Lesson 12 Drama
Lesson 12 Drama
Lesson 12 Drama
● Tragedy: a serious play representing the downfall of its protagonist. (p. 349)
● Comedy: a play usually with a happy ending chiefly aiming to amuse its audience by
representing everyday life and exploring common human failings.
● Tragicomedy 悲喜剧: a play that combines elements of tragedy and comedy, either by
providing a happy ending to a possible tragic story or by more complex blending of
serious and light moods. (p. 349)
1.2 Elements of Drama
● 2) Character = Who, the protagonist and their relationship to the other characters and to
the world they inhabit.
● 5) Spectacle or visual effects = Where, that which we can see on stage, also known as
● 5th century B.C. : tragedies were performed at festivals; comedies were first introduced
in 484 B.C.
● As the Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476 A.D., for a thousand years and more
the history of the drama was all darkness and vacancy.
● In the 14th century, a new kind of drama named morality play appeared.
● In the latter part of the 16th century history witnessed a theatrical explosion of which
the center was London. Famous playwrights were William Shakespeare and Christopher
● The 20th-century theater was known for its diversity. As Greek tragedies have been
returned to ritual in many places, the revival of the tradition is happening.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
● Background Information
● 1 Setting:
● Athens, Greece
● 2 Characters:
● Titania 缇坦妮雅 : Shakespeare took the name "Titania" from Ovid's Metamorphoses 奥
维德《变形记》 , where it is an appellation given to the daughters of Titans 泰坦 .
● Hippolyta 希波丽塔 is the queen of the Amazons. In The Life of Theseus , it was
Hippolyta who concluded a four month long war between Athens and the Amazons with
a peace treaty, resulting in the marriage between Theseus and Hippolyta.
● Pyramus and Thisbe 皮拉摩斯与提斯柏 are a pair of ill-fated lovers whose story forms
part of Ovid's Metamorphoses. The story has since been retold by many authors.
Shakespearean Comedy
● 1 structure
● All Shakepearean comedies have five acts and the climax is always during the third act.
The play usually goes through three pases. First there is order and discipline, then
chaos and disorder start, and finally order is restored again and the play is completed in
a festive ending. (p. 188)
● 2 Comedic devices
● Eg. “Whereat, with blade, with bloody blameful blade, he bravely broached his boiling
bloody breast.” (exaggerated alliteration)
● “We do not come, as minding to content you, our true intent is” (bad punctuation)
Task: Stage Reading
● Two groups, each group contains: 16 actresses and actors, 1 director, 1 narrator 旁白 ;
the rest 3-4 students are judges for best actresses and actors.
● Character list:
● Bottom, Quince, Snout, Starveling, Puck, Flute, Titania, Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Moth,
Mustardseed, Oberon, Demetrius, Hermia, Lysander, Helena
● Contents:
● From page 191 to page 200 (Demetrius: Look, where thy love comes; yonder is thy
● Film:
● https://www.nnvod.com/index.php/vod/play/id/63859/sid/1/nid/1.html