Oral Communication Unit 12 Lesson 1 Editing A Speech
Oral Communication Unit 12 Lesson 1 Editing A Speech
Oral Communication Unit 12 Lesson 1 Editing A Speech
Editing a Speech
Learning Edit a speech for content,
Competency organization, style,
language, and grammar
Part II: Edit your speech using the following guide questions:
● Does your speech provide enough information?
● Is your speech coherent? Are the ideas presented connected
to one another?
● Does the way that words and sentences are put together
convey your intended meaning?
● Are there too many long words and long sentences? Is the
language used offensive to the audience?
● Does the speech have many grammar errors?
Warm Up!
Part 3: Once you are done editing your speech, compile your first
draft and the revised speech and exchange work with a
Part 4: Analyze your partner’s work and point out each other’s
areas for improvement.
Editing a Speech
1. Let it rest.
- If you have enough time, put your speech away first before
editing it.
How should we deal with certain situations? What is the best way to
overcome a problem? How should we communicate with people?
People act differently depending on the situation they are in. For example, in
a group, an individual can be aggressive in a way that he/she commands
his/her members directly and loudly to achieve a goal. In some cases, others
can be timid, meaning they go with the flow and assert to whatever is told to
them. Some people do not complain nor raise their concerns. They only
follow instructions passively. Lastly, people can be assertive. Assertive means
having confidence in one’s ideas or actions and sharing them with the other
people in the group. Among these three characteristics of some people,
what do you think is the best trait when dealing with problems?
Organization The ideas are not The ideas are The ideas are
clearly and clearly presented, clearly and logically
logically but an idea or two presented.
presented. are not logically
Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score
(1 point) (2–3 points) (4–5 points)
Unity The written output The written output The written output
does not use any uses limited uses appropriate
transitional signals. transitional signals. A transitional signals. All
The sentences do not sentence or two are the sentences flow
flow smoothly, and seemingly unrelated smoothly from one to
some sentences are to the topic. another.
unrelated to the topic.
Language The errors in spelling, There are minimal The spelling, grammar,
grammar, and use of errors in spelling, and use of words are
words lead to a grammar, and use of accurate.
misunderstanding of words.
Values Integration
1. Choose a partner.
2. Ask each pair to decide on a theme for their writing activity.
● The Local Public Transportation System
● Learning Foreign Languages in School
● Graft and Corruption in the Government
● Climate Change
1. Once your pair has decided on a theme, each of you should
write a three-paragraph speech (of any type) on a short
bond paper. Print or write two copies of your speech.