Special Sense EYE
Special Sense EYE
Special Sense EYE
Prashanna Shrestha
Sense organ of vision
Eye gathers information about environment and the brain interprets this
information to form an image of what appears within field of vision.
The eye is often compared to a camera
with the cornea acting as the lens,
the pupillary diameter functioning like the aperture of the camera, and
the retina serving as the film.
However the eye, especially the retina, is far more sophisticated than even
the most expensive camera.
Eye consists of three layers from outside to inside:
a. Sclera
b. Choroid
c. Retina
A) Sclera
outer protective layer of the eyeball
Also called “white of the eye” through which no light can pass.
C) Retina
Lining of the posterior two thirds of the choroid
It is neural tissue containing photoreceptors
Other structures in eyeball
Crystalline Lens
transparent structure held in place by a circular lens suspensary
ligament (zonule).
The zonule is attached to the ciliary body , which contains circular
muscle fibers and longitudinal muscle fibers that attach near the
corneoscleral junction.
Lies in front of the lens
is pigmented and opaque
the colored portion of the eye.
The iris contains circular muscle fibers that constrict and radial fibers
that dilate the pupil.
Pupil : it is central aperture of iris diaphragm
Variations in the diameter of the pupil can produce up to a fivefold
change in the amount of light reaching the retina
Lens divides the eyeball into
aqueous chamber in front of lens and
vitreous chamber behind lens
Glaucoma may be
open angle [less permeability through trabeculi]
close angle [forward movement of iris]
Function :
Preventsthe wall of eyeball from collapsing
Maintains intraocular pressure
It is innermost layer of eyeball which consists of following
1. The inner limiting membrane (ILM);
2. The nerve fiber layer (NFL);
3. The ganglion cell layer (GCL);
4. The inner plexiform layer (IPL);
5. The inner nuclear layer (INL);
6. The outer plexiform layer (OPL);
7. The outer nuclear layer (ONL);
8. The outer limiting membrane (OLM);
9. The photoreceptor layer (PL), and
10. The retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) monolayer.
The pigment epithelium absorbs light rays, preventing the
visual images.
The optic nerve leaves the eye at a point 3mm medial to and
Cones generally have thick inner segments and conical outer segments,
although their morphology varies from place to place in the retina.
The saccules of the cones are formed by infolding of the membrane of the
outer segment.
The saccules and disks contain the photosensitive compounds that react
to light, initiating action potentials in the visual pathways.
One of the most important characteristics of the visual system
is its ability to function over a wide range of light intensity.
When one goes from near darkness to bright sunlight, light
intensity increases by 10 log units, that is, by a factor of 10
One factor reducing the fluctuation in intensity is adjustments
in the diameter of the pupil; when the diameter is reduced from
8 to 2 mm, its area decreases by a factor of 16 and light
intensity at the retina is reduced by more than 1 log unit.
Another factor in reacting to fluctuations in intensity is the
presence of two types of photoreceptors.
The rods are extremely sensitive to light and are the receptors
for night vision (scotopic vision).
The scotopic visual apparatus is incapable of resolving the
details and boundaries of objects or determining their color.
The cones have a much higher threshold, but the cone
system has a much greater acuity and is the system
responsible for vision in bright light (photopic vision)
and for color vision.
There are thus two kinds of inputs to the central nervous
system (CNS) from the eye: input from the rods and
input from the cones.
The existence of these two kinds of input, each working
maximally under different conditions of illumination, is
called the duplicity theory
When light strikes rods and cones, there is bleaching of
photosensitive pigments present in rods and cones
A= Acuity of vision
B= Bright light vision
C= Color vision
The potential changes that initiate action potentials in the retina
are generated by the action of light on photosensitive compounds
in the rods and cones.
When light is absorbed by these substances, their structure
changes, and this triggers a sequence of events that initiates
neural activity.
The eye is unique in that the receptor potentials of the
photoreceptors and the electrical responses of most of the other
neural elements in the retina are local, graded potentials, and it is
only in the ganglion cells that all-or-none action potentials
transmitted over appreciable distances are generated.
The responses of the rods, cones, and horizontal cells are
hyperpolarizing, and the responses of the bipolar cells are either
hyperpolarizing or depolarizing, whereas amacrine cells produce
depolarizing potentials
Photosynthetic pigments
In rods: rhodopsin (dim light vision) {scotopsin+ retinal}
Structure of rhodopsin
Comprised of retinal and opsin
Retinal is synthesized from vitamin A
Opsin is a G protein coupled receptor in rod cell membrane
Na + channels in the outer segments of the rods and cones are
open in the dark, so current flows from the inner to the outer
Current also flows to the synaptic ending of the photoreceptor.
The Na , K ATPase in the inner segment maintains ionic
Release of synaptic transmitter (glutamate) is steady in the dark.
When light strikes the outer segment, the reactions that are
initiated close some of the Na + channels, and the result is a
hyperpolarizing receptor potential.
The hyperpolarization reduces the release of glutamate, and this
generates a signal in the bipolar cells that ultimately leads to
action potentials in ganglion cells.
The action potentials are transmitted to the brain.
In dark, retinal is in 11-cis configuration
When light strikes the retinal, it is converted into all
trans isomer.
This alters configuration of opsin
Opsin activates G protein associated with it called
In transducin, GDP is replaced by GTP and alpha
subunit gets separated and a-GTP activates cGMP
→ activation of phosphodiesterase that converts cGMP
into 5’GMP → decreased intracellular cGMP → Closure
of cGMP-gated Na+ channels → Hyperpolarization →
decreased release of synaptic transmitter → Response in
bipolar cells & other neurons
Sequence of events
involved in
phototransduction in
rods and cones.
The impulses generated in rods and cones are transmitted to
bipolar neuron then to ganglionic cell.
Sensory pathway from eye to cerebral cortex is a three
order neuron pathway.
a) First order neuron
Bipolar neuron forms first order neuron whose dendrites
synapse with photoreceptors and axon synapse with
ganglionic cell
Only local, graded potential is produced in photoreceptors and
bipolar neuron.
Color has hue, intensity & saturation [degree of freedom from dilution with white].
One wavelength can stimulate more than one types of cone [Young-Helmholtz theory]
Primary color = red, green, blue (white, spectral & non-spectral colors can be made from
Complementary color = black/white, red/green, blue/yellow [mixture of them gives gray or
white color]
Trichromat: Protanomaly (red), deuteranomaly (green)
Tritanomaly (blue). Anomaly = weakness.