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Quarter 2 – Module 2:
At the end you are expected to:

 Integrate the feminist perspective in analyzing

social problems and issues.

1.Asses of the following statement of Feminist theory
which is acceptable to the theory.

a. It seeks to outsmart men in the society.

b. It is focused on the inclusion of LGBTQ in the society.
c. It seeks to improve the overall condition of women in
the society.
d. It deals with the deeper reconstruction of men and
women in the society
2. If Sex pertains to the physiological differences between
men and women, while Gender is the sexual
preferences, how will it affect to career choice.

a. Only men can work in the industry while women will

do housework
b. Women are not able to work in corporate world
c. There will be gender biased in the workplace
d. There will be confusion of career choices.
3. Analyzed the following Women’s Rights which is relevance to the
science of the time
a. Women can only choice home economic subjects
b. Women has a constraint of health and education
c. Women must remain voiceless of abuses and opportunities
d. Women can choice any courses according to their interest and

4. A French Philosopher who believed that women should be

accepted in any job because of skills and aptitude.
e. Adam Smith c. Fourier
f. Sarte d. Daniel
5. Evaluate the statement which disregards Women’s
a. Women can work.
b. Women can own properties.
c. Women can acquire equal responsibility.
d. Women must remain voiceless of abuses and

6. What principle that seeks to promote sexual freedom?

e. Feminism c. Marxism
f. Colonialism d. Positivism
7. Feminist movements were divided into waves in fighting for
change, the first wave was focus on promoting women’s
a. Right to vote
b. Right to Integrity
c. Right to reproductive health
d. Right to protection

8. Which of the following null and void on the Basic Principles of

e. Working to increase inequality
f. Expanding human choice
g. Working to increase equality
h. Elimination of gender stratification
9. Appraise the Alienation of Female Workers that
prevent them to join workers union.
a. Alienation from oneself
b. Alienation from their family
c. Alienation from their fellow workers
d. Alienation from the product of their labor

10.Feminist movement that was instrumental in the

institutionalization of women’s right to vote:
e. Liberal c. Marxist
f. Black d. Cultural
11.A working woman is entitled 120 days to take care of her child after
giving birth according to the law, what do you think is the
acceptable reason?
a. Women can have more time for herself
b. Women can properly nurture the infant
c. Women has an injury during birth giving
d. Women can enjoy more time with the family

12.Examine Basic Principles of Feminism which is erroneous to their

e. Working to increase inequality
f. Expanding human choice
g. Working to increase equality
h. Elimination of gender stratification
13.Feminism allows equal opportunities for both sexes. Gender roles (a set of
conforming rules that say how a person should behave based on their gender)
can be harmful to the individual. Evaluate the relevance and applicability to
sign of time.
a. Working to increase equality
b. Expanding masculinity choice
c. Working to increase inequality
d. Elimination of gender stratification

14.The kind of Alienation of Female Workers that prevent them to join workers
e. Alienation from oneself
f. Alienation from their family
g. Alienation from their fellow workers
h. Alienation from the product of their labor
15.One of the basic principles of Feminism is “Expanding Human
Choice”, analyze statement tells which is invalid to the principle?

a. Feminists believe that both men and women should have the
freedom to develop their human interests
b. Feminists oppose laws and cultural norms that limit women’s
c. Feminists seeks to understand the prevailing gender inequality
d. Feminist seeks on aesthetic knowledge
What’s New
Reflectively read the lyrics sang by
Beyonce “Who Rans the World (Girls).
After reading reflectively the lyrics,
think of local women or national
women who make a difference in the
community or in the country.

Think of prominent women in your

community/country in any field of
expertise who made a difference in terms
of the following:

a.Education b. Politics c. Business

d. Medicine e. Entertainment
f. Religion g. Media h. Arts
An example is shown in the table below
Name of Prominent Field of Contribution to the
Women Expertise Community

Corazon Aquino Politics The first president of the

Philippines who
revolutionized democracy
in the country

Process Questions
1.What resemblances do they have in common?
2.How did these women create an impact in the society?
3.Explain the relevance of involvement of women to social science?
Feministic theory is an ideology, and a social movement that
seeks to improve the overall condition of women in society. It
challenges the unequal power relations between men and
women that manifest in various aspects of society such as the
economy, politics, culture, language, military, education, and

Feminists seek to change mainstream society’s distorted

perception of women’s role in nation-building and development.
Stereotypes against women have also limited their full potential.
Among these misconceptions are that women are physically and
emotionally weak, impulsive buyers, illogical decision-makers,
poor at Math, and fickle-minded. Research has proven these
notions to be wrong, baseless, and unjust.
Feminist Theory is the extension of feminism into theoretical,
fictional, or philosophical discourse. It aims to understand the
nature of gender inequality. It examines women’s and men’s
social roles, experiences, interests, chores and feminist politics
in a variety of fields, such as anthropology and sociology,
communication, media studies, psychoanalysis, home
economics, literature, education and philosophy. This includes
seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education
and employment. The aims of Feminism are to understand the
nature of gender inequality. It examines women's and men's
social roles, experiences, interests, chores, and feminist politics
in a variety of fields, such as anthropology and sociology,
communication, media studies, psychoanalysis, home
economics, literature, education, and philosophy.
Feministic theory allows equal opportunities for both sexes.
Gender roles (a set of conforming rules that say how a person
should behave based on their gender) can be harmful to the
individual. It is also unfair to place pressure on boys to fulfil
certain roles that are based on their gender.

It begins by establishing a link between feminine gender and

feminist values, which include cooperation, respect, caring,
nurturance, interconnection, justice, equity, honesty, sensitivity,
perceptiveness, intuition, altruism, fair- ness, morality, and

Feministic theory represents a body of knowledge that allows

to break the cycle of repetition and live our lives based upon

However, Feminism is different to feminist theory.

Feminism is a belief in social, economic, and political
equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the
West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented
by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of
women’s rights and interests. It is also an organized effort to
give women the same economic, social, and political rights
as men
Definition of Terms
Sex pertains to the physiological and biological differences
between men and women.

Gender, on the hand, is the identity of masculinity or feminity

that is socially constructed and culturally influenced. For
example, boys are conditioned to play with toy guns while girls
are socialized to play with dolls and toy kitchen sets.

Class refers to groups of people with similar status on the bases

of income and wealth, as well as individuals who share control
over the means or factors of production (land and capital).
Examples of this are slaves, slaveowners, peasant class, land-
owning class, working class and capitalist class.
Feminist Movement

The history of the modern western feminist movements is

divided into three “waves”. Each wave dealt with different
aspects of the same feminist issues. The first wave comprised
women’s suffrage movements of the nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries, promoting women’s right to vote. The
second wave was associated with the ideas and actions of the
women’s liberation movement beginning in the 1960s. The
second wave campaigned for legal and social equality for
women. The third wave is a continuation of and a reaction to
the perceived failures of second-wave feminism, beginning in
the 1990s.
Women’s Rights to …...

Work, Just Wave, Own Property, Vote, Hold Public Office, Enter
Contract, Maternity Leave, Bodily Autonomy & Integrity, Education,
Health, Reproductive Health, Information, Have Equal Right within
Marriage, Family Protection and Protection from Rape and Sexual

Major Strands of Feministic Theory

There is a wide range of feminist theories and each has a particular
focus, assumption, and advocacy. Over time, various strands of
feminism emerged to complement, reinforce, or challenge the existing
range of perspectives. In our discussion, we will focus on the
contributions of liberal feminism, Marxist feminism, Black feminism,
Third World feminism, and ecofeminism in the struggle for women
empowerment and social justice. 9
Liberal feminism believes that enhancing women’s social status is
possible through institutional reforms in the realms of education,
legislation, and governance. In the course of history, the liberal feminist
movement was instrumental in the institutionalization of women’s right
to vote and hold public office.

Marxist feminism asserts that the condition of women can be better

understood by examining and challenging the intersection of the
oppressive sex- gender system and the prevailing class structure. This
strand of feminism combines women’s perspective with class analysis as
a framework for challenging the prevailing and unjust social system. It
argues that the elimination of gender inequality is only possible by
dismantling class inequality. Marxist feminists also denounce how
women workers in factories, along with their male counterparts,
experience alienation in various forms.

Black feminism emerged as a strong reaction against the

tendency of the western feminist movement to focus only on
the conditions of the white, middle- class, female population.
Traditional liberal feminists are heavily criticized by black
feminists and Third World feminists for failing to take into
consideration the unique conditions and struggles of women
in the Third World. Third-World women experience multiple
burdens of oppression by virtue of their gender, ethnicity, and
social class.
Alienation of Female (and Male) Workers

Alienation from oneself – The system of over-restrictive

division of labor and emasculating workload prevent women
workers from developing their full human potential.

Alienation from their fellow workers – The practice of

covert and overt union- busting operation denies women
workers opportunities to forge class solidarity with their fellow

Alienation from the product of their labor – The

prohibitive market price of commodities deprives women
workers with meager wages of the opportunity to enjoy the

products of their own labor.

Basic Principles in Feministic Theory

Working to increase equality: Feminist thought

links ideas to action, insisting we should push for change
toward gender equality and not just talk about it.

Expanding human choice: Feminists believe that both

men and women should have the freedom to develop their
human interests and talents, even if those interests and
talents conflict with the status qou.

Eliminating gender stratification: Feminists oppose

laws and cultural norms that limit income, educational
and job opportunities for women.

Ending sexual violence and promoting sexual

freedom: Feminists feel that women should have control
over their sexuality and reproduction.
Concept Mapping: From
your own understanding
complete the concept map
below on the role of Men
and Women in (Family,
Workplace & Society).
Consider the Philippine
setting in giving your
answers. You are free to
make your own concept
map and be creative in
doing this activity and use
a separate piece of paper.

Instruction: Choose one institution from the list below and

share your knowledge and personal experience where Gender
Inequality is present through a reflection paper.


How does Gender Inequality affect our society? As a student,

how can you contribute to promote gender equality? in your own
family? in your society? 27
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your correct answer in the answer sheet.
And explain your answer briefly. (Note: No explanation, no points)

1.Miss South Africa won the Miss Universe 2019 because of her
intelligence. What is the connectivity and relevance to the theory of
Feminism to beauty pageant?
a. All women have equal opportunity in joining any beauty pageant
regardless of beauty, color, height, financial status, educational
attainment, and intelligence.
b. All women must have an advocacy in joining any beauty pageant
c. All women must be heard regarding the abuses in the society.
d. All women have equal rights to men
2. Analyze the statement “Feminists believe that both men and
women should have the freedom to develop their interests, skills,
and value system toward work. However, women must choose
career that pertain family development.”
a. The first statement is valid. But the second statement is
b. The first statement is invalid. But the second statement is
c. All statements are erroneous.
d. All statements are correct

3. Feminism allows equal opportunities for both sexes. Gender
roles (a set of conforming rules that say how a person should
behave based on their gender) can be harmful to the individual.
Evaluate the relevance and applicability to sign of the time.

a. Working to increase equality

b. Expanding masculinity choice
c. Working to increase inequality
d. Elimination of gender stratification

4. Evaluate the statement which disregards Women’s

a. Women can work.

b. Women can own properties.
c. Women can acquire equal responsibility.
d. Women must remain voiceless of abuses and

5. If Sex pertains to the physiological differences between men and
women, while Gender is the sexual preferences, how will it
affect to career choice.

a. Only men can work in the industry while women will do

b. Women are not able to work in corporate world
c. There will be gender biased in the workplace
d. There will be confusion of career choices

6. Analyzed the following Women’s Rights which is
relevance to the science of the time

a. Women can only choice home economic subjects

b. Women has a constraint of health and education
c. Women must remain voiceless of abuses and
d. Women can choice any courses according to their
interest and skills

7. Asses of the following statement of Feminism which is
acceptable to the theory.

a. It seeks to outsmart men in the society.

b. It is focused on the inclusion of LGBTQ in the society.
c. It seeks to improve the overall condition of women in the
d. It deals with the deeper reconstruction of men and
women in the society

8. Which of the following null and void on the Basic
Principles of Feminism?

a. Expanding human choice

b. Working to increase equality
c. Working to increase inequality
d. Elimination of gender stratification

9. A working woman is entitled 120 days to take care of
her child after giving birth according to the law, what
do you think is the acceptable reason?

a. Women can have more time for herself

b. Women can properly nurture the infant
c. Women has an injury during birth giving
d. Women can enjoy more time with the family

10.The kind of Alienation of Female Workers that prevent
them to join workers union.

a. Alienation from oneself

b. Alienation from their family
c. Alienation from their fellow workers
d. Alienation from the product of their labor

11.One of the basic principles of Feminism is “Expanding Human
Choice”, analyze statement tells which is invalid to the

a. Feminists believe that both men and women should have the
freedom to develop their human interests
b. Feminists oppose laws and cultural norms that limit women’s
c. Feminists seeks to understand the prevailing gender
d. Feminist seeks on aesthetic knowledge

12.Appraise the Alienation of Female Workers that prevent
them to join workers union.

a. Alienation from oneself

b. Alienation from their family
c. Alienation from their fellow workers
d. Alienation from the product of their labor

13.Assess the following testimony which is acceptable to the
feminist theory?

a. Girls will only choose courses on aesthetic career

b. Girls can have the same opportunity to choose a career
c. Only boys to fulfil certain roles that are based on their
d. Only girls to fulfil certain roles that are based on their

14.Evaluate The applicability of Feminism today’s generation in
terms of career.

a. Feminists believe that both men and women should have the
freedom to develop their interests, skills, and value system
toward work
b. Feminists oppose laws and cultural norms that limit women’s
c. Feminists seeks to understand the prevailing gender inequality
d. Feminist seeks on equal right of husband and wife.

15.Examine the statement Psychology is fit for women. Because
they have the character of being cautious.

a. The first statement is valid. But the second statement is

b. The first statement is invalid. But the second statement is
c. All statements are erroneous.
d. All statements are correct


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