Lecture No 1 CRM 223 Dactylos
Lecture No 1 CRM 223 Dactylos
Lecture No 1 CRM 223 Dactylos
College of Criminology
CRM 223
What is Fingerprint and Fingerprinting
Fingerprint Fingerprinting
A normal person has 10 fingers namely thumb, index, middle, ring and little
fingers. The tips of each of the finger is called bulb that contains the elevated
portion of skin called ridges.
Friction Skin and its Components
It is also called
epidermal or papillary
skin. The ridges have
definite contour and
appear in several ridge
formations or patterns,
each possessing definite
individual detail by Friction Skin and its Components
which positive
identification can be
Components of
the Friction
1. Ridge Surface is the
component of the skin that
actually forms the
fingerprint impression.
a. Stratum
Corneum/corneus layer is
the outer layer of the
epidermis layer of the
layer is the layer
immediately beneath the
covering layer.
lucidum/granucar layer is
present in thick Skin such
as in lips, soles of feet and
palms of hands where
little or no cell is visible..
Layers of Skin
d. Stratum granulosum
consists of 3-4 layers of
cell thick, consisting of
flattened keratinocytes. At
this level, the cells are
e. Stratum
layer consists of
keratinocytes which is
referred to as living layer.
f. Stratum
Basale/generating layer is
a single layer of cells which
is in contact with the
basement membrane.
These cells are mitotically
active, alive and
Layers of Skin
2. Dermal
Papillae/Dermis is the
inner layer of the skin
containing blood
vessels, arrector pili
muscles, sebaceous
glands, sweat glands
and nerves.
3. Subcutaneous
Layer/Hypodermis is
the innermost layer of
skin that also contains
blood vessels,
connective tissue,
nerves and fat lobules (a
rounded division or
projection of an organ
or part in the body
especially in the lungs,
brain, or liver).
Formations and Destruction of Ridges
1. Manual works. Persons who use chemical like lime, cement, plasters such as electric shop
workers and assembly workers usually cause temporary destruction of the tissues that may
affect the formation of ridges in the fingers.
2. Skin diseases. This may cause temporary destruction similar with those persons handling
lime and cements but such destruction ceases the moment that the disease has been cured.
3. Warts. Fibrous growths in the skin are easily distinguished in impressions by the
appearance of alight spot. Usually encircled by a black ring. Warts do not destroy the ridges
just like creases.
Warts are not permanent, when they are removed from the ridges, they assume their natural
conditions without even the appearance of a scar.
4. Burns, Severe burns may leave a scar and will change the appearance of the skin and
totally destroy the ridges. In fact, the destruction of the sweat glands will change the skin
surface, leaving a scar in some form.
5. Scars. May appear as thin white lines with the ridges slightly puckered on both sides of the
Principles of Fingerprint
Pattern Zones of
-Palmar zone
-Thenar zone
-Hypothenar zone
b. Proximal side is
towards the wrist.
6. Dermatoglyphics is the
study of the lines, tracings,
ridges of the skin of fingers,
palms and "derma" which
means hands. Derived from
the words:"skin" and
"glyphein" which means "to
Fingerprints in Other Species