Singular & Plural Nouns

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Singular Plural

Singular & Plural Nouns

What are singular

A book
An apple A singular noun
refers to only one
A computer person, place,
animal, thing etc.
Singular & Plural Nouns

We went to a store to pick out
the ring.

I can lend you a coat if you
In the park there are many
My sister's cat hasn't been home
for five days, we don't know if
Singular & Plural Nouns

What are plural


We use the plural to
talk about more than
Computers one. To make regular
plural nouns, we add
–s or -es
Rules: Plural nouns

Words ending VOWEL

Example Noun Plural Addition Plural Form Pronunciation

Bee +S Bees /z/

Banana Bananas
Rules: Plural nouns
Words ending Ch, sh, x, s
Example Noun Plural Addition Plural Form Pronunciation
Church +es Churches / z/
Dish Dishes
Box Boxes
Class Classes
Rules: Plural nouns

Words ending Voiceless Consonants

Example Noun Plural Addition Plural Form Pronunciation

Snack +S Snacks /s/

Month Moths

ch, f, k, p, s, sh, t, th
Rules: Plural nouns

Words ending Voiced Consonants

Example Noun Plural Addition Plural Form Pronunciation

Card +S Cards /z/

pin Pins

b, d, g, j, l, m, n, ng, r, sz,
th, v, w, y, z
Rules: Plural nouns

Words ending VOWel + y

Example Noun Plural Addition Plural Form Pronunciation

Boy +S Boys /z/

Day Days
Rules: Plural nouns
Words ending Consonant + Y
Example Noun Plural Addition Plural Form Pronunciation

Lady Y + ies Ladies /z/

Story Stories
Rules: Plural nouns
Words ending VOWEL +
Example Noun Plural Addition Plural Form Pronunciation

Video +S Videos /z/

Radio Radios
Rules: Plural nouns

Words ending Consonant + O

Example Noun Plural Addition Plural Form Pronunciation

Potato +es Potatoes /z/

Hero Heroes

Exceptions: Avocados, photos,

Rules: Plural nouns
Words ending F or fe
Example Noun Plural Addition Plural Form Pronunciation

Leaf F + ves Leaves /z/

Knife Knives

Exceptions: Beliefs, chefs, roofs.

Irregular - Plural nouns

Singular Plural ExamPLES Explanation

Man Men The women cooked the Vowel change
Woman Women dinner
The men washed the dishes
Sheep Sheep There are many fish in the No change in
Fish Fish lake. word
Child Children The children set the table. Different Word
Person People form
Singular and plural
- That is a warm coat - Those are warm coats

- This is a cute dresses

V - These are cute dresses

- That is an expensive skirt - Those are expensive skirts

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