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 PVC extrusion is a continuous processing method that

offers high speed and high volume production with

the ability to create products of varying shapes,
thickness, hardness, additives and colors.
 Due to the complexity of the extrusion processing
method, problems can and will eventually occur.
Because the majority of the extrusion processing
steps occur within the machine and are not visible, it
is essential to use a systematic approach and to keep
detailed job logs to minimize costly down-time.

What is Defects in extrusion process??

Defect is any form of deviation of the product’s characteristic from the
specification set up by the manufacturing process. It can
be caused by a single source or the cumulative effect of several factors,
which may arise at any stage of the processing. The
Common failure or defects which are normally occurring in plastic
extrusion process are due to three main causes are part and
mold design, material selection, and processing. In many cases, the failures
occur during the processing and these failures cause
some defects that can be found in extruded parts.
Classifications of Visual inspection,
defects in uPVC Extrusion

1.Major defects

 Deep groove
 Rough surface
 Pipe cracking
 Wavy on the external/internal surface
 Bubbles and pores
 Ovality of pipe
 Poor cutting
 Dimensional variation
 Socket cracking
 Unwanted marks on the pipe

2.Minor defects
 Printing miss
Troubleshooting Guide

PVC Extrusion of rigid PVC pipes & profiles

Brittle extrudate

Cause Solution

Poor fusion Increase melt temperature, check the level of filler.

Insufficient impact modification Increase the amount of impact modifiers.

Voids and contamination See "section C & L".

Cold die lines Increase melt temperature.

Over processing Identify optimum process temperature.

Excessive shrinkage

Cause Solution

Poor match between die and calibrator Increase diameter of pin.

Reduce line speed.

Foreign objects in blend

Cause Solution

Contamination in feed stock Use hopper magnet for metallic contamination.

Consider sieving.
Poor acetone or methylene chloride test

Cause Solution

Material too cold and not fully fused Barrel and screw temperatures too low. Increase melt

Formulation may be over-lubricated Decrease external lubricant.

Add or increase process aid to promote fusion.

Wavy or lumpy internal surface

Cause Solution

Wavy or lumpy internal surface is indicative of The screw and barrel in the metering zone should
be different thermal or shearing histories in the melt about the same temperature. A little higher heat in
both will help smooth out the internal surface.

Low gloss

Cause Solution

Over lubrication Reduce internal lubrication.

Melt too cold Increase process temperature.

Poor gelation Increase process aid level.

Not fully sized Increase vacuum or increase air pressure on plug to

insure fully contact with sizing sleeve.
Possible inaccuracy in the mix blend Check the mix room scales for accuracy.

Rough (orange peel) internal surface or outer surface leading to burn

Cause Solution

Over heating Reduce spider and cone heat zones.

Lower melt temperature.

Formulations may be under lubricated Check formulation. Increase lubrication.

Uniform yellowing or discoloration of material

Cause Solution

Level of stabilizer too low Check level and adjust formulation if required.

Melt temperature excessive Lower overall melt temperature.

Incorrect lubrication Increase lubrication.

Rear barrel too hot Reduce rear barrel temperature.

Visible spider lines on internal diameter

Cause Solution

Spider and die heating zone may be too cold Check operating temperatures.

Material may be over lubricated Adjust lubrication.

Non-uniform outer diameter

Cause Solution

Sizing sleeve may have build-up / plate out of Mineral spirits added drop-wise on hot melt just as
it pigments, lubricants etc enters vacuum sizing sleeve usually will remove
of the plateout. Otherwise line should be stopped and
cleaned up.

On large pipe, die and head may not be uniformly It will take several hours to heat soak the large mass
heated at the start of the run or heaters may be of metal. Allow adequate time to heat up properly.
hunting for set temperatures, controllers Also check heater bands and thermocouple and PID

Pipe not round

Cause Solution

Insufficient sizing Check for full sizing for pressure or sufficient vacuum.

Cooling water not cold enough Use a chiller for increase cooling.

The haul off may be applying excessive pressure Lower the haul off pressure.

Inefficient cooling On large pipes cascade or spray cooling is more

efficient than flooded tank.

Worn out plug If this problem continues after a long run, replace plug
to insure no loss of air pressure for sizing.

Cause Solution

Degradation Check barrel, screw, and die temperature control. Use

screw cooling. Reduce melt temperature.

Moisture or trapped air Check material is not gelled at vent, check vacuum
pump if not blocked.

Internal diameter exhibits occasional tearing

Cause Solution

Plug too close to die pulling material apart before it is Use longer chain – at last 75% of the cooling
tank cooled sufficiently length.

Bridging in the throat section / non-uniform powder flow to the screw

Cause Solution

Poor flow at the hopper throat Turn the cooling water on at the throat section.
Use a crammer in the hopper.
Install a vibrator to encourage powder flow.

High amps / overloading

Cause Solution

Material too cold Increase barrel temperature.

Check barrel thermocouples for accuracy.

Under lubrication Increase external lubricant.

Over feeding Increase main screw speed or reduce feeder speed.

Check die is appropriate for the extruder.

Thin wall pipe in vacuum sizing collapsing, or jamming up, or drawing down too thin

Cause Solution

Extrudate unstable entering into vacuum tank Decrease the distance. Two to three inches between
the die and the tank should be sufficient.

Melt too hot Reduce die temperature.

Pulling friction too high. Lower the vacuum.

Non-uniform wall thickness around the pipe circumference

Cause Solution

Thick thin wall opposite each other Bushing is not centered. Adjust die bolts for even flow
out of die.

Thick thin opposite each other Use segmented die heaters to adjust flow.

Increasing or decreasing wall thickness

Cause Solution

Feed stock inconsistencies between batches or mixes Adjust puller speed. Monitor feedstock consistency.

Bridging at the hopper See section "high amps / overloading".


Cause Solution

Partial plugging of screw channel with solids du to Raise process temperatures, adjust
formulation. excessive fillers i.e. not enough polymer to allow

Inconsistent feed rate Check the feeding system.

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