2 Q2-Diss
2 Q2-Diss
2 Q2-Diss
1.Asses of the following statement of Feminist theory
which is acceptable to the theory.
14.The kind of Alienation of Female Workers that prevent them to join workers
e. Alienation from oneself
f. Alienation from their family
g. Alienation from their fellow workers
h. Alienation from the product of their labor
15.One of the basic principles of Feminism is “Expanding Human
Choice”, analyze statement tells which is invalid to the principle?
a. Feminists believe that both men and women should have the
freedom to develop their human interests
b. Feminists oppose laws and cultural norms that limit women’s
c. Feminists seeks to understand the prevailing gender inequality
d. Feminist seeks on aesthetic knowledge
What’s New
Reflectively read the lyrics sang by
Beyonce “Who Rans the World (Girls).
After reading reflectively the lyrics,
think of local women or national
women who make a difference in the
community or in the country.
Process Questions
1.What resemblances do they have in common?
2.How did these women create an impact in the society?
3.Explain the relevance of involvement of women to social science?
Feministic theory is an ideology, and a social movement that
seeks to improve the overall condition of women in society. It
challenges the unequal power relations between men and
women that manifest in various aspects of society such as the
economy, politics, culture, language, military, education, and
Work, Just Wave, Own Property, Vote, Hold Public Office, Enter
Contract, Maternity Leave, Bodily Autonomy & Integrity, Education,
Health, Reproductive Health, Information, Have Equal Right within
Marriage, Family Protection and Protection from Rape and Sexual
1.Miss South Africa won the Miss Universe 2019 because of her
intelligence. What is the connectivity and relevance to the theory of
Feminism to beauty pageant?
a. All women have equal opportunity in joining any beauty pageant
regardless of beauty, color, height, financial status, educational
attainment, and intelligence.
b. All women must have an advocacy in joining any beauty pageant
c. All women must be heard regarding the abuses in the society.
d. All women have equal rights to men
2. Analyze the statement “Feminists believe that both men and
women should have the freedom to develop their interests, skills,
and value system toward work. However, women must choose
career that pertain family development.”
a. The first statement is valid. But the second statement is
b. The first statement is invalid. But the second statement is
c. All statements are erroneous.
d. All statements are correct
3. Feminism allows equal opportunities for both sexes. Gender
roles (a set of conforming rules that say how a person should
behave based on their gender) can be harmful to the individual.
Evaluate the relevance and applicability to sign of the time.
4. Evaluate the statement which disregards Women’s
5. If Sex pertains to the physiological differences between men and
women, while Gender is the sexual preferences, how will it
affect to career choice.
6. Analyzed the following Women’s Rights which is
relevance to the science of the time
7. Asses of the following statement of Feminism which is
acceptable to the theory.
8. Which of the following null and void on the Basic
Principles of Feminism?
9. A working woman is entitled 120 days to take care of
her child after giving birth according to the law, what
do you think is the acceptable reason?
10.The kind of Alienation of Female Workers that prevent
them to join workers union.
11.One of the basic principles of Feminism is “Expanding Human
Choice”, analyze statement tells which is invalid to the
a. Feminists believe that both men and women should have the
freedom to develop their human interests
b. Feminists oppose laws and cultural norms that limit women’s
c. Feminists seeks to understand the prevailing gender
d. Feminist seeks on aesthetic knowledge
12.Appraise the Alienation of Female Workers that prevent
them to join workers union.
13.Assess the following testimony which is acceptable to the
feminist theory?
14.Evaluate The applicability of Feminism today’s generation in
terms of career.
a. Feminists believe that both men and women should have the
freedom to develop their interests, skills, and value system
toward work
b. Feminists oppose laws and cultural norms that limit women’s
c. Feminists seeks to understand the prevailing gender inequality
d. Feminist seeks on equal right of husband and wife.
15.Examine the statement Psychology is fit for women. Because
they have the character of being cautious.