Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
Basic stages of an attack
1. Initial uncovering
2. Network probe
6. Covering tracks
Proxy Servers and Anonymizers
A proxy server is another computer on the network which act as intermediary
between client and server or between one computer to another computer in the
Attackers can also use proxy to hide their identity.
2. Caching
4. IP address multiplexer
Types of Proxy Server
There are many types of proxy servers available. The two most common types of
proxy servers
Forward proxy server: It provides proxy services to the client or group of clients.
There are hundreds and thousands of open forward proxies on the internet.
Reverse Proxy server: It does the opposite of what forward proxy does i.e..
Reverse proxy acts on behalf of servers. Reverse proxy hides the identity of
1. Planning
2. Setup
3. Attack
4. Collection
There are several types of Phishing Attacks, some of them are mentioned below.
1. Email Phishing
2. Spear Phishing
3. Whaling
4. Smishing
5. Vishing
Key loggers and Spywares
Key logger is used to capture passwords and other information while user is
1. Software keyloggers
2. Hardware keyloggers
Software keyloggers
Software keyloggers are dedicated software programs that are designed to track
and record log user keystrokes.
This programs can be executed in windows, Linux, mac OS and even in mobiles.
Software keyloggers can often be installed in the computer through Trojan horses,
virus or worm.
Hardware Keylogger
Hardware keyloggers are small hardware devices that provide physical access to
the computer to install keyloggers.
These devices are connected to the PC or keyboard and save every keystroke into
a file or in the memory of the hardware device.
2. This software does not require regular updates of signature bases to work
4. It prevents ID theft.
Spyware can
1. Blank(none)
1. Online attacks
2. Offline attacks
Online attacks
Use a program or script
1. Dictionary attack
2. Hybrid attack
Virus and Worms
A virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file that can
be harmless or can modify or delete data.
A Worm is a form of malware that replicates itself and can spread to different
computers via Network. It does not modify the program but replicates itself more
and more to slow down the computer system.
Types of viruses
2. Program viruses
3. Multipartite viruses
4. Stealth viruses
5. Polymorphic viruses
6. Macro viruses
1. Data hiding
2. Information hiding
3. Digital watermarking
Steganalysis is the art and science of detecting messages that are hidden in images
How steganography works
DoS & DDoS Attacks
A denial-of-service (DoS) attack floods a server with traffic, making a website or
resource unavailable.
3. SYN attack
Observe your system’s performance and establish baselines for ordinary activity.
Routinely examine your physical security with regard to your current needs.
1. Trinoo
3. Stacheldraht
4. Shaft
5. MStream
Tools for Detecting DoS/DDoS attacks
Zombie Zapper
SQL Injection
Attackers can bypass security measures of applications and use SQL queries to
modify, add, update, or delete records in a database.
A successful SQL injection attack can badly affect websites or web applications
using relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle, or SQL Server.
SQL injection generally occurs when we ask a user to input their username /
userID. Instead of a name or ID, the user gives us an SQL statement that we will
unknowingly run on our database.
Other preventions
No default configurations
A Buffer overflow occurs when a program tries to store more data in buffer then
storage capacity
The data will overflow to adjacent buffer which leads to overwriting and
corrupting the data that is stored in the adjacent buffer.
Buffer overflow is an attack that occurs when the amount of data that is submitted
is larger then the buffer
Types of buffer overflow
3. Complier tools
1. StackGuard
2. ProPolice
3. LibSafe
Attacks on Wireless Networks
1. Sniffing
3. DoS
4. MITM(Man-In-The-Middle)
5. Encryption cracking
Securing wireless networks
1. Change default settings of all devices
AirDefence Guard