Nanochemistry Notes
Nanochemistry Notes
Nanochemistry Notes
• The word nano signifying very small objects of the range of 1–100 nm has
gained importance in the last two decades..
• The physical, chemical, electrical, optical and magnetic properties of
nanomaterials are significantly different from the properties of the same
material of bigger size. For example, a metal with a grain size of 10 nm is
seven times harder and tougher than its counterpart with the size of
hundreds of nanometers.
• Moreover, the nanomaterials have a relatively larger surface area than
ordinary materials and this has a significant effect on their physical
properties and chemical reactivities. It has been observed that certain
substances that are ordinarily unreactive become reactive in their nanoscale
form because of their high surface area.
• Nanoscience and Nanochemistry is the science of nanoparticles or the
particles whose size varies from 1 to 10 nm in at least one dimension.
How much is a nanometer?
• The various methods generally employed for the synthesis of nanomaterials are as
1. Mechanical grinding: This method of synthesis of nanomaterials follows a top-
down approach. In this method, the nanoparticles are not synthesised by assembling
small particles but by the structural decomposition of larger particles by the use of
mechanical mills. This method is simple and inexpensive but causes environmental
2. Wet chemical synthesis: Wet synthesis can follow the top-down approach in
which a single crystal is etched into nano-sized particles in aqueous solution.
Porous silicon is synthesised by electrochemical etching. It can also follow a
bottom-up approach where small particles agglomerate in a controlled manner to
form nanosized particles.
Sol gel process: It is a very popular method used for the preparation of oxide
nanomaterials. The sol–gel process involves hydrolysis followed by
condensation. A metal or metalloid employed as a precursor is dispersed in
acid or water to form a sol. Gel is obtained from this sol by the removal of
• MOR+H2O MOH+ROH(hydrolysis).
• MOH+ROM MOM+ROH(condensation).
Preparation of Nanomaterials
3. Gas–phase synthesis of nanomaterials:
• The conventional gas phase synthesis is the chemical vapor deposition
(CVD) method that canbe either homogeneous CVD or heterogeneous
CVD. In these synthetic routes, small clusters of nanoparticles are
produced because of condensation.
• In homogeneous CVD, the particles in the gaseous phase diffuse under the
influence of thermophoretic forces and deposit on the cold surface. These
deposits are either scrapped off to yield nanopowders or ‘particulate films’
are formed by depositing them onto the substrate.
• The size, shape and chemical composition of the nanomaterials can easily
be controlled.
• Substances formed are of high purity.
• There action mechanism is easily controllable.
1. Carbon nanotubes
• Carbon nanotubes are considered as allotropes of carbon
belonging to the fullerene family.
• A carbon nanotube consists of a sheet of carbon atoms that are
sp2-hybridised and have a hexagonal symmetry.
• Such a two-dimensional sheet is called graphene. A carbon
nanotube is produced by rolling a graphene sheet into a
cylindrical shape.
• The length is several times the width and the ratio of length to
diameter is of the order of 100; hence, carbon nanotubes are
considered as 1D structure.
Properties of CNT: