English Writing To InformNewspaper Report Writing Skills Educational Presentation in Blue and Yellow Illustrative Style
English Writing To InformNewspaper Report Writing Skills Educational Presentation in Blue and Yellow Illustrative Style
English Writing To InformNewspaper Report Writing Skills Educational Presentation in Blue and Yellow Illustrative Style
Feature Article
Learning Objectives
Identify the structural and stylistic conventions of a
1 feature article
1 2
Defining the Interpretive Context, Purpose &
Feature Article Audience
3 4
Interpretive vs. Persuasive Language Features & Evidence
Defining the Interpretive
Feature Article
What is a Feature Article?
A feature article is an article that deals with real events, issues or trends.
They are different from news articles. Where news articles aim to appear
objective and unbiased (although they seldom are), feature articles are
subjective (they can present a particular perspective on the topic) and they
are written creatively, usually placing emphasis on the people involved rather
than on the facts of the news.
Visually, a feature article is also much longer than a news article, which
allows for more detail and background information. They can also contain
graphics and photographs making them eye-catching and engaging.
• Emotion-based techniques that appeal to pathos e.g. • Logic-based techniques that appeal to logos e.g.
rhetorical question, direct address, emotive facts and statistics, expert opinion or appeal to
language authority
• Ignores counter arguments completely and only • Acknowledges opposing claims to present a
Techniques presents one side - the writer's side balanced argument
• Presents only ideas that help reinforce the writer's • Presents multiple sides but can subtly sway the
perspective reader towards the writer's side
• Uses evidence to convince the reader that the writer • May compare ideas to establish a position
is "right" • Uses evidence to show the writer makes valid points
Tone Emotionally charged, assertive or even aggressive. Calmer, reasoned, educated, informative
Research Task
Conduct research and make a list of ten potential topics for an interpretive feature article. Consider:
News Sites Search Engine Social Media Social Justice Issues Areas of Personal
Trends Interest
What are some What are some What’s trending at What do you care What do you
recent events popular searches the moment? What about? What are enjoy? What are
featured in the at the moment? are people talking you passionate your hobbies?
world, national about right now? about? What interests
and local news? you?
Context, Purpose &
Context, Purpose & Audience
Context, purpose and audience are upper school syllabus concepts. It is crucial to understand these terms
if we are to analyse how feature articles are shaped or constructed and if we are to write our own feature
articles. The following slides will outline these terms.
Context refers to the environment in which a text is created and responded to. When analysing or
creating a feature article we might consider the following:
1 Authorial Context Who is the writer? What do we know about their background, their life,
their style and other work etc. How do these influence the text?
2 Situational Context Where and when is the text published (i.e. the publication)
3 Historical Context How does the text reflect the historical, social, cultural or political
period in which it was written? How have certain events or issues
influenced the text?
Purpose refers to the reason for which a text is created. A text might be
constructed to achieve one or more of the following purposes:
• Persuade
• Advise
• Inform
• Comment
• Analyse
• Satirise
• Protest
• Parody
• Reflect
• Imagine
• Entertain
Audience refers to the group of readers that the writer is addressing. In
other words, a specific group of people with shared characteristics who
are most likely to be readers of a certain publication or people interested
in a certain issue. When identifying audience or constructing a text for a
particular audience, consider the following:
Knowing these language features can also help us be persuasive and engaging writers when we construct
our own feature articles.
Persuasive Language Features
An effective feature article will include persuasive language features to engage the audience and position them to
view the subject in a certain way. Some common techniques are as follows:
Speaking directly to an Using first person Asking questions that Using subject–specific
audience using plural words like ‘we’, imply their own logical language that makes
pronouns such as ‘us’ and ‘our’ to create answer to force the the author appear as an
‘you’, ‘your’ and a sense of unity audience to make a expert in their field.
‘yourself’. between author and decision or think about
audience. an issue.
E.g. You wouldn't want E.g. The defendant has
your children to E.g. We need to act E.g. Can we really pleaded guilty to three
experience schoolyard now if we want to afford to ignore this counts of aggravated
bullying either. preserve the Earth for problem? assault (legal jargon).
future generations.
Persuasive Language Features
An effective feature article will include persuasive language features to engage the audience and position them to
view the subject in a certain way. Some common techniques are as follows:
These make an argument sound scientific and help to make Adds weight to an argument by quoting a respected figure
it seem credible and well-researched. or organisation.
E.g. 85% of Australia's population live in urban areas. E.g. Professor Howard Ong's extensive research in this
area leaves little doubt that the pill works.
Adding a brief personal story to form a connection with the Including examples of real people, places or events to
reader through illustrating the writer's experience. support the author's argument.
E.g. In my local community, I started a recycling E.g. Famous fashion model Marceline Anderson only uses
awareness program. ethical brands.
Your Turn
Now you have the tools to do the following:
Good luck!
Elements Used:
Elements Used: