Ben Blood Physiology Medics Week 1
Ben Blood Physiology Medics Week 1
Ben Blood Physiology Medics Week 1
• Constitutes the watery part of blood and appears light- yellow in color.
• Plasma solids includes (1) Coagulants, mainly fibrinogen, for clotting (2)
plasma proteins, mainly globulin and albumin, which maintain colloidal
osmotic pressure, (3) electrolytes like Na+ , K+, Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3 to
maintain blood pH, (4) Immunoglobulins to help fight infections (5)
Enzymes, hormones and vitamins.
Plasma Protein and their concentration in blood
Functions of Plasma Proteins
• Have five classes, classified based on their roles and structure: These
classes are, Immunoglobulin A, D, E, G and M:
• Blood proteins are maintained during starvation and are only depleted
under severe starvation.
- Cause
- Morphology (size, colour)
2) Defective coagulation
• Acquired:
• Liver disease
• Vitamin K deficiency:
• Hereditary:
• Haemophilia