This module aims to help students become more self-aware and understand their basic rights as children. It discusses the four learning objectives of recalling children's rights, naming one's talents and abilities, describing personal changes, and learning self-care. Students are asked to identify children's rights, discuss the purpose of these rights, and consider how rights and talents can help them grow. They are also encouraged to practice self-care like sleeping, praying, and spending time on hobbies.
This module aims to help students become more self-aware and understand their basic rights as children. It discusses the four learning objectives of recalling children's rights, naming one's talents and abilities, describing personal changes, and learning self-care. Students are asked to identify children's rights, discuss the purpose of these rights, and consider how rights and talents can help them grow. They are also encouraged to practice self-care like sleeping, praying, and spending time on hobbies.
This module aims to help students become more self-aware and understand their basic rights as children. It discusses the four learning objectives of recalling children's rights, naming one's talents and abilities, describing personal changes, and learning self-care. Students are asked to identify children's rights, discuss the purpose of these rights, and consider how rights and talents can help them grow. They are also encouraged to practice self-care like sleeping, praying, and spending time on hobbies.
This module aims to help students become more self-aware and understand their basic rights as children. It discusses the four learning objectives of recalling children's rights, naming one's talents and abilities, describing personal changes, and learning self-care. Students are asked to identify children's rights, discuss the purpose of these rights, and consider how rights and talents can help them grow. They are also encouraged to practice self-care like sleeping, praying, and spending time on hobbies.
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Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 1 – Module 1: I Love The Way I Am Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you are
expected to: 1. recall the basic rights of a child; 2. name your talents' abilities and attitudes; 3. describe the changes in yourself; and 4. show ways of taking care of yourself. INTRODUCTION
The scope of this module will help you become
aware of yourself better. It will also give you an overview of your basic rights as a child. Knowing these rights gives you the chance to be treated equally in our society. You will also learn ways of taking care of yourself. As time progresses, you will experience changes in your body including your likes and dislikes. You will also experience changes in your environment. Therefore, it is important to take care of yourself well and feel fit as an individual while facing the changes. Let’s Try This Suggested Time Allotment: 25 minutes Using your previous learning, put a check on the item if the statement is a right of a child and an X if not. Write your answers on Homeroom Guidance Notebook _____1. To live with parents _____2. To look for work for the family _____3. To have food, shelter, and clothes _____4. To demand everything that he/she wants _____5.. To have education _____6. To play and enjoy _____7. 7. To be protected from abuse _____8. To have a life away from bad influences _____9. To take care of younger brothers and sisters _____10. To become a better citizen Processing Questions: 1. How many child’s rights were you able to identify? Can you recall the other rights not stated in the items above? 2. What do you think is the purpose of the rights of children? 3. Can these rights help you as you grow up and become a better person?. Let’s Explore This Suggested Time Allotment: 30 minutes Read the short paragraph below and answer the questions on a yor Homeroom Guidance Notebook Thoughtful Third-grader Thomas Thomas is a nine-year-old boy who lives a simple life with his family. One afternoon, he arrives home from school. He approaches his parents and shows them his high scores in the exams. His parents praise him for doing well in school. At night, Thomas cleans and prepares the table for dinner. After eating, he helps in washing the dishes. He also assists his younger sister in doing her assignments. Before going to school, he waters the plants, cleans the house, and organizes his things. In school, he reads his lessons and shows respect to school personnel and classmates. On Saturday, he helps his mother in feeding the chicken and the pigs. One afternoon, his father arrives with a new guitar which Thomas wished for as a gift. Upon receiving it, he hugs his parents who are so thankful for having him as a son. Processing Questions: 1. What can you say about Thomas? 2. Can you enumerate the things that he does? 3. Which among those activities are similar to your activities? Can you name at least five activities that you like to do or that interest you? 4. What talents or abilities do you have like Thomas? Keep in Mind Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes Childhood is an exciting and fun part of life where care and love are abundantly expressed by parents or guardians to their children.Rights were established so that you can be protected as you grow up. The following are the 12 basic rights of a child: 1. Right to be born well 2. Right to live with family 3. Right to have proper care and importance 4. Right to be provided with basic needs like food, water,shelter, clothing 5. Right to have everything he/she needs for a better life 6. Right to education 7. Right to play and enjoy 8. Right to be protected from abuse 9. Right to live peacefully 10. Right to be cared, helped and protected in the absence of parents 11. Right to become a better citizen 12. Right to grow up and get what they want for their good Aside from rights, any person like you has talents and abilities. You also have your interests and hobbies. As a young learner, you should start enjoying the things that you are good at. But as you grow up, you need to be responsible enough to take good care of yourself. As a child, you already have talents and abilities. But you must also maintain a good attitude. You will encounter changes in yourself and environment along the way. You can use your talents, abilities and attitude to handle these changes. It can shape you to become a better person. The abilities and talents that you have will enable you to succeed in many areas of life. You can use them to accomplish your goals in life. You Can Do It Suggested Time Allotment: 20 minutes You have learned that a person becomes a better person as he/she grows. Recall about your experiences as a child when you were in Grade 1. With the help of your parent/guardian, describe the changes that you have observed in each of the following aspects. Write your answers on your Homeroom Guidance Notebook What I Have Learned Suggested Time Allotment: 15 minutes
On your Homeroom Guidance Notebook, answer the
following questions. 1. What child’s rights do you consider that you have? 2. What ability or skill do you want to improve more? 3. Try to compare the things where you were good at back when you were still in Grade 1 and now that you are in Grade 3. Share Your Thoughts and Feelings Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes
Are you taking care of yourself well? How do
your parents/guardians ensure that you are doing it? Write your answers on your Homeroom Guidance Notebook Assignment
Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes
Taking care of yourself is part of your growth. Take a look at the
following checklist for self-care. Talk with your guardian/s and ask them to guide you in trying these activities and when to do them. On your Homeroom Guidance Notebook, put a check-mark beside the item of the activity that you can already do or practice. ____ 1. Eight hours of sleep ____6. Deep Breathing ____ 2. Pray ____7. Laugh ____ 3. Exercise ____8. Doing your hobbies ____ 4. Drink water regularly ____9. Use mobile phones or VIDEO
Presidential Decree No. 603. Child and Youth
Welfare Cofe. Article 3: Rights of a Child 1974. 603-the-child-and-youth-welfare-code/ Reference
Presidential Decree No. 603. Child and Youth
Welfare Cofe. Article 3: Rights of a Child 1974. 603-the-child-and-youth-welfare-code/
(Time Management & Productivity) Leonard Fisher - Studying 101 - 20 of The Best Study Hacks To Improve Your Memory and Your Grades-CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2015)
(Time Management & Productivity) Leonard Fisher - Studying 101 - 20 of The Best Study Hacks To Improve Your Memory and Your Grades-CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2015)