Assign. Physics (Autosaved)
Assign. Physics (Autosaved)
Assign. Physics (Autosaved)
Abhinav bijla
BSC ॥nd year
Maths Major
There are different kind of waves.
1) Transverse waves : Waves in which the medium moves at right angles to the direction
of propagation
E.g. Light wave, Water wave
2) Longitudinal waves: A longitudinal wave has the movement of the particle in the
medium in the same dimension as the direction of movement of wave.
E.g. Sound wave, Compression wave
4) Mechanical wave : A wave which needs a medium in order to propagate itself. It transfer
energy in the direction of propagation.
5) Matter wave : • Matter waves are a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics.
• All the matter exhibits wave like behaviour.
• The concept that matter behaves like a wave was proposed by French
Electromagnetic wave
• E.M. waves are created as a result of vibration between electric field and magnetic field.
• The electric and magnetic waves are perpendicular to each other and also perpendicular to the
direction if propagation.
Properties of E.M. Waves :
i. E.M. waves obey the principle of superposition.
ii. E.M. waves carry energy as they propagates in space.
iii. The velocity of an E.M. wave in free space is 3×108 m/s = speed of light.
iv. E.M. waves do not require any medium to propagate.
v. In E.M. waves, the direction of electric and magnetic fields are mutually perpendicular to each
other and as well as direction of propagation of wave. 7
Electromagnetic spectrum
E.M. Spectrum is the arrangement of different electromagnetic waves in the increasing order of
wavelength or the decreasing order of frequency or vice versa.
1) Radio Waves : • Radio Waves are produced by the accelerate motion of charges in
conducting wires.
• They are used by Radios and TV communication system.
• They are generally in frequency range from 500KHz to about
2) Micro Waves : • Micro Waves have short wavelength then Radio Waves.
• Micro Waves are produced by special vacuum tubes (Klystron magnetron).
• Due to short wavelength, they are suitable for RADAR system used in
aircraft navigation.
3) Infrared Waves : • I.R. Waves are Produced by hot bodies and molecules.
• This band lies adjacent too low frequency or long wavelength end of
Visible spectrum.
• I.R Waves are Sometimes referred to as heat waves.
• I.R. Radiation also play an important roll in in maintaining the Earth’s 9
about 700-400nm.
• Visible light emitted or reflected from object around us provides us
Information about the world.
5) U.V. Rays : • U.V. Radiation is produced by special lamps and very hot bodies.
• The sun is an important source of U.V. light.
• Most of U.V. light is absorbed in the OZONE Layer in atmosphere at an
altitude of about 40-50 Km.
• U.V. light in large quantities has harmful effect on humans.
• It covers wavelength ranging from 4×10-7 nm down to 6×10-10(0.6nm) .
• Ozone layer in the atmosphere plays a protective role and hence its depletion
by CFCs gas (such as freons) is a matter of international concern. 10
6) X- Rays : • X-rays covers wavelength from about 10-8m(10nm) down to 10-13m(10-4nm).
• X-rays are used as a diagnostics tool in medicine and as a treatment for certain
form of cancer.
7) Gamma Rays : • They lie in the upper frequency range of electromagnetic spectrum and have
-10 -14
wavelength from about 10 m to less than 10 nm.
• This high radiation is produced in nuclear reaction and also emitted by
radioactive nuclei.
• They are used in medicine to destroy cancer cells.
Applications or Uses of LC Circuit
Kirchhoff’s Law lie in the heart of circuit analysis.
Law1. In any network of conductors, the algebraic sum of the currents meeting at any point is zero i.e.,
∑I = 0
In the above equation, current flowing into a junction is regarded as positive, while the current
flowing out of the junction is regarded as negative. According to sign convention, I1, I2, I3 are positive
and I4, I5 are negative. Then, I1 + I2 + I3 – I4 – I5 = 0 i.e., I1 + I2 + I3 = I4 + I5
Thus the sum of currents entering the point O is equal
to the sum of currents leaving it. In other words
Kirchhoff’s law first law states, “When steady current
flows in a electric circuit, there is no accumulation of
charge at any point or junction.”
Law2. The algebraic sum of the products of the current and resistance in any closed loop of a
circuit is equal to the algebraic sum of electromotive forces acting in that loop. ∑ IR = ∑ E.
Sign convention:- (i) A product of current and resistance is taken as positive when we traverse
in the direction of the current.
(ii) The emf is taken as positive when we traverse from the negative to the positive electrode of
the cell through the electrolyte.
Let i1 and i2 be the currents through R1 and R2. Applying first law to the junction A, the current
through R is i1 + i2. Then applying the second law for the closed loop ZAYZ,
i1R1 + (i1 + i2)R = E1
Similarly, for the closed loop XAYX.
i2R2 + (i1+i2) R = E2
For the closed loop ZAXYZ,.
I1R1 – i2R2 = E1 – E2
These ‘Loop equations’ enable us to obtain
the values of currents in different parts of
the circuit in terms R, R1, E1 and E2.