for med to per for m var ious tasks or
activities, str uctur ed or unstr uctur ed, in which the end r esult
may be pr incipally the completion of task, or other
obser vation or discussion of of the inter active pr ocess involved.
Some of these activities can be per for med by an individual, in
self- instr uction appr oach, but many r equir e inter action of
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It is possible that in the early stages, the barriors are too strong to permitt
individualsto express views which are critical of themselves or others in the
group, or the way group has perform the task. At a later stage of the course, this
is more likely to happen as open realtionships develop. Sufficient care and
planning is necessary for the trainer and trainees to follow this training
programme in an organisation.
2.3.1 Benefits
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A buzz group can allow an individual to retain annonimity in the group, since the
spokesman of the buzz group will express the view of group instead of
individual. However an individual can also express a personal view if he/she
wishes do so. There can be use of the buzz group method with as few as six,
sending into two buzz groups of three people. This approach was used following
the first activity of a course in which it is necessary to encourage the participants
to involve themselves in open discussion at an early stage.
2.3.2 Activities
During the full group discusion that followed, comments were made on group
and individual performance that would have ben much less early if the full
group had entered discusion immidiately after the activity. Infact, the immidiate
full group discussion approach had been the norm untill that perticualr course
and buzz groups were introduced because of the group inhibitions experienced.
The previous method is not revived.
The main objective of brain storming is to generate as amny ideas as possible
within the time fixed for the event. In this method no immidiate discussion or
evaluation of any idea is allowed. The trainer encourages the members to
produce ideas. Once all ideas have been extracted the task of brain storming
groups is over. ssesment and evalution of the ideas can follow by either by same
group or by a different group.
This is a technique valuable for strating a course in order to get the members
feeling that they have open thoughtts. It is ofen useful for the course participants
to be prepare for brain storming with a practiacl session on lateral thinkin lead by
the trainer. This will encourage the generation of ideas which will continue for
consideration of more serious issues.
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
Grouping the participants of different background usually forms the syndicates.
A syndicate may consist of six or seven participants. By following this method
there can be efficient performance of work in small groups to achieve required
purpose in time. In this method there is correct implementation & much more
learning. The essence of this method is that participants learn from each other
and contribute their own experience to the maximum extent. This method is
suitable for training and development of executives with considerable
1. Function
The participants are divided into different groups consisting of about ten
participants. These groups are called syndicates. Each syndicate functions as a
team to represent various functional and interest areas. The syndicates are given
assignments to be finished with a report. By rotation each member of the
syndicate becomes the leader.
Each syndicate is placed under a member of the training staff. The report
submitted by one syndicate is circulated to other syndicates for critical
evaluation. The chairman of each syndicate is required to present the view of his
team on the task assigned to them at a joint session of all the groups.
2. Advantages
The advantage of this method is that the analysis & ideas are tested in the small
groups for their validity before they are presented before the whole class. For the
practicing managers this method is helpful to have new concepts, techniques &
information. Working in syndicate involves interaction over an extended period
of time and living together.
If the syndicate is not structured properly it lead to lot of waste and cause
frustration. The role of directive staff by this method is very crucial. This
method enables to participants to acquire proper perspective on the related job in
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relation to the activities in other areas. The availability of outside exports can
help supplement the work in syndicates.
3. Disadvantages
The negligence of the directing staff may convert the syndicate method to an
exercise in futility. Due to improper structure of syndicate, there may be wastage
of time and frustration for the participants. This method may lead to dispute due
to difference in opinion of the participants.
4. Role of Tr ainer
In this method the role of a trainer is not to participate directly in the group his
role is quiet inactive during the training session where he is resource person. He
may decide on the group composition, the topics to be assigned to the group and
to give attention towards the confused participants. The syndicate method
includes the division of course members into a number of smaller groups called
syndicates for the purpose of considering a case study for the problem solving
activity. Each group is given the same problem to solve. Alternatively each
group may be given different problem. The trainer acts as the adjudicator in case
of difference between the groups. Another approach is to balance the different
views expressed to a common conclusion.
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
Off the job training involves employees taking training courses away from their
place of work. This is often also referred to as "formal training". Some important
off the job related training methods are discussed below.
Lectures present training material verbally and are used when the goal is to
present a great deal of material to many people within short time. It is more cost
effective to deliver lecture to a group of participants than to train people
individually. Lecturing is one-way communication and as such may not be very
effective way to train. In this method of training, it is difficult to ensure that all
trainees understand the topic on the same level. Despite these drawbacks,
lecturing is the most cost-effective way of reaching large number of trainees.
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1. Features
This method is one of the old and basic training methods. More and more
training institutions are applying the lecture method for training. In this method
the trainer is active where as the trainees are passive. Though lecture method is
not very much effective, some extent of informal lecture is inherent in the
conduct of any training program to motivate trainees, provide explanation &
analyze relevant exercises.
2. Considerations
The background, age, cultural difference, knowledge of subject, level of
education, likes & dislikes of the audience should be considered for this method
of training. More over the purpose of training & basic understanding of the
trainees can make lecture method of training effective. Under this method the
time available is an important consideration. It is necessary for the trainer to
speak from his own experience and knowledge as per the requirement of
trainees. The contents of lecture should be simple, brief and to the point. The
main theme of the lecture has to be developed in logical sequence. It is necessary
to start with simple concepts and progress towards difficult topics.
3. Role of Tr ainer
The trainer should arrive at the specified place in time to check the arrangements
for training. There should be proper standing posture for the trainer to maintain
eye contact with different segments of the audience. A Lecture who gives
attention to all parts of the audience uniformly is more successful. The speaker
should be sincere, courteous and enthusiastic for the lecture.
Making optimum use of time should be important consideration for the resource
person to deliver lecture. The trainer must have proper planning of the lecture to
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MBA-HRM Human Resource Development
create interest among the trainees by including examples, questions and humour
according to requirement in the lecture to be delivered.
4. Merits
The lecture method of training has the following important merits to be
consideration for adoption of the training method.
This method is effective to train large number of trainees within limited
time available
Delivery of lecture is useful for communication of basic theoretical
knowledge to the learners
Lecture method is convenient to have one-way transfer of information
without any interaction
Lecture method is less expensive for an organisation
5. Demerits
The lecture method of training has the following important demerits.
There may not be any scope for clarification of difficult parts of
the lecture for the participants
Repeated lectures may produce staleness and monotony resulting
in less absorption of knowledge by trainees
It becomes difficult to have proper feedback from the learners by
following lecture method of training
Field trips can be valuable training method for many organizations. But
sometimes there are risks and hazards, some of which may be unacceptable.
Faculty members who are planning to conduct field trips should perform their
own risk analysis and take sufficient precautions during the preparation. They
should have proper planning to determine the procedure of the field trip for
achieving the learning objectives.
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A case describes the problem area and contains sufficient additional information
about the company. Cases are designed primarily to solve different problems
relating to an organization. The trainees are expected to prepare each case in
advance by analyzing available fax, identifying major issues, exploring
alternative courses of action and finally taking a decision on the basis of their
analysis. This method can be dynamic and powerful approach for trainees.
A case study is a description of a real or imagined situation which contains
information that trainees can use to analyze what has occurred and why. The
case study provides learning situation, which depends on involvement and
participation in group discussion for its success. The trainees recommend
solutions based on the content provided.
3.5.2 Mer its and Demer its A case study can
present a real-life situation, which lets trainees to
consider what they would do. It can present a wide
variety of skills in which applying
knowledge is important. It helps in finding number
of alternative solutions suggested by the participants
for the problems included in the case. Cases may be
difficult to prepare and time-consuming to discuss.
The trainer must be creative and very skilled at
leading discussions, making points, and keeping
trainees on track. All participants should take active
part for the success of case study. This method is
very helpful for effective training of the participants
to develop the practice of taking correct decisions
on the basis of analysis of different cases. The
merits and demerits of this method should be
considered for successful conduct of the training
programme with required previous arrangements.
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In this type of training, each individual is given an information sheet with details
of the situation, which can be a technical problem or an interpersonal problem.
At the end of the first information, the person is asked to make a decision based
on the facts given upto that stage. Usually a choice between a number of actions
is given. The particular choice leads the learner to the next type of information,
at the end of which there is a further choice to make. Each learner can proceed at
his own pace and the skill posessed can determine the time taken by individual
to move through the maze. The individual having good grasp of the principles
involved can reach the final decision very quickly, having made the correct
choices. The unskilled trainee is likely to make a number of inappropriate
choices and will take a circular path to reach the end. Under this type of training,
the trainees can absorb the correct methods or attitudes from their mistakes.
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There are some training methods followed for the development of skill and
capabilities of the existing & new employees. So that, there can be improvement
of the efficiency of the employees. Some selected skill development training
methods are presented in the following paragraphs.
This type of training method is helpful to eradicate or minimize the
dysfunctional aspects of personality, developed from critical assumptions
assimilated during childhood. The life script is a basic concept of transactional
analysis. The programme for transactional analysis may vary from one day to
five days.
This method of training enables participants to develop interpersonal
competencies to improve relationships with self and others for changing their
behaviour appropriately to optimize interrelationships. As far as possible, the
trainer must operate from adult state and not be personally involved in
transactions between participants. The trainer must have expert knowledge of
transactional analysis before interpretation of behaviour.
4.1.1 Role of Trainer
The trainer should interpret group behaviour in terms of ego states of the
participants. He should not be personally involved in the transactions between
trainees. He should have specialized knowledge of the theory and practice relate
to the transactional analysis.
Trainees participate in a reality-based, interactive activity where they imitate
actions required on the job. It is a useful technique for skills development.
Training becomes more reality-based, as trainees are actively involved in the
learning process. It directly applies to jobs performed after training. Simulations
involve yet another learning style, increasing the chance that trainees will retain
what they have learned. Simulations are time-consuming. The trainer must be
very skilled and make sure that trainees practice the skills correctly. Only perfect
practice makes perfect.
In simulation training, the trainees act for situations in which they assume the
personality and positions of some one else. The success of stimulation training
depends upon other training innovations and relies on the continued patience of
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the enthusiastic participants having willingness to share insights and ideas with
others. Simulation game increases interaction among the trainees from divergent
socio-economic background. It provides an active, verbal and physical learning
environment to increase the motivation of learners.
These guidelines are intended to aid clinic directors in appropriate, effective and
ethical leadership of university-based psychology training clinics. Psychology
clinics are clinical settings designed to provide students the best possible training
in professional psychology. Clinics are the focus of competing interests, each
with different demands and goals. These interests include the university’s broad
policies and educational goals, standards of deans, department chairs and
directors of clinical training, the needs and interests of faculty, of students, and
of accrediting bodies.
The challenge for clinic directors is to negotiate and reconcile these competing
interests while sustaining the core standards, values and purposes of the clinic.
Required guidelines may be formulated to assist directors in their roles,
recognizing that effective leadership is supported and strengthened by explicit
statement of essential guidelines for the operation of clinics.
4.4.1 Role of Director
Clinic directors are responsible for the proper operation of the clinic, including
adherence to ethical and legal standards of professional conduct and patient care.
The key feature of the clinic director’s role is her/his responsibility to guarantee
high standards of clinical training and clinical practice. Clinic directors must
have authority requisite to discharging these responsibilities, including
appropriate authority over the work of staff, students and supervisors; as
necessary, this authority should be exercised in consultation with and assisted by
appropriate university bodies and authorities.
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5. Data-Gathering
All reporting libraries gather data about their customers, both actively (e.g.,
focus groups) and passively. The most used data-gathering methods are surveys,
with exit surveys in fairly common use: these are typically done yearly or bi-
yearly. Electronic suggestion and comment boxes are also common because they
have the benefit of being available to customers all the time. Some use focus
groups at least annually, but for others the technique has been used sparingly and
only for very specific purposes (e.g., to refine a survey of undergraduate
students or to assess customer satisfaction with photocopy services).
1. Benefits
The potential benefits of organized customer service programs are many. A
strong philosophy of service that is understood by all staff can guide day-to-day
performance and performance evaluation systems. Training based on that
philosophy can provide an important means of improving services on a
continual basis. Gathering and using data about customer experiences--both
successes and failures--is likely to raise the quality of service and the
satisfaction of customers. Although some find customer service philosophies or
guidelines marginally useful, many have seen them as a key ingredient in their
2. Features
Although formally organized customer service programs are familiar feature of
day-to-day lives, they are relatively recent arrivals in academic research
libraries. Moreover, where they exist, the programs are uneven in intensity.
Several libraries have committed themselves seriously to the approach--
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incident should be developed. Reports for different incidents must be retained for
five years for future reference.
4.6.2 Critical Incident
Tr aining agenda is designed to pr ovide par ticipants with the
latest infor mation on Cr itical Incident Str ess Management
techniques and post-tr auma syndr omes. The pr ogr am
emphasizes a br oadening of the knowledge base concer ning cr
itical incident str ess inter ventions as well as Post Tr aumatic Str
ess Disor der established in the Basic pr ogr am and/or
publications. Specifically, the pr ogr am addr esses concepts that
ar e the foundation of Defusing and Cr itical Incident Str ess
Debr iefings with an emphasis on advanced techniques for
complex cr isis situations. In addition, this method discusses the
pathological consequences of tr aumatic str ess and the theor
etical basis and r esear ch evidence.
Role-play is defined as educational technique in which some problem, involving
human interactions, real or imaginary is presented for spontaneous action. There
is active participation of the trainees in role-play method of training. It permits
training in the control of feelings and emotions.
Role-play method can be broadly classified into two categories, such as
structured role-play &spontaneous role-play. During a role-play, the trainees
assume roles and act out situations connected to the learning concepts. It is good
for customer service and sales training. Trainees can learn possible results of
certain behaviors in a classroom situation. They get an opportunity to practice
people skills.
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sales situations from the customers' point of view. The skill necessary to quickly
"size up" customers (learn about their needs) is rapidly sharpened through role
playing. A particularly good time for you to try out this method is during slow
periods when your salespeople are just "standing around" anyway.
4.7.5 HOT ROLE
Hot role-play provokes the trainees for the changed expectations. There should
be much interaction between the trainer and the trainees. For training of
salesmen, there may be scenes with specific audience involvement, focus on
customer service, effective communication, identification of real customers,
satisfaction of their requirements, acting as united work force and facing
In organizations and groups people have assigned or formal roles: director, chief
financial officer, manager of a department, the chairperson of a meeting, the
person who takes the minutes and so on. These roles come with a formal job
In addition to the formal role people also occupy informal roles in the groups
and organizations they are part of: the person who always asks critical questions,
the one who is focused only on practical details, the person who will always
volunteer first, the one who is always in crisis, the emotional one and so on. The
Metaphor Method for Role Analysis, helps participants of an existing group to
discover what their informal role is and how their informal role influences the
formal role they hold. Greater awareness of these informal roles is a help to both
individuals and the whole group, leads to better collaboration and consequently
aids in the task.
An interactive session combines live product demonstrations by the trainer and
hands-on practice for the trainee. These sessions are effective for successful
training. Because, the participants are trained by five learning styles. They hear
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from the trainer, then look at the demonstrations, they may touch, feel and
perform the same work by practice.
For this method of training audio and video equipments should be available with
facility for demonstrations. This method is helpful for the trainees for the new
product or service or new trainees for existing product and service. Under this
type of training, the trainees can learn in detail and inform others about the
product or service.
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There are training methods related to the attitude of the participants of training
programmes. The specific method should be selected according to the attitude
of the participants in an organization. Some important attitudinal training
methods are explained in the following paragraphs for comparative analysis for
the correct selection.
Brainstorming with a group of people is a powerful technique. Brainstorming
creates new ideas, solves problems, motivates and develops
Brainstorming motivates because it involves members of a team in bigger
management issues, and it gets a team working together. However, brainstorming
is not simply a random activity.
Brainstorming needs to be structured and it follows brainstorming rules. For the
brainstorming process, there is need of a flip-chart. File being used for problem
solving, the brain storming session can be helpful in developing attitude of
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Feedback, as provided by the trainer and other learners, is necessary for the
learner to check for learning and to modify the behavioral process. Finally,
transfer of training refers to the efforts of the model and trainer to make the
desired behavior rehearsal resemble the actual work place or job as much as
The Jigsaw is another method of training followed when there is too much
information for one person to read or absorb. It encourages reading or listening
salient points included in the training programme. This method is helpful to
develop effective practice for communicating critical points to others. Jigsaw
provides different perspectives on information. It can be particularly helpful to
second language learners.
1. Activities
Jigsaw is a group structure that can be used across all content areas. Training
starts with a home group. That group is responsible for learning the assigned
portion of a task that is prescribed by the instructor. Then the instructor separates
trainees into new groups -- jigsaw groups -- by assigning one member from each
home group to a new group.
If an activity begins with groups A, B, C, and D, the jigsaw groups have a
member from A, B, C, and D. In the jigsaw groups, participants share
information and complete some sort of project or product.The trainees conduct
research in groups responsible for collecting information about a given area of
that topic. Participants are to generate the questions to be asked after
experiencing an "anchor" activity that is designed to bring forth the questions the
instructor wants them to ask.
2. Assignments Involved
For reading purpose, portions of an article should be assigned to participants in
the divided group. But for presentations the participants in smaller groups
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should select the sessions according to their interest to attend and take notes.
Then they should summarize the main points and report back to the whole group.
There should be provision of note taking sheets with questions for the
participants. In case of large groups, after reading same passage, the participants
should discuss and decide on main points to be reported by selected reporter. All
the participants should complete the assignments.
The objective of fish bowl exercise is to inculcate in the participants, the
discipline of observing others and provide constructive feedback. This method is
helpful to learn about one self, one’s behaviour and personality as seen through
the eyes of others and consequently to overcome weaknesses for improving
5.5.1 Activities Involved
In this type of training, twenty-five participants seat in two concentric outer and
inner circles. The inner circle is the target group in which members either discuss
a pre-selected topic or move towards completion of a group task. After
the discussion by the members of inner group, which may extend up to half an
hour, the outer group is asked to comment on the content and more importantly,
the dynamics and group process of the inner groups members. The trainer should
select a topic for discussion that is either familiar to the participants or of
interest to them. Then, participants can identify with the topic or task and
generate a discussion.
5.5.1 Role of Tr ainer
In this method, the trainer shall act as a facilitator and guide the participants
towards constructive results. At the outset, he will state the ground rules for the
training and each member of the outer group must play the role. The trainer
should precede the exercise with discourse on group dynamics and human
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1. Stranger groups
In this group participants have no prior knowledge of one another. But members
can express and involve themselves without fear or retaliation. However, the
commencement of the training is difficult as all are strangers in the group.
2. Family Groups
In this group participants belong to the same department or hierarchical level and
have prior knowledge of each other. But the members may shy away from giving
feedback, may dilute it or may not disclose themselves in fear of its being used
against them.
All reporting libraries gather data about their customers, both actively (e.g.,
focus groups) and passively. The most used data-gathering methods are surveys,
with exit surveys in fairly common use: these are typically done yearly or bi-
yearly. Electronic suggestion and comment boxes are also common because they
have the benefit of being available to customers all the time. Some use focus
groups at least annually, but for others the technique has been used sparingly and
only for very specific purposes.
5.7.1 Benefits
The potential benefits of organized customer service programs are many. A
strong philosophy of service that is understood by all staff can guide day-to-day
performance and performance evaluation systems. Training based on that
philosophy can provide an important means of improving services on a continual
basis. Gathering and using data about customer experiences--both successes and
failures--is likely to raise the quality of service and the
satisfaction of customers.
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Business game is a training technique in which participants consider sequence of
problems and take decisions. It is simulation which consisting of sequential
decision-making exercise structured around a hypothetical model of the
operations of an organization. As it is only a simulation there is no real loss to
the organization in case participants make mistakes. Among different training
methods, business game is increasingly used in management development
programs for effectiveness of learning.
This method is helpful to reduce conflicts among the participants. These games
can be classified on the basis of coverage, competitive element & processing
results. According to coverage there may be total enterprise gain and functional
gain. There are interactive games and non-interactive games. By processing of
results there can be computer game or non-computer game.
5.9.1 Types of Business Games
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Business games are relatively new in comparison to other methods. There are
different types of business games according to the coverage competitive element
and processing of results. On the basis of coverage, there are Total Enter prise
games and Functional Games. On the basis of competitive element there may be
Interacting Game and Non-interacting Game. According to processing of results,
there are Computer Game and Non-computer Game.
5.9.2 Benefits
These games are helpful to demonstrate some aspects of organization activities it
helps in changing the attitudes. It provides experience in the application
statistical and analytical methods. Games are quiet absorbing, provoking interest
in participants to have more effective learning. There is a higher cost of this
method if computers are required. Some games may be to simplified models of
reality to be effective for learning of actual business situation. Many games
involve only quantitative variables ignoring human elements of organization.
2. Trainer
The trainer has to be active and fully involved to produce desired results from
this method. He should have complete understanding of the game and clearly
explain it to participants. He should always be alert to handle new situations
while running the training programme. He should have complete situation under
his control.
The game must be compared with real life situations, wherever possible. So that
business game is taken as simulation of the real life situations for learning.
Business games are very helpful to emphasize the importance of long range
planning. This method can be used for effective management development
3. Procedure
The procedure followed for successful business game should include the
following steps.
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1. State the importance of training programmes for an organization.
2. Find out the procedure for choosing optimum use of a suitable training
3. Differentiate between on the job and off the job training methods.
4. Give an account of the broad classifications of the training methods.
5. Describe in detail the activities involved in the lecture method of training.
6. Explain in brief different on the job related training methods.
7. Identify different types of off the job training methods
8. Discuss the training methods available for the development of skills of
9. Present important types of attitude related training methods.
10. Give an overall picture in brief about different
training methods available.
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Thus, training and development differ from each other in terms of their
objectives and consequently in terms of their contents. Steinmetz has
differentiated the two concepts as follows:
“Training is a short-term process utilizing a systematic and organized
procedure by which non-management personnel learn technical
knowledge and skills for a definite purpose. Development is a long-term
educational process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which
managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general
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Four ‘W’s bring out the differences between training and development as
Training Development
WHO? Non-managerial personnel Managerial personnel
WHAT? Technical and mechanical Conceptual skills
WHY? For specific task/job For various jobs
WHEN? Shot-term Long-term
Source: Human Resource Management – L. M. Prasad
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imparts skills and knowledge to employees in order that they contribute to the
organization’s efficiency and be able to cope up with the pressures of changing
environment. The viability of an organization depends to a considerable extent
on the skills of different employees, especially that of managerial cadre, to relate
the organization with its environment. Therefore, in any organization, there is no
question of whether to train its employees or not, the only choice is that of
following a particular method
Bass has identified three factors which necessitate continuous training in
an organization. These factors are technological advances, organizational
complexity and human relations. All these factors are related to each other.
Training and development can play the following role in an organization.
1. Increases Efficiency. Training increases skills for doing a job in better
way. This is more important in the context of changing technology
because the old method of working may not be relevant. As such, training
is required even to maintain minimum level of output.
2. Increases Morale. Training increases morale of employees. High morale
is evidenced by employee enthusiasm. Training increases employee
morale by relating their skills with their job requirements. Possession of
skills necessary to perform a job well often tends to meet human needs
such as security and ego satisfaction. Trained employees can see the jobs
in more meaningful way.
3. Better Human Relations. Training increases the quality of human
relations in an organization. Growing complexity of organizations has
led to various human problems like inter-personal and inter-group
problems. These problems can be overcome by suitable human relation
4. Reduced Supervision. Trained employees require less supervision.
Autonomy and freedom can be given if the employees are trained
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The best way to learn any new skill is to learn it on the job.
The lecture method is a very poor method to use for training purposes.
It is relatively easy to come up with questions to stimulate useful group
Generally, the more “bells and whistles” that you can put in a computer
slide presentation, the better.
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In more cases, when trainers have trainees discuss a case study, this is
little more than time filler or a chance for the trainer to take a break from
Computer-based training has become the dominant form of delivery
method across a wide variety of HRD applications.
This part of discussion, we will focus in more detail on the array of
methods available for conducting training and development programs.
Some of the most exciting developments in HRD concern the increased use of
technology in program implementation.
Training methods can be classified by whether they take place on the job
versus away from the employee’s normal work setting. We will first discuss on-
the-job methods, and then discuss classroom approaches. Yet a third category of
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training methods includes those that use a self paced or individualized approach.
For example, computer training can take place on the job (e.g., when an
employee works at a computer at his or her desk) or in a computerized
classroom. However, much of the recent growth of computer training has used a
self-paced approach (e.g., CD-ROM, Web-based, or distance learning) that may
be done in a variety of different settings.
There are, however, several limitations to OJT. First, the job site may
have physical constraints, noise, and other distractions that could inhibit learning.
Many of these cannot be changed because of the nature of the job.
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Second, using expensive equipment for training could result in costly damage or
disruption of the production schedule. Third, using OJT while customers are
present may inconvenience them and temporarily reduce the quality of service.
Fourth, OJT involving heavy equipment or chemicals may threaten the safety of
others who are working in close proximity. Precautions should be taken by the
trainer to minimize the potential problems from these four areas.
There are four OJT techniques, such as job instruction training (JIT), job
rotation, coaching, and mentoring.
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demonstrate the task before asking the trainee to repeat the process. Practice time
is important for the trainee to master a particular set of skills. Finally, the trainer
needs to conduct a follow-up as a way of ensuring that the trainee is making
progress. During this follow-up session, the trainer should apply coaching
techniques when appropriate. The role of the trainer in this approach is to guide
the learners and help them to discover potential problems and find solutions on
their own. The instructor can then provide feedback and reinforce learning.
The success of JIT depends on the ability of the trainer to adapt his or her
own style to the training process. The trainer, particularly if this person is the
trainee’s coworker or supervisor, should have an opportunity to assess the
trainee’s needs before beginning the training material is too difficult or too easy,
the OJT trainer should adjust the material or techniques to fit the needs of the
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Conducting training away from the work setting has several advantages
over on-the-job training. First, classroom settings permit the use of a variety of
training techniques, such as video, lecture, discussion, role playing, and
simulation. Second, the environment can be designed or controlled to minimize
distractions and create a climate conducive to learning. Third, classroom settings
can accommodate large numbers of trainees than the typical on-the-job setting,
allowing for more efficient delivery of training. On the other hand, two potential
disadvantages of classroom methods, as a group, include increased costs (such as
travel and the rental or purchase and maintenance of rooms and equipment) and
dissimilarity to the job setting, making transfer of training more difficult.
1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Audiovisual media
4. Experiential
Self-paced or
The lecture method involves the oral presentation of information by a
subject-matter expert to group of listeners One of the reasons the lecture method
is so popular is that it is an efficient way of transmitting factual information to a
large audience in a relatively short amount of time. When used in conjunction
with visual aids, such as slides, charts, maps, and handouts, the lecture can be an
effective way to facilitate the transfer of theories, concepts, procedures, and other
factual material.
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The research is needed to identify the conditions under which the lecture
method is effective as well as ways to improve its effectiveness. First, it is safe to
say that interesting lectures promote greater learning than dull lectures do.
Therefore, trainers should make every effort to make their lectures as interesting
as possible. Some experienced trainers have argued that younger workers (i.e,
those under thirty) are especially likely to tune out lectures that they perceive to
be uninteresting or irrelevant. Second, there are likely to be advantages to
supplementing the lecture with other methods (including discussion, video, and
role playing), particularly when abstract or procedural material is to be
presented. These combinations can increase two-way communication and
facilitate greater interaction with the material.
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method. The success of this method is dependent upon the ability of the trainer
to initiate and manage class discussion by asking one or more of the following
types of questions.
Reflective questions can be used to mirror what someone else has said to
make sure the message was received as intended.
Both the lecture and discussion method are limited in their ability to
adequately portray dynamic and complex events. Audiovisual methods take
advantage of various media to illustrate or demonstrate the training material.
Audiovisual media can bring complex events to life by showing and describing
details that are often difficult to communication in other ways. Audiovisual
methods can be classified into three groups: static media, dynamic media, and
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audiovisual method for each particular HRD program. Kearsley made five
primary recommendation concerning media selection:
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CASE STUDIES: One way to help trainees learn analytical and problem-
solving skills is by presenting story (called a case) about people in an
organization who are facing a problem or decision. Cases may be faced on actual
events involving real people in an organization, or they can be fictional. Case
studies are included in college text books and courses in management, public
administration, law, sociology, and similar subjects. They are increasingly
available using video and other media.
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The case study method also has vigorous critics who argue that it can
cause groupthink, focuses too much on the past, limits the teaching role of the
trainer, reduces the learner’s ability to draw generalizations, reinforces passively
on the part of the learner, and promotes the quantity of interaction among
students at the expense of the quality of interaction. Andrews and Noel claim
that cases often lack realistic complexity and a sense of immediacy, and inhabit
development of the ability to collect and distill information. In addition, trainees
may get caught up in the details of the situation, at the expense of focusing on
the larger issues and concepts they are trying to learn.
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One limitation of business games and simulations is that while they can
be quite complex, these techniques often lack the realistic complexity and
information present in real organizations. Factors such as organizational history
and politics, social pressures, the risks and consequences of alternatives, and the
organization’s culture are difficult to replicate in a simulation. This may
undermine the extent to which what is learned in the game or simulation will
transfer back to the job.
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The primary advantage CBT has over other methods of training is its
interactivity. The interaction between the learner and the computer in many CBT
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Now, we will discuss how to answer the question upon which HRD evaluation is
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Identify the strengths and weaknesses of HRD programs, which can need to
changes, as needed.
Decide who should participate benefited the most or least from the program
2. Evaluation can build credibility with top managers and others in the
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Thus, evaluation is a critical step in the HRD process. It is the only way one can
know whether an HRD program has fulfilled its objectives.
A model of evaluation outlines the criteria for and focus of the evaluation effort.
Because an HRD program can be examined from a number of perspectives, it is
important to specify which perspectives will be considered. While the different
models and frameworks share some features, they also differ in significant ways.
Let us discuss some of the important models of evaluation.
The most popular and influential framework for training evaluation was
articulated by Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick argues that training efforts can be
evaluated according to four criteria: reaction, learning, job behavior, and results.
1. Reaction (Level 1) Did the trainees like the program and feel it was useful?
At this level, the focus is on the trainees’ perceptions about the program
and its effectiveness. This is useful information. Positive reactions to a
training program may make it easier to encourage employees to attend
future programs. But if trainees did not like the program or think they
didn’t learn anything (even if they did), they may discourage others form
attending and may be reluctant to use the skills or knowledge obtained in
the program. The main limitation of evaluating HRD programs at the
reaction level is that this information cannot indicate whether the
program met its objective beyond ensuring participant satisfaction.
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2. Learning (Level 2) Did the trainees learn what the HRD objectives said
they should learn? This is an important criterion, one many in the
organization would expect an effective HRD program to satisfy.
Measuring whether someone has learned something in training may
involve a quiz or test – clearly a different method from assessing the
participant’s reaction to the program.
3. Job Behavior (Level 3) Does the trainee use what was learned in training
back on the job? (Recall our discussion of transfer of training in Chapter
3) this is also a critical measure of training success. We all know
coworkers who have learned how to do something but choose not to. If
learning does not transfer to the job, the training effort cannot have an
impact on the employee’s or organization’s effectiveness. Measuring
whether training has transferred to the job requires observation of the
trainee’s on-the-job behaviour or viewing organizational records (e.g.,
reduced customer complaints, a reduction in scrap rate).
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incorporates the one prior to it, finally culminating in what many people consider
to be the ultimate contribution of any organizational activity: improving the
organization’s effectiveness. However, one of the more enduring (and in our
view, depressing) findings about HRD evaluation is the extent to which most
organizations do not collect information on all four types of evaluation
outcomes. For instance, in the 2000 State of the Industry Report (ASTD), a
survey of over 500 organizations reported the following: 77 percent collected
reaction measures, 36 percent collected learning measures, 15 percent collected
behavior measures, and 8 percent collected results measures. 15 percent collected
behaviour measures, and 8 percent collected results measures. Perhaps even more
surprising, even the subgroup of organizations that ASTD highlighted as
“training investment leaders” reported only slightly higher usage of these
measures (80 percent, 43 percent, 16 percent, and 9 percent). It does raise an
important question as to why these usage rates are so low, particularly for
behavioural and results measures, as these would seem to provide organizations
with vital, even invaluable information.
While most discussions about training and HRD evaluation are organized
around Kirkpatrick’s four levels of criteria, Kirkpatrick’s approach has
increasingly been the target of criticism and modification. First, some authors
point out that the framework evaluates only what happens after training, as
opposed to the entire training process. A second line of criticism is that what
Kirkpatrick proposed would be better described as a taxonomy of outcomes,
rather that a true model of training outcomes.
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Galvin, building upon studies in the education field, suggested the CIPP
(Context, Input, Process, Product) model. In this model, evaluation
focuses on measuring the context for training (needs analysis), inputs to
training (examining the resources available for training, such as budgets
and schedules), the process of conducting the training program (for
feedback to the implementers), and the product, or outcome, of training
(success in meeting program objectives). Galvin also reported survey
results indicating that ASTD members preferred the CIPP model of
evaluation to Kirkpatrick’s framework.
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assured that if the training is found to be effective, they will have the option of
receiving the training at a later time. Third, the research can be modified so that
both groups are trained, but at different times. One possible design is illustrated
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HRD professionals and their managers may feel pressure to make certain that the
results of their evaluation demonstrate that the program was effective. This may
be one reason why rigorous evaluation of HRD programs is not done more often.
The HRD people are the ones who design and develop (or purchase), deliver, and
evaluate the program. If the evaluation shows the program was not effective the
HRD department may lose funding and support and have their activities
Professional standards and ethical conduct call for those conducing HRD
evaluations to report complete results. That having been said, it is no doubt
difficult for many people to face the potential consequences of bad results. This
leads to our last major topic in this chapter, namely, how to demonstrate that a
trainings intervention has had a positive impact on important organizational
Performance appraisal is the key ingredient of performance management.
In a work group, members, consciously or unconsciously, make opinion about
others. The opinion may be about their quality, behaviour, way of working etc.
Such an opinion becomes basis for interpersonal interaction. In the same
way, superiors from some opinions about their subordinates for determining
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things like salary increase, promotion, transfer, etc. in large organizations, this
process is formalized and takes the form of performance appraisal.
Appraisal is the evaluation of worth, quality or merit. In the organization
context, performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of personnel by
superiors or others familiar with their performance. Performance appraisal is
also described as merit rating in which one individual is ranked as better
or worse in comparison to others. The basic purpose in this merit rating is to
ascertain an employee’s eligibility for promotion. However, performance
appraisal is more comprehensive term for such activities because its use extends
beyond ascertaining eligibility for promotion. Such activities may be
training and development, salary increase, transfer, discharge, etc. besides
promotion. Beach has defined perfor mance appraisal as follows:
“Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the individual with
regard to his or her performance on the job and his potential for development”
Thus, performance appraisal is a systematic and objective way of judging
the relative worth or ability of an employee in performing his job. It emphasizes
on two aspects: systematic and objective. The appraisal is systematic when it
evaluates all performances in the same manner, utilizing the same approaches so
that appraisal of different persons is comparable. Such an appraisal is
taken periodically according to the plan: it is not left to chance. Thus, both raters
and ratees know the system of performance appraisal and its timing. Appraisal
has objectivity also. Its essential feature is that it attempts at accurate
by trying to eliminate human biases and prejudices.
Objectives of Per for mance Appraisal:
Performance appraisal is undertaken for a variety of reasons as stated
1. Salary increase
2. Promotion
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traits, attributes and general behavior on the job, commonly known as trait
approach; (ii) appraisal of results, work and goals achieved by the employees,
known as appraisal by results. These two approaches are not mutually exclusive
and can be used in combination. For easy understanding various methods of
employee appraisal are classified as follows:
I Traditional Methods
1. Ranking method
2. Paired comparison
3. Grading
4. Critical incidents method
5. Graphic scale method
6. Essay method
7. Field review method
II Modern Methods
8. Appraisal by results or objectives
9. Behaviroually anchored rating scales
10. Assessment centres
11. 360-degree appraisal
Ranking Method
Ranking is the oldest and simplest method of appraisal in which a person
is ranked against others on the basis of certain traits and characteristics. This is
just like preparing ranks of various examinees in an examination. In the ranking
method, various persons are given ranks on the basis of their traits. This is very
simple method when the number of persons to be ranked is small because
ranking has to be given on the basis of traits which are not easily determinable,
not like marks in an examination.
Paired Comparison
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Graphic scale, also known as linear rating scale, is the most commonly
used method of performance appraisal. In this method, a printed appraisal form
is used for each appraisee. The form contains various employee characteristics
and his job performance. Various characteristics include initiative, leadership,
dependability, cooperativeness, enthusiasm, creative ability, analytical ability
decisiveness, emotional maturity, etc. depending on the level of the employee.
Essay Method
Instead of using structured forms for performance appraisal, some
companies use free essay method, or sometimes, combines this with other
methods. In essay method, the rater assesses the employees on certain
parameters in his own words.
Field review method
In the field review method, an employee is not appraised by his direct
superior but by another person, usually, from HR department. The basic idea is
that such a person may take more objective view in appraisal as he is not under
pressure as the superior of the employee may be. The rater, in this case,
appraises the employee based on his records of output and other quantitative
information such as absenteeism, late coming, etc. the rater also conducts
interviews of the employee and his superior to ascertain qualitative aspects of
job performance. This method is more suitable for promotion purpose.
Appraisal by Results or Objectives
One of the most promising tools of appraisal of employees, particularly
at managerial level, is the system of evaluation of managerial
performance against the setting and accomplishing of verifiable objectives. The
basic idea is that the organization is concerned with the achievement of
objectives through the contributions of individuals rather than on the basis of
their traits. It draws its roots from management by objectives.
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formal way by General Electric Company of USA in 1992, this method has
attracted attention of many more companies.
360-degree appraisal is the process of systematically gathering data on a
person’s skills, abilities and behaviours from a variety of sources-the manager
peers, subordinates and even customers and clients. In 360-degree appraisal,
besides appraising the performance of the assessee, his other attributes such as
talents, behaviour, values, and technical considerations are also appraised. How
appraisal information is collected from various sources in 360-degree appraisal is
presented below:
Appraisal by Superior
In 360-degree appraisal the superior appraises the employee on various
dimensions of the job as may be decided. There are three reasons why the
immediate superior must appraise the performance of his subordinates. First, he
is more familiar with his subordinates’ performance. Second, he understands
more specifically where his particular subordinate lacks which may be overcome
by training and development. Third, because of the nature of authority
relationship, the superior is responsible for getting the things done which
necessitates appraisal of his subordinates. However, many biases are likely to
emerge in his appraisal, further, he may not be aware fully about many
behvaiours of subordinates which may be important for appraisal.
Appraisal by Peers.
Peers of an employee are in a better position to evaluate certain aspects
of his behaviour. Since the employee is more closely linked to his peers at the
workplace, they may be able to appraise his contribution to the group
efforts, interpersonal effectiveness, communication skills, reliability, initiative,
etc. however, in such an appraisal, biases are likely to emerge specially if the
appraisal results are used for deciding rewards. Further, appraisal may take the
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shape of give and take in which there may be reciprocal appraisal. You rate me
good, I will do the same for you.
Appraisal by Subordinates
Subordinates can appraise their superior in terms of how he facilitates
their working, delegates authority, allocates work and resources, disseminates
information, resolves interpersonal conflicts and shows fairness to them.
However, how objective this appraisal is depends on the liberty to which
subordinates enjoy in appraising his superior.
Appraisal by Clients
An employee’s performance is evaluated by the clients who interact with
the employee. These clients may be suppliers of inputs or customers of
output. These clients may rate the employee in terms of his providing services to
them, his cooperation, courtesy, dependability and innovativeness.
1. Evaluate the development program used in your organization and suggest
measures to improve the same for betterment of employees and
the organization
2. Devise a development program for training the managerial personnel of
the organization in which you are working.
3. Prepare a suitable appraisal method to appraise the performance of
middle level managers of your organization
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3. Enumerate various development programs in the light of their pros and cons.
4. Describe different methods of evaluation of development programs.
5. Explain modern methods of employee appraisal.
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Unit - V
Lesson – 1 : Employee Remuneration :
Introduction :
Wage and salary administration affect levels of employee commitment to the
organisation. However, fascinating the individual’s job assignment is, the
employee must be paid. Pay affects the way people work-how much and how
well. A large part of the compensation that people receive from work is
monetary. Although managers are expected to conserve money and distribute it
wisely, many employees feel that they should get more of it for what they do.
Wages, salaries and many employee benefits and services are form of
Contemporary employment reward systems attach great prominence to wages
and salaries. In the evolution of economics, the role of financial rewards has
grown. The sophistication of wage and salary administration has increased as
industrialized economies have become more complex. New suggestions for
managing compensation systems are constantly emerging.
Meaning :
Administration of employee compensation is called wage and salary
According to D.S. Beach “Wage and Salary Administration refers to the
establishment and implementation of sound policies and practices of employee
compensation. It includes such areas as job evaluation, surveys of wage and
salaries, analysis of relevant organizational problems, development and
maintenance of wage structure, establishing rules for administrating wages, wage
payment incentives, profit sharing, wage changes and adjustments,
supplementary payments, control of compensation costs and other related
According to S.P. Robbins. The term compensation administration or wage and
salary administration denotes the process of managing a company’s
compensation programme. The goals of compensation administration are to
Dr. B. Mur ali K rishna, Associate P rofessor, Sri Gowri Degree and P.G. College, K anchar apalem, Visakhapatnam – 8
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design a cost-effective pay structure that will attract, motivate and retain
competent employees.”
The wage and salary administration aims to establish and maintain an equitable
wage and salary structure and an equitable labour cost structure.
Objectives of Wage and Salary Administration :
A sound plan of wage and salary administration seeks to achieve the following
objectives :
(i) To establish a fair and equitable compensation offering similar pay for
similar work.
(ii) To attract competent and qualified personnel.
(iii) To retain the present employees by keeping wage levels in tune with
competitive units.
(iv) To keep labour and administrative costs in line with the ability of the
organisation to pay.
(v) To improve motivation and morale of employees and to improve union
management relations.
(vi)project a good image of the company and to comply with legal needs
relating to wages and salaries.
(vii)establish job sequences and lines of promotion wherever applicable. To
(viii) minimize the chances of favouritism while assigning the wage rates.
According to D.S. Beach, was and salary administration has four main
To recruit persons for a firm
To control payroll costs
The satisfy people, to reduce the incidence of quitting, grievances and
fractions over pay and
To motivate people to perform better.
Principles of Wage and Salary Administration :
The following principles should be followed for an effective wage and salary
administration ;
1. Wage policy should be developed keeping in view the interests of all
concerned parties viz., employer, employees, the consumers and the
2. Wage and salary plans should be sufficiently flexible or responsive to
changes in internal and external conditions of the organisation.
3. Efforts should be made to ensure that differences in pay for jobs are based
on variations in job requirements such as skill, responsibility, efforts and
mental and physical requirements.
4. Wage and salary administration plans must always be consistent with
overall organizational plans and programmes.
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Fair wage is understood in two ways. In a narrow sense, wage is fair if it is equal
to the rate prevailing in the same trade and in the neighbourhood for similar
work. In a wider sense, it will be fair if it is equal to the predominant rate for
similar work throughout the country and for traders in general. Irrespective of the
way in which fair wage is understood, it can be fixed only be comparison with an
accepted standard wage. Such a standard can be determined with reference to
those industries where labour is well organized and has been able to bargain well
with the employers.
Living Wage :
Living wage is a step higher than fair wage. Living wage may be described as
one which should enable the wage earner to provide for himself and his family
not only the bare essentials of life like food, clothing and shelter, but a measure
of frugal comfort including education for children, protection against ill health,
requirements of essential social needs and/or measure of insurance against the
more important misfortunes including old age. Living wage must be fixed
considering the general economic conditions of the country. The concept of
living wage, therefore varies, from country to country. In the more advanced
countries, living wage itself forms the basis for the minimum wage.
In India, minimum wage is determined mainly for sweated industries under the
provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. Fair wage is fixed for other
industries considering prevailing rates of wages, productivity of labour, capacity
of the employer to pay, level of national income and other related factors.
Tribunals, awards and wage boards play major role in fair wage fixation. Many
people are of the opinion that living wage is a luxury for a developing country
like India and can therefore be deferred.
Components of Wage and Salary :
An average employee in the organized sector is entitled to several benefits-both
financial as well as non-financial. To be specific, typical remuneration of an
employee comprises:
Wages and Salary :
Wages represent hourly rates of pay, and salary refers to the monthly rate of pay,
irrespective of the number of hours put in by an employee. Wages and salaries
are subject to annual increments. They also differ from employee to employee,
and depend upon nature of job, seniority, and merit.
Incentives :
Also called “payments by results”, incentives are paid in addition to wages and
salaries. Incentives depend upon productivity, sales, profit or cost reduction
There are: (i) individual incentive schemes and (ii) group incentive
programmes. Individual incentives are applicable to specific employee Where
a, given task demands group effort for completion,
. 163
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incentives are paid to the group as a whole. The amount is later divided among
group members on an equitable basis.
Fringe Benefits :
These include such motley crowd of employee benefits as provident fund,
gratuity, medical care, hospitalization, accident relief, health and group
insurance, canteen, uniform, recreation and the like.
Perquisites :
These are allowed to executive and include company car, club membership, paid
holidays, furnished house, stock option scheme and the like. Perquisites are
offered to retain competent executives.
Non-monetary Benefits :
These include challenging job, responsibilities, recognition of merit, growth
prospects, competent supervision, comfortable working conditions, job sharing
and flexi time.
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Financial Non-Financial
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Economy also has its impact on wage and salary fixation. While it may be
possible for some organisations to thrive in a recession, there is no doubt that
economy affects remuneration decisions. A depressed economy will probably
increase the labour supply. This, in turn, should lower the going wage rate.
7. Technological Development:
With the rapid growth of industries, there is a shortage of skilled resources. The
technological developments have been affecting skills levels at faster rates. Thus,
the wage rates of skilled employees constantly change and an organisation has to
keep its level upto the mark to suit the market needs.
8. Prevailing Market Rates:
No enterprise can ignore prevailing or comparative wage rates. The wage rates
paid in the industry or other concerns at the same place will form a base for
fixing wage rates. If a concern pays low rates then workers leave their jobs
whenever they get a job somewhere else. It will not be possible to retain good
workers for long.
B. Inter nal Factor s
The important internal factors affecting wage and salary decisions are as follows:
1. Ability to Pay:
The ability to pay of an enterprise will influence wage rates to be paid. If the
concerns is running into losses then it may not be able to pay higher wage rate. A
profitable concern may pay more to attract good workers. During the period of
prosperity, workers are paid higher wages because management wants to share
the profits with labour.
2. Job Requirements:
Basic wages depend largely on the difficulty level, and physical and mental
effort required in a particular job. The relative worth of a job can be estimated
through job evaluation. Simple, routine tasks that can be done by many people
with minimum skills receive relatively low pay. On the other hand, complex,
challenging tasks that can be done by few people with high skill levels generally
receive high pay.
3. Management Strategy:
The overall strategy which a company pursues should determine to remuneration
to its employees. Where the strategy of the organisation is to achieve rapid
growth, remuneration should be higher than what competitors pay. Where the
strategy is to maintain and protect current earnings, because of the declining
fortunes of the company, remuneration level needs to be average or even below
4. Employee:
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Salary surveys can be formal or informal. Informal telephone surveys are good
for quickly checking on a relatively small number of easily identified and
quickly recognized jobs. Such as when a company’s HR manager wants to
confirm the salary at which to advertise a newly open cashier’s job. In formal
surveys, most firms either use the results of packaged surveys available from the
research bodies, employer’s associations, government labour bureaus etc. or they
participate in wage surveys and receive copies of results or else they conduct
their own. These surveys may be carried out by mailed questionnaire, telephone,
or personal interviews with other managers and personnel agencies.
Wage and salary surveys provide many kinds of useful information about
differences in wage levels for particular kinds of occupations. This can have a
great influence on an organisation’s compensation policy.
3. Group Similar Jobs into Pay Grades:
After the results of job analysis and salary surveys have been received, the
committee can turn to the task of assigning pay rates to each job, but it will
usually want to first group jobs into pay grades. A pay grade is comprised of jobs
of approximately equal difficulty or importance as determined by job evaluation.
Pay grading is essential for pay purposes because instead of having to deal with
hundreds of pay rates, the committee might only have to focus on say 10 or 12.
4. Price Each Pay Grade:
The next step is to assign pay rates to pay grades. Assigning pay rates to each
pay grade is usually accomplished with a wage curve. The wage curve depicts
graphically the pay rates currently being paid for jobs in each pay grade, relative
to the points or rankings assigned to each job or grade by the job evaluation. The
purpose of wage curve is to show the relationship between
(i) the value of the job as determined by one of the job evaluation methods and
(ii) the current average pay rates for the grades.
If there is reason to believe that the present pay rates are substantially out of step
with the prevailing market pay rates for those jobs, bench mark jobs within each
grade are chosen and priced via a salary survey. The new market based pay rates
are then plotted on the wage curve. The steps involved in pricing jobs with a
wage curve are:
(i) Find the average pay for each pay grade, since each of the pay grades
consists of several jobs.
(ii) Plot the pay rates for each pay grade. Then fit a line, called a wage line
through the points just plotted. This can be done either free hand or by
using a statistical method.
(iii) Price the jobs. Wages along the wage line are the target wages or salary
rates for the jobs in each pay grade.
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disclosure. Finally, the employee is appraised and the wage fixed for the grade he
is found fit.
Methods of Wage Payments :
The different methods of wage payments are as follows :
A. Time Wage System :
This is the oldest method of wage payment. The “Time” is made a basis for
determining wages of a person. The wages are paid according to the time spent
by workers irrespective of his out put of work done. The wage rates are fixed for
an hour, a day, a week or a month. The time spent at work is recorded and wages
are paid according to it. For example, a wage rate of Rs. 15 per day is fixed in a
factory. Two workers A and B attend work for 29 and 25 days respectively. The
wages as per time wage system will be Rs. 435 and 375 for A and B respectively.
This method of wage payment does not give weight age to the quantity of goods
produced by the workers. The supervisor may ensure that workers do not waste
their time and the quality of goods is also maintained. There are no hard and fast
rules for fixing rates of wages. These may be decided according to the level of
the past, higher positions may be paid higher rates and vice-versa.
Wages are calculated in this method as follows :
Earnings = T x R
Where T stands for time spent and R is the rate
of pay.
Suitability :
Time wage system is suitable under following
situations :
(i) When productivity of an employee
cannot be measured or counted.
(ii) Where quality of products is more
important than the quantity.
(iii) Where individual employees do not have
any control over production.
(iv) Where close supervision of work is
(v) Where work delays are frequent and
beyond the control of workers.
Merits :
1. Simplicity :
The method of wage payment is very simple. The workers will not find any
difficulty in calculating the wages. The time spent by a person multiplied by the
rate will calculate his wages.
2. Security :
Workers are guaranteed minimum wages for the time spent by them. There is no
link between wages and output, wages are paid irrespective of output. They are
not supposed to complete a particular task for getting their wages. They are sure
to get certain wages at the end of a specified period.
3. Better Quality of Goods :
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When workers are assured of wages on time basis, they will improve the quality
of goods. If wages are related to output then workers may think for increasing
production without bothering about quality of goods. In this method workers will
concentrate on producing better quality goods. In certain situations only time
wage system will be suitable. If some art goods are produced then this method
will be more suitable.
4. Support of Unions :
This method is acceptable to trade unions because it does not distinguish
between workers on the basis of their performance. Any method which gives
different wage rates or wages based on output is generally opposed by unions.
5. Beneficial for Beginners :
Wage rate system is good for the beginners because they may not be able to
reach a particular level of production in the beginning.
6. Less Wastages :
The workers will not be in a hurry to push through production. The materials and
equipment will be properly handled without wastage.
Demerits :
Time wage system suffers from the following drawbacks :
7. No Incentive for Efficiency :
The method does not distinguish between efficient and inefficient workers. The
payment of wages is related to time and not output. Thus, the method gives no
incentive for producing more. Efficient workers may start following inefficient
persons because rates of pay are the same. Rates of wages fixed in this method
are also low because these are fixed by taking into account to output of dullest
2. Wastage of Time :
Workers may while away their time because they will not be following a target
of production. Efficient workers may also follow slow workers because there is
no distinction between them.
3. Low Production :
Since wage are not related to output, workers may be producing at slower rate.
The responsibility for increasing production may mostly lie on supervisors.
Because of low production overhead expenses per unit will go up.
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time while wages will remain almost the same. Production planning and control
will be difficult in the absence of a relationship between wages and output.
5. More Supervision Required :
Under this system workers are not offered incentives for production. To get more
work from them there will be a need for greater supervision. More supervision
may be needed top maintain proper quality of goods also. In wage system
supervision coast goes up to a great extent.
6. Employer-Employee Trouble :
When all employees, irrespective of their merit are treated equally there is likely
to be a trouble between management and workers. Those employees who are not
satisfied with this method may start disobeying order from their superiors.
B. Piece Wage System
Under piece system of payment, wages are based on output and not on time.
There is no consideration for time taken in completing a task. A fixed rate is paid
for each unit produced, job completed or an operation performed. Workers are
not guaranteed minimum wages under this system. The wages to be paid to a
worker can be calculated as follows : Output x Piece Rate.
The quantity produced by a worker will be multiplied by the rate per unit for
calculating wages. An equitable piece rate should be fixed for giving incentive to
workers for producing more. Different piece rates will be determined for separate
jobs. The factors like efforts involved, conditions under which work is to be
performed, risk involved, etc. should be taken into account while fixing piece
The piece rate should be reviewed from time to time. These should be linked to
price index so that workers are able to maintain a minimum level of real wages.
Piece rates should also be revised when competitors do so otherwise there may
be a discontentment among workers.
Merits :
The piece rate system has the following merits :
1. Wages Linked to Efforts :
Under piece wage system, wages are linked to the output of a worker. The higher
the output, higher will be the wages. Workers will try to put in more and more
because their wages will go up.
2. Increase in Production :
Production goes up when wages are paid according to piece-rate-system.
Workers will feel encouraged to increase output because their wages will also
increase. This increase is fair to both employees and employers. Efficient
workers will try to exert their maximum to raise their output.
3. Better Utilisation of Equipment :
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The machines and other equipment will be put to maximum utilisation. Workers
may not like to keep the machines idle. The use of machines will also be
systematic because any breakdown in these may effect the workers adversely.
4. Distinction Between Efficient and Inefficient :
As in time wage system, efficient and inefficient workers are not given equal
treatment. Efficient workers will get more because of their better results.
Inefficient workers, on other hand, will get lower wages because of low
production. There will be sufficient encouragement to efficient workers for
showing better results.
5. Less Supervision Required :
Since payments are on the basis of output, workers will not waste any of their
time. They will continue to work irrespective of supervision. There may be more
and more voluntary efforts on the part of workers and need for supervision is
reduced to a minimum.
6. Effective Cost Control :
The increase in output will result in reduction of overhead costs per unit. Some
of overhead expenses being fixed, increase in production will reduce expenses
per unit. Reduction in cost may benefit consumers in the form of lower price
7. Better Planning and Control :
The certainty in achieving productions targets will improve planning and control.
When management is sure of certain quantity of production then it can plan
other things with more confidence, it will also ensure better control over
production because targets may be regularly reviewed from time to time.
Demerits :
8. No Guarantee of Minimum Wages :
Under this system of payments workers are not guaranteed minimum wages.
There is a direct relationship between output and wages. If a worker does not
ensure certain production then wages may also be uncertain. Any type of
interruption in work may reduce earnings of workers. So workers are not sure of
getting minimum wages.
2. Poor Quality of Goods :
The workers will bother more about the number of units produced rather than
their quality. This results in the production of sub-standard goods unless
otherwise more supervisors are appointed to keep watch on quality.
3. Not Suitable for Beginners :
The beginners will not be able to produce more goods because of less experience.
They will earn much low wages as compared to experienced workers because
their rate of production will be low.
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4. Deterioration in Health :
Workers may try to work more than their capacity. This may adversely affect
their health. They may try to work even when they try not keeping good health
because wages are related to production.
5. Cause of Dissatisfaction :
There may be difference in earning of various workers. Some may earn less and
others may earn more. Those who get low wages feel so jealous of others who
earn more and this becomes a cause of dissatisfaction among slow workers.
6. Opposition from Unions :
Piece-rate system of paying wages is opposed by trade unions. There is an
unhealthy competition among workers for increasing their wages. It encourages
rivalry among workers and it may become a cause of disunity. The existence of
unions is endangered when some sections among them feel jealous of others.
Unions will never support a system where workers earn different amounts of
wages and this becomes a cause of disharmony among them.
7. Difficulty in Fixing Piece-Rates :
The fixation of piece rates is not an easy thing. If a low rate is fixed then workers
may not feel encouraged to increase their production. When a high piece-rate is
fixed then it will increase the cost of production of goods. The fixation of piece
rate may become a cause of an industrial dispute. It may be very difficult to fix a
rate acceptable to workers and management.
Types of Piece Rate System ;
Piece rate system may be of three types. These types are as follows :
8. Straight Piece Rate :
In this method one piece rate is fixed and whole production is paid on this basis.
If a piece rate of Rs. 5 per units is fixed then the wages will be calculated by
multiplying output by the rate fixed. A worker production 100 units will get Rs.
500 (100 x 5). If production is raised to 120 units then wages will be Rs. 600
(120 x 5). A worker will have to increase his output in order of get higher wages.
The rate of payment remains the same irrespective of level of output.
2. Increasing Piece Rate :
In this method different rates are fixed for different levels of production. Higher
rates are given when production increase beyond a certain level. For example, a
piece rate of Rs. 1 per unit may be fixed for production upto 100 units, Rs. 1.25
per unit for output between 101-150 units and 1.50 per unit for a production
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beyond 150 units and so on. There is an incentive to get higher rate for raising
production beyond a certain level.
3. Decreasing Piece Rate :
In this method the rate per unit decrease with increase in output, Rs. 1 per unit
may be allowed upto a production of 100 units 0.90 P. per unit for production
between 101-150 units, 0.85 P. per unit for an output beyond 150 units and so on.
This method discourages workers from raising their output because better efforts
are rewarded at lower piece.
Suitability :
Piece rate system is suitable under following situations :
1. Where quality is important than quantity.
2. When work is of a repetitive nature.
3. When work is standardized and flow of
4. output is continuous.
5. When production of a worker car be separately measured.
6. When strict supervision is not possible.
Where production is closely related to human efforts.
C. Balance or Debt Method :
Balance or debt method is a combination of time and piece wage systems. The
worker is guaranteed a time rate with an alternative piece rate. If the wages
calculated at piece rate exceed time rate the worker gets credit. On the other
hand, if time wages exceed piece wages, the worker is paid time wage and the
deficit is carried forward as debt to be reconserved in future.
Suppose the time rate is Rs. 500 per week and the piece rate is Rs. 4 per unit.
The wages of a worker who products 150, 100 and 125 units in three weeks will
be calculated as follows :
Week Piece Wages Time Wages Credit Debit Balance
First (150 x 4) = 600 500 100 – 100
Second (100 x 4) = 400 500 – 100 NIL
Third (125 x 4) = 500 500 – – NIL
Balance Method
This method provides a sense of security to the employees. At the same time, an
efficient worker has an opportunity to increase his wages. Workers of ordinary
ability are given a sufficient incentive to attain the same standard of living, by
getting guaranteed time wage, even though the excess paid to them is later
deducted from there future credit balance.
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This method is suitable in industries where the flow of work is minimum. But
rates in this method has to be fixed on the most scientific basis.
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7. Deductions for recovery of loans made from any fund constituted for the
welfare of labour;
8. Deductions for recovery of loans granted for house building or other
purposes approved by the State Government;
9. Deductions of ‘Income Tax’ payable by the employed person;
10. Deductions made under orders of court or any other competent authority.
11. Deductions for contribution to and repayment of advances from any
provident fund;
12. Deductions for payment to co-operative societies or to a scheme of
insurance maintained by the Indian Post office;
13. Deductions made with the written authorization of the person employed
for payment of any premium on his life insurance policy, or for the
purchase of securities of the Government of India or any State
14. Deductions for payment of insurance premium on Fidelity Guarantee
15. Deductions for recovery of losses sustained by a railway administration
on account of –
(i) Acceptance by the employed person of counterfeit or base coins
or mutilated or forged currency notes;
(ii) Failure of the employee to invoice, bill, collect or account for
appropriate charges due to that administrator;
(iii) Any rebates or refunds incorrectly granted by the employed
person where such loss is directly attributable to his neglect or
16. Deductions made with the written authorization of the employed person
for contribution to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund or to such
other fund, as the Central Government may be notification in the official
Gazette specify. [Inserted by the Payment of Wages (Amendment)
Ordinance, 1975].
Permissible total deductions [Sec. 7(3)]. The total amount of deductions which
may be made under Section 7(2) in any wage period from the wages of any
employed person shall not exceed –
(i) In case where such deductions are wholly or partly made for payments to
co-operative societies, seventy five per cent of such wages; and
(ii) In any other case fifty per cent of such wages.
If the total deductions exceed the limits of 75 or 50 per cent of wages as the case
may be, the excess may be recovered in such manner as may be prescribed.
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Breach of provisions of this Section is punishable with fine which may extend to
Rs. 500.
Provisions of the Payment of Wages Act Relating to Deductions :
The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 deals mainly with the responsibility for
payment of wages and most important of all deductions which can lawfully be
made from the wages payable to the workmen.
1. Deductions for Fines (Sec. 8) :
Fine may be imposed on employed person for such acts and omissions specified
in notices approved by the State Government or the authority and exhibited in
the prescribed manner on the premises of employment. Fine may be imposed on
an employed person on the fulfillment of the following conditions :
(a) Approval of list of acts or omissions : Fines shall be imposed only in
respect of such acts or omissions which are specified by notice with the
approval of the State Government or of the prescribed authority.
(b) Display of notice : The approved list should be exhibited at or near the
main entrance of the factory or in the case of person employed upon a
railway (otherwise) than in a factory) at the prescribed places.
(c) An opportunity of showing cause : No fine shall be imposed
on any
cause employed person until he has been given an opportunity of showing
(d) against the fine.
Amount of fines : The total amount of fine shall not exceed an amount
equal to half an anna in the rupee of the wages payable to him in respect
of that wage period.
(e) Age limit for the imposition of fine : No fine shall be imposed on any
(f) employed person who is under the age of 15 years.
Not recoverable by installment or after undue delay : The fine cannot be
recovered by installments and after the expiry of 60 days from the date of the
(g) Day of imposition of fine : Every fine shall be deemed to have been
imposed on the day of the act or omission in respect of which it was
(h) Maintenance of Special Register : All fines and amounts realized on
account of such fines shall be recorded in the register prescribed for the
(i) purpose.
Application of the Fund : All such amount of the fines shall be applied to
such purposes beneficial to the persons employed in the factory or
establishment. Where the person employed is a part of a staff employed
under the same management, all such realisations may be credited to a
common fund maintained for the staff as a whole. But such a fund can be
applied only to the approved purpose.
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Penalty for the breach of the provision of this section is punishable with fine
which may extend to Rs. 500 except in the case of (b) and (i) where the penalty
may extend of Rs. 200.
2. Deductions for absence from duty (Sec. 9) :
The amount of such deduction shall in no case bear to the wages payable to
employed person in respect of the wage period for which the deduction is made a
largest proportion than the period for which he was absent bears to the total
period within such wage period, during which by the terms of his employment,
he was required to work. If ten or more employed persons acting in concert,
absent themselves without due notice and without reasonable cause, such
deduction from any person’s wage may include such amount not exceeding his
wage for eight days as may by any such terms be due to the employer in lieu of
due course.
In the case Jawahar Mills Ltd. Vs Industrial Tribunal AIR (1965) Mad. 92, it was
observed that where the workmen took part in an illegal strike in a public utility
service under Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, there was no reasonable
cause for such a strike.
Penalty for the breach of the provisions of this section is punishable with fine
which may extend to Rs. 500.
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The Employees Provident Fund Act provides for the institution of Provident
Fund for employees in factories and establishment.
Employees Pension Fund Act provides family pension and life insurance benefit
to the employees of various establishments. The payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
and Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme 1976 under the PF Act 1952, provide the
respective benefits to the employees.
All organisations may not provide all the benefits discussed due to the financial
stringencies. Moreover, the list of benefits given earlier is not an exhaustive one
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and some organisations provide different benefits which are not included in the
list owing to their need and the financial ability of the organisations.
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The first step towards the evolution of a wage policy was the enactment of the
Payment of Wages Act, 1936. The main objective of the Act is to prohibit any
delay or withholding of wages legitimately due to the employees. The next step
was the passing of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, authorizing all the state
governments to set up industrial tribunals which would look into disputes
relating to remuneration. Another notable development that led to the evolution
of wage policy was the enactment of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. The
purpose of the Act is the fixation of minimum rates of wages to workers in
sweated industries such as woolen, carpet making, flour mills, tobacco
manufacturing, oil mills, plantations, quarrying, mica, agriculture and the like.
The Act was amended several times to make it applicable to more and more
industries. Then came the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976, which prohibits
discrimination in matters relating to remuneration on the basis of religion, region
or sex.
The Constitution of India committed the government to evolve a wage policy.
Successive five year plans documents have also devoted necessary attention to
the need for wage policy. Following the recommendations of the First and
Second Plans, the Government of India constituted wage boards for important
industries in the country. A wage board is a tripartite body comprising
representations from the government, owners, and employees. Technically
speaking, a wage board can only make recommendations, and wage policies are
normally implemented through persuasion.
Inspite of legislations, tribunals and boards, disparities in wages and salaries still
persist. Some of the disparities are :
1. Employees of MNCs are paid much more than their counterparts in
host countries for identical work.
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The common practice followed for wage and salary determination is to fix the
rate per unit of time (per day, per month or per annum) and calculate the total
wages by multiplying the number of units of time with the rate per unit of time.
The wage policy in our country is governed by several legislative provisions and
constitutional requirements. The other issues covered in the chapter are wage
concepts and international remuneration.
Fringe Benefits :
Fringe refers to all those monetary benefits that the employees receive in
addition to direct remuneration. Fringe benefits are popular because they enhance
employee earnings, help attract and retain competent personnel, reduce fatigue,
minimize overtime costs and discourage labour unrest.
Employee benefits are legion. Irrespective of the types of remuneration, fringe
benefits need to be administered satisfying certain principles. Genuine
commitment, matching an employee’s felt need, cost effectiveness and sound
planning are some such principles.
Administration of fringe benefits must proceed step by step, the steps being : (i)
establishing benefit objectives ; (ii) assessing environmental factors, (iii) making
the benefits competitive ; (iv) communicating benefits to employees ; and (v)
evaluation and control.
The future of fringe benefits is clear – there will be more and more demand for
them and the employers must be prepared to meet the growing demand.
Discussion Questions :
1, What do you understand by wage and salary administration ? State its
objectives and basic principles.
2. Differentiate between minimum wage, fair wage and living wage.
3. Bring out the components of employee remuneration.
4. Outline the external as well as Internal Factors influence the employee
5. Bring out the procedure for fixing of employee salary.
6. Define wages. Discuss the provisions of the payment of wage Act with
regard to deductions which may and which may not be made from wages.
Discuss the provisions of the payment of wages Act 1936, relating to
7. deductions of (i) damages or loss (ii) services rendered (iii) recovery of
advance and (iv) payment of cooperative societies.
What do you mean by Fringe benefits ? What are the objective of fringe
8. benefits.
Describe the various types of fringe benefits offered to employees in
9. India.
10. Discuss the salary and wage Administration in India.
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