Triple I 1
Triple I 1
Triple I 1
3 Quarter
Lesson 1
• Discuss the different issues and ideas in their
respective fields;
• Appreciate the importance of brainstorming to come up
with the best issue to cater to; and
• Plan a research agenda in preparation for possible
issues or topics of a research study.
Unlocking of
• Inquiry - It is a question which you ask to get some information.
• Investigation - It is a proper inquiry or efficient study.
• Immersion - It is the process of learning a skill by using nothing
else but that skill.
• Research Study - Research is like exploring things to come up
with the best idea/s to respond to the needs of society.
• Concept - It is a conceptual representation abstract objects, or
abilities that make up the fundamental building blocks of
thoughts and beliefs
Brainstorming for
Research Topics
Task #1
• Identify the different issues in the society in
connection with your strand. Choose at least
10 and then explain why you choose such
topic in a ½ sheet of pad paper.
What is the importance
of Research in our
daily life?
An investigation or experimentation aimed at the
discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of
accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or
practical application of such new or revised theories or
Qualitative VS
Qualitative &
Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
Involves processes, feelings, and motives (the Aims to characterize trends and patterns
why’s and the how’s) and produce in depth and
holistic data
Usually concerned with generating hypothesis Usually starts with neither a theory nor
from data rather than testing a hypothesis hypothesis about the relationship between two or
more variables
Uses either unstructured or semi-structured Uses structured research instruments like
instruments questionnaires or schedules
Uses small sample sizes chosen purposely Uses large sample sizes that are representatives
of the population
Qualitative &
Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
Has high validity Used to gain greater understanding of
group similarities
Used to gain greater understanding of individual Used to gain greater understanding of
differences in terms of feelings, motives and group similarities
Uses more flexible processes Uses structured processes
Methods include field research, case study and Methods include census, survey, experiments
secondary analysis and secondary analysis
A method that has the aim of extending knowledge,
undertaking doubt, or solving a problem.
1. Focus.
2. Decide on a topic.
3. Understanding the problem.
4. Design on the problem.
A way of inquiring ideas that will help you to develop
concepts and focusing techniques by asking questions
and knowing the interests of the persons involved in the
said issues.
1. A problem that is most interesting to you
2. Existing problems in the class/ school/ campus
which one may want to solve
3. Existing needs of the community or society
4. Area of interest, specialization or event from related
5. Prevailing theories and philosophy
Criteria in Choosing a Research Topic
• New or different • Researcher’s training and
• Original personal qualifications
• Significant to the field of • Availability of data and
study or discipline techniques to be employed
• Arouse intellectual curiosity • Availability of effective
• Researcher’s interest. instruments
• Modest • Financial Capability
• Clear • Time Factor
• Specific
Topic/Issue Causes Effects Interventions/
Projects/ Programs
Community Waste improper waste widespread waste Clean and Green
Problem disposal disposal Project