Art App Architectural
Art App Architectural
Art App Architectural
What is Architectural arts?
- Art Nouveau uses sinuous lines dirived from nature; hence, Vinces,
leaves, and flowers are the Diri Ionic, Corinthian, composite, and
Tuscan columns define the classical style. Art Deco builds on Art
Noveau but stylizes nature by emphasizing and simplifying geometic
shapes. The clean and no nonsense lines of the international style
swept architecture during the post World War II Era of the 1950s and
PUBLIC BUILDING are generally large and commodious. It can take in many people at
one given time. Its occupants are transitoryC staying in the building to transact their
business and leaving as soon as that is done.
The theater was built large for the players on stage and for the audience, which could
number to around 14,000. Earlier theaters had seats of wood; later special stone
seats were made. The front seats were reserved for the priests and prominent
people. These permanent structureS were called prohedria.
Hellenistic Art
The Hellenistic era was rooted in Alexander the Great and his conquest of
the Middle East all the way to the boundaries of India. It happened in a
short time, from 334 to 323 BCE. By age 32, Alexander died but already
set up satellite towns under his generals in the areas he conquered. In
these lands evolved what had come to be known as Hellenism.
There are varieties of Hellenistic art like those that developed in Egypt and
the Buddhist-Greek art of Gandara in present-day Afghanistan, but this
section will focus on the Roman variety of Hellenistic art because more
than other cultures, it was the Romans that absorbed Greek influence the
most. This happened because Rome conquered Greece.
The decisive battle occurred in Corinth in 146 BCE.
While the Hellenistic era is dated from Alexander's death in
323 BCE until the Roman conquest of the Macedonian
territories in 31 BCE, this span of time reflected the politics of
the age, Culturally and artistically, however, it can be said that
Hellenistic influence did not end with the Roman conquest; but
lasted until 330 CE when Constantine the Great moved the
capital of the Roman Empire, calling it Nova Roma and later
Constantinople, Romans easily absorbed Greek culture,
adapting Greek philosophy and developing their own, like
Stoicism, and using Greek as the common language of daily life
and trade.
Greek ideas of town planning using a grid were adapted by the Romans
as well as many of its public building types, like the temple and the
amphitheater. But the Romans added their own. The basilica, a
rectangular building with semicircular apses at the shorter end and an
entrance at the center, was the court of law and the place for
transacting business with the government. The forum was the Roman
version of the agora; which the Romans enhanced theirs with covered
corridors defining the forum's perimeter. The decumanus or market
street had covered area market stalls.
The fountainhead of Western culture is the Greco-Roman and the Judeo-Christian. From the Greeks,
the West inherited democratic ideals, the love for learning, and the principles of art and design. The
Romans inherited the Greek tradition but added their own genius at organization and construction,
introducing two pivotal innovations- -the semicircular arch and cement. They built a bureaucracy that
ruled an empire effectively. The Judeo-Christian tradition taught that there is only one God who
created the universe, Humans as God's image and likeness" had dignity and were all equal. God's plans
rather than man's design was supreme.
The Greek introduced construction in marble for their temples and building using the post-and-lintel
system. The Romans, capitalizing on the structural strength of the arch, built a variety of buildings like
palaces, baths and law courts. The arch also spanned chasms and was used to transport water through
aqueducts. Romans inherited much of Greek culture including its religion and its arts. The visual arts in
the form of mosaics, fresco and encaustic portraits, sculpture, music, dance and theater flourished in
Greece and Rome, where art was everywhere.
Visual Arts
Roman sculpture is based on the Greek; in fact, many Roman sculptures in marble are
copies of the Greek, some of which are lost. Romans were fond of Hellenistic era
works-when inventive and dramatic statuary in exaggerated and emotive poses were
These sculptures went beyond the contrapposto stance of the free-standing or in the
round statuary- -sculptures portrayed gestures and movement. The sculptures
Laocoon and his Sons, Dying Gaul, and Nike of Samothrace, are examples of dramatic
statuary in the Hellenistic Period.
The Romans, especially of the imperial period, loved portrait sculpture. Emperors and
their families and retainers were depicted either in the round or in relief. The Romans
used mosaics to decorate floors, walls and ceiling vaults and frescoes to decorate
walls. Roman mosaics date to the second century BCE. Mosaics are constructed by
embedding tesserae on a cement base.
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Gan, Kyla Faith
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Sumugat, Antonilla
Villarta, Marilyn