Chapter 9 - Legal and Ethical Issues in HIVAIDS
Chapter 9 - Legal and Ethical Issues in HIVAIDS
Chapter 9 - Legal and Ethical Issues in HIVAIDS
• Upon completion of this chapter the student
will be able to:
– Explain the features of HIV that raise legal and
ethical issues;
Introduction Cont’d
Gender issues to do with wife inheritance, marital rape,
property rights of women and inheritance;
Ethics of research.
Introduction Cont’d
• Epidemiological data shows that the spread of
HIV/AIDS is disproportionately high among some
populations e.g. women, children, those living in
poverty, minorities, migrants, etc.
Introduction Cont’d
• Transgression of human rights such as the use of coercion
or discrimination drives infected individuals underground
where they further spread the virus.
Special features of HIV/AIDS which raise
legal and ethical issues
Feature Consequences
Module 7
Special features of HIV/AIDS which raise
legal and ethical issues (Cont..)
Feature Consequences
Module 7
Special features of HIV/AIDS which raise
legal and ethical issues (Cont..)
Feature Consequences
Module 7
Special features of HIV/AIDS which raise
legal and ethical issues (Cont..)
Feature Consequences
Module 7
Special issues in Vaccine Research
Some of the requirements for ethical research
design present difficulties in HIV vaccine
research because;
•A good animal model does not exists
•HIV is highly variable and undergoes rapid
•There is currently little information about how
to build protection against HIV.
However ,because of the enormous disease
burdens of HIV, it is ethically appropriate to
begin trials with out fully understanding the
correlated of viral immunity ,provided the other
requirements are met.
All HIV testing services must follow the 5 Cs
principles recommended by WHO:
informed Consent
Correct test results
Connection (linkage to care, treatment and
other services)
Human Rights Principles relevant to HIV/AIDS
Human Rights Principles relevant to HIV/AIDS
Human Rights Principles relevant to HIV/AIDS
Legal framework for HIV/AIDS Care
• Non-Discrimination and Equality before the Law
All forms of negative discrimination against persons
infected or affected by HIV/AIDS are unconstitutional
and unallowable.
• Informed consent
Every human person has the right to determine what should
happen to, or to be done with, his/ her body in accordance
with his/her chosen values and priorities, even in poor physical
Legal framework for HIV/AIDS Care
• Testing for HIV
No person is to be tested for HIV without voluntary
Voluntary not Mandatory
Informed consent
Culturally and contextually appropriate Pre and post
Guaranty for confidentiality.
Legal framework for HIV/AIDS Care
Indirect Testing, Screening of Blood, Semen and
Body parts Donated.
Screening blood and body parts for HIV/AIDS without
the consent of the donor may be unlawful and
actionable in law;
Legal framework for HIV/AIDS Care
• Pre-Natal Testing and Testing of New-borns
All pregnant women or girls should be routinely
counselled about the advantages and
disadvantages of HIV testing and offered
voluntary HIV testing.
Legal framework for HIV/AIDS Care
• Confidentiality and dilemma
– Dilemma between the need to encourage HIV testing
and the need to prevent transmissions.
Legal framework for HIV/AIDS Care
• Victims of rape and those
– How does one get to know the HIV-status of the
“rapist”? especially if he is not apprehended.
Legal framework for HIV/AIDS Care
• Deliberately infected by others
– Does ARV prophylaxis given to those who believe
they have been exposed to HIV in consensual sex
either due to:
• Condom breakage
• Failure to employ condom use during sexual
• Those deliberately infected by others
Legal framework for HIV/AIDS Care
The unborn baby and mother to child transmission
• Is there need for routine administration of ARVs?
• What is the legal position on the testing of pregnant
• Do we need the consent of the partner for the
administration of ARVs on pregnant women?
Summary of Chapter 9
Review Questions:
• What rights and privileges do persons infected
with HIV have?