Digestive and Respiratory System
Digestive and Respiratory System
Digestive and Respiratory System
At the end of the lesson, you should be able
• to identify the different metabolic
processes involved in the absorption of
nutrients in various organ systems.
How are nutrients
absorbed inside the
Learn about it!
• The nutrients that the body needs come from
• These nutrients are absorbed by the body
during digestion.
• Digestion is the process by which food is
broken down into simple, soluble compounds in
the digestive tract.
• It involves mechanical and chemical processes.
Processes of Digestion
1. Mechanical Process - During the
mechanical process, the food is
broken down into small particles
that are mixed with the digestive
juices. This process starts in the
mouth and continues into the
2. Chemical process - During the chemical
process, also known as hydrolysis,
digestive enzyme changes food particles
into soluble forms that can be easily
• For example, enzymes change
carbohydrates into simple sugars, proteins
into amino acids, and fats into fatty acids
and glycerol. The chemical process starts
in the mouth and continues into the small
• is the passage of nutrients through the intestinal walls
and into the blood. The primary site of absorption is the
small intestine.
• The villi, which are tiny finger-like projections, trap the nutrients
which are taken in by the adjacent cells.
• The capillaries, tiny blood vessels contained in the
villi, serve as the passageway for the nutrients to
reach the general blood circulation.
• These nutrients are carried by the blood to the liver
and from there, distributed to various organs and
tissues. The body is able to digest and absorb about
90% to 98% nutrients of a mixed diet.
• is a process that converts absorbed nutrients
into energy needed for repair, growth, and
development of organisms.
• All types of metabolism happen at the cellular
level, specifically intracellular or inside the cell.
• When metabolism results in building new
substances, it is called anabolism.
• If the nature of metabolism is destructive, it is
called catabolism.
• Catabolism happens in the mitochondria,
which act as a 'furnace' that burns food
energy. The presence of oxygen is
necessary for the release of energy by
the cells. The process of combining
oxygen to a molecule is called oxidation.
• Carbohydrates can be converted to usable
energy through glycolysis.
• Glycolysis is an anaerobic process (does
not require oxygen) that happens in the
• Overall, the complete breakdown of glucose
yields to carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.
• Fats can be converted into energy through beta-oxidation.
• Triglycerides, the dietary form of fat, are first broken down into
fatty acids and glycerol.
• Fatty acids contain almost all the energy found in triglycerides.
• Their breakdown occurs in the mitochondria.
• The acetyl-CoA enters the Kreb's cycle. The complete
breakdown of fatty acids yields carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.
• Proteins are not the major sources of energy.
• However, when there are no carbohydrates and fats available
for energy production, proteins can be the alternative source.
• During the starvation state, the body breaks down protein and
extracts the energy needed by the body from the amino acids.
• To use amino acids as a source of energy, they must undergo
the process of deamination.
• The breakdown of the amino acid yields urea, carbon dioxide,
water, and ATP.
What do you think?